Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1940: Creation

Thinking of a way to resolve the Five Elements Tribulation, Ji Tianxing no longer hesitated.

He flew to the middle of the five-element formation, sat cross-legged in the formation, pinched the magic trick with both hands and started to cast the spell.

Under his control, the five-element aura in the colorful array began to flow faster.

The colorful beams of light flew out and hovered around him, like dragons.

"The vast world, the universe of the sun and the moon, the extreme of the five elements, the creation of a new life!!"

Ji Tianxing shouted solemnly, waved hundreds of colorful puppets, and flew into the void at the edge of the array.


The colorful horse training fell into the void, and a magical change occurred immediately.

The dark yellow soil aura quickly condenses into loess and rocks, spreading around, forming a broad earth.

The power of the five elements circulates, and the firewood generates soil, turning into a more turbulent soil force.

The dark yellow ground grows wildly, uplifting at a very fast speed, forming mounds, and then into mountains.

Ji Tianxing continued to cast spells, manipulating the power of the five elements array, and continuously injected into the void.

The one hundred feet high hill also grew rapidly, turning into a more majestic mountain, and spreading towards the depths of the void.

At the same time, green grasses, vines and saplings began to appear on the bare mountain peaks, growing wildly at an incredible speed.

Time passed silently, and an hour passed quickly.

In the void on the edge of the array, the original mountain peak has become a green mountain range, extending for a hundred miles, continuously spreading towards the depths of the void.

Ji Tianxing was still sitting in the middle of the formation, waving his palms with a solemn expression, manipulating the five elements' aura.

The power of the five elements array is endless, as if it will never dry up.

Three hours later, the mountain range had grown to more than 400 miles, and it was only more than 300 miles away from the light in the depths of the void.

Ji Tianxing cast the spell for three hours in a row, creating something out of thin air, as if he was creating a miracle.

His soul was consumed quite a bit, his expression was a bit tired, and fine beads of sweat came out of his forehead.

Unconsciously, two more hours passed.

The towering green mountain range has stretched for eight hundred miles, and finally crossed the dark void and touched the light.

Ji Tianxing breathed a sigh of relief and slowly ended the spell.


The five elements array lit up with dazzling brilliance and turned into a huge vortex, enveloping Ji Tianxing.

The majestic and mighty five elements aura, like a torrential flood, crazily poured into his body.

There is no doubt that he has successfully resolved the Five Elements Tribulation, which is the reward given to him by Heaven.

He opened his arms and accepted the five elements aura, transformed it into mana, and quickly improved his strength.

After just a quarter of an hour, his body was filled with the aura of the five elements.

Even if he compresses mana five times, he can't hold more mana, and he has reached the limit.

But he only swallowed 20%, and the remaining 80% of the five elements of aura will be wasted.

So, he used his mind to control the dzi bead in his mind, and madly swallowed those five elements aura.

This method really worked.

The little Sky Filling Bead, like a bottomless pit, quickly swallowed all the Five Elements Spiritual Energy.

The Bu Dzi Bead became more dazzling and its strength increased several times.

But Ji Tianxing could feel that these five element auras were just a little appetizer for the dzi bead.

Even with ten times or twenty times more aura, it can be swallowed.

The colorful array gradually disappeared, and Ji Tianxing turned and left contentedly.

He set foot on the lofty mountains, along the lush forested mountains, walked towards the depths of the void.

After a hundred breaths of time, he arrived at the end of the mountain range and stepped into the light.


Guanghua flashed, it was like passing through a layer of light curtain or a layer of colorful mirror, leaving the void world and returning to the top of Tianzhu Mountain.

He appeared in the sky above the dojo, safe and sound, and his strength surged twice.

At the same time, the colorful light group in the sky dissipated, and the Five Elements Tribulation was completely over.

The robbery cloud vortex in the high sky also turned into a sacred golden light, falling from the sky, covering Ji Tianxing's figure.

He has accumulated too many five element spiritual energy in his body, and he cannot hold more mana for the time being.

However, this sacred golden light is a special divine power.

After entering his body, it poured into his soul, and quickly grew his power.

In just a few short breaths of time, his spirit has expanded three times, and the sea of ​​consciousness has become broader.

After the divine soul power increased, it also reached the limit, which matched his mana and physical body.

Moreover, the benefits of the power of the soul is obvious.

His divine consciousness is even stronger, covering a radius of five hundred li, in every possible way.

The sea of ​​knowledge can contain more information, the aptitude and comprehension are also much improved, and the reaction is faster...

All in all, Ji Tianxing successfully survived the Tribulation and reached the fourth stage of Transcendence.

His strength has improved in all aspects, more than three times stronger than before!

When he refined the sacred golden light and opened his eyes, the sharp golden light burst into his eyes, and his whole body also exuded the majesty and domineering of the world!

The disciples of the disciples around the dojo were still immersed in shock, surprise and discussion.

Feeling the majesty and domineering of Ji Tianxing, everyone was shocked, and there was a deep awe in their hearts, and they naturally bent down to salute.

"Congratulations to Master Ji for successfully crossing the catastrophe!"

"Congratulations, Master Ji for his great accomplishment!"

Countless people saluted neatly and shouted in admiration.

Ji Tianxing looked around with majestic eyes, then retracted his gaze, stepped across the sky, and left the dojo.

Under everyone's gaze, he returned to Tianzhu Palace.

He wants to meditate and adjust his breath for two days, refine the five elements aura stored in his body, and stabilize the foundation of martial arts.

Otherwise, the spiritual energy stored in the body reaches its limit, which will greatly weaken his combat effectiveness ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ may burst him at any time.

After he left, the disciples on the dojo still refused to leave, and still gathered in groups to discuss the previous events.

Today's knowledge refreshed everyone's understanding of the catastrophe, which was really eye-opening.

Many disciples of the disciples are feeling that being able to witness such a unique and powerful tribulation is definitely the greatest luck in their lives.

To be able to watch the enchanting genius like Ji Tianxing go through the calamity and observe the process of the tragedy clearly is not only lucky for everyone, but also a great help and inspiration.

Everyone admired Ji Tianxing's five-body throwing to the ground, and they all expected him to break through the Martial Saint realm and take over as the head.

At that time, there will be two martial sages in Tianzhu Mountain, and there will be a first genius in ancient and modern times, who will be able to become famous in the Shenwu Continent and create greater glory!

With such feelings and expectations, everyone is full of hope and longing for the future of Tianzhu Mountain.

It wasn't until an hour later that hundreds of disciples gradually dispersed, and they all went back to practice with great energy.

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