Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1939: 5 robbery

The dark red light group wrapped Ji Tianxing and lasted for half an hour.

This time the Inner Demon Tribulation was extremely long, and Ji Tianxing endured all kinds of tests in the Inner Demon's dream.

However, half an hour later, he still survived without danger.

The blood-red light group gradually dissipated, and he opened his eyes, exuding a powerful and majestic aura.

Every time the Heart Demon Tribulation is an extremely dangerous calamity, it will be wiped out with a difference of thought.

But after he has survived the catastrophe, he will face his heart and see the memory in the soul.

That is the imprint of time and reincarnation, both of which are indelible.

Ji Tianxing looked up at the vortex of Jieyun in the sky, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It seemed to be contemptuous, and it seemed to be ridiculous, and somewhat frivolous and arrogant.

No one knows what he has experienced.

No one knows how he feels at the moment.


Thunder exploded, and the eighth thunder came.

The thousands of meters long colorful sky thunder, like a dragon descending into the world, crashed into Ji Tianxing.

The colorful thunder and fire illuminating the world, wrapped Ji Tianxing in it, and burned him crazily.

Standing calmly in the air, he was tortured by the sky wind, fire and thunder, and once again used the wind and fire to temper his flesh.

Although his physical body had reached the peak of the Tribulation, it was extremely close to the limit.

But he still refused to give up any opportunity to temper his body.

Because he knows that the real limit is...There is never a limit!

Thousands of years ago, he traveled in the Dragon Realm for many years, increasing his extensive experience and knowledge.

He knew that among the tens of thousands of races in the heavens and myriad worlds, the dragon race had the strongest body and the most supernatural powers.

In the same realm of strength and fair play, almost no race can exceed the dragon's combat power.

And among the secret methods of the dragon clan, there is a special skill that is different, the sword goes slant, and can become a **** in the flesh.

If you don't practice martial arts spells, you just continuously use various methods to temper your physical body to infinitely increase the physical strength, and you can also reach the gods.

Moreover, such a strong person who becomes a **** can easily crush opponents of the same realm.

In his previous life, Ji Tianxing was inspired by this, and he also tried to practice this technique.

It's a pity that the effect is not great, far inferior to his kendo practice, and the speed of improving his strength is faster.

But now it's different. He lives again for the first time, experiencing nine calamities again.

He wants to use the terrifying power of heaven to temper his body, constantly tap his own potential, and open up the limit!

Although he is the reincarnation of the sword god, he will not follow the old path step by step.

He wants to make up for his regrets, try training methods he hasn't tried before, and create a brand new martial arts!

Unconsciously, another hour passed.

Ji Tianxing endured all kinds of torture, and finally succeeded in tempering, which doubled the strength of his body!

He unearthed more potential and allowed his limit to rise even more.

After the wind and fire dissipated, the vortex of the tribulation cloud swelled violently, and the ninth sky thunder descended.


With the sound of thunder resounding throughout the world, a huge multicolored beam of light burst down.

At that moment, the entire Tianzhu Mountain was illuminated by colorful rays of light, turning into a brilliant and colorful world.

Countless disciples were stabbed and couldn't open their eyes, as if violently blind, and could not see anything.

The dazzling multicolored beam of light, after hitting the middle of Ji Tianxing, turned into a light group of dozens of miles, enveloping him.

After a long time, the colorful rays of sunlight that illuminate the world slowly dissipated.

Above the dojo, there was only a light ball with a radius of fifty miles, suspended quietly.

Everyone looked confused, showing shock and doubts, whispering to each other.

No one knows what the ninth heavenly thunder is about immediately.

At this time, Ji Tianxing was trapped in an endless void, standing on a huge disk.

This multicolored array disk is a thousand miles in radius, like an island in the dark void.

The colorful rays of light are the majestic five-element aura, which runs endlessly.

Standing in the middle of the five elements array, Ji Tianxing calmly observed the surrounding situation, wondering what test this was.

"The five elements of spiritual energy form an array, hanging lonely in the void.

Apart from this, there is nothing more. Is this the test... the Five Elements Tribulation? "

Ji Tianxing was thinking, stepping across the five-element formation and flying towards the edge.

Soon, he flew to the edge of the formation and stood still, looking at the void in front of him, carefully observing.

There is no temperature, no air and aura, and no living things in the dark void.

There are only endless cold and dead silence, and terrifying void storms, turbulence, black holes, and so on.

Even the martial arts powerhouse can't cross the void, let alone stay in the void for a long time, otherwise they will die.

Only by reaching the Martial God Realm can you be qualified to roam in the void and across the entire star field.

Even if you encounter void storms and turbulence, you are qualified to fight and have the opportunity to escape.

Ji Tianxing relied on his physical strength and tried to step into the void.

He wanted to see if there was anything other than the Five Elements Array in this void.

However, as soon as he stepped into the void, he was bounced back by the invisible divine power and flew back hundreds of meters away.

He was unwilling and tried several more times, all of which ended in failure.

Moreover, he was shocked by the invisible divine power, and blood overflowed from his mouth and nose.

Undoubtedly, he was trapped in the Five Elements Formation, unable to leave at all.

Unless, he can resolve this Five Elements Tribulation.

He calmed down and observed carefully, and soon discovered that there was a light looming deep in the void.

He hurriedly used the secret technique of divine pupils, his pupils turned golden, and he fixed his eyes to the depths of the void.

After observing for a while, he could see clearly that the gleam of light was Tianzhu Mountain.

He could see the scene of Tianzhu Mountain, there were many palaces and houses, and many disciples, watching and talking on the edge of the temple.

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought about it, and immediately understood.

"I am trapped in the Five Elements Array~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The outside world is the top of Tianzhu Mountain, with an insurmountable void in between.

If I can't resolve the Five Elements Tribulation, I will be trapped here, and may even die.

Only by crossing the void can you leave the Five Elements Formation and return to the top of Tianzhu Mountain.

But how can I resolve the Five Elements Tribulation? How to cross the void? "

Ji Tianxing looked at the scene in the depths of the void, and then at the five-element array under his feet, frowning in thought.

After a while, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he immediately had an idea.

"Right! The power of the five elements is the root of all things in the world!

I haven't recovered my gods, and I can't create things out of thin air.

But I can use the power of the five elements array to create real mountains, rivers, flowers, trees, and trees to fill the dark void.

Only by using mountains and rivers as bridges can you cross the dark void, resolve the Five Elements Tribulation, and return to the top of Tianzhu Mountain! "

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