Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1941: Broken Soul Cliff

Two days passed in a flash.

Ji Tianxing meditated and adjusted his breath for two days in the secret room, and he had completely transformed the aura in his body.

His martial arts foundation has been firmly established, his strength has also been steadily rising, and his state has reached its peak.

That night, after he finished his cultivation, he ordered Zhibai to send a message and let Taoist Huanglong come to see him.

After a while, Taoist Huanglong came to see him in the secret room.

"Disciples see Master. Congratulations to Master for successfully overcoming the catastrophe, and your strength has risen again!"

Taoist Huanglong bowed his hands and said respectfully.

Ji Tianxing raised his hand, motioned him to stand up and speak, and asked: "You have been busy performing tasks for the past ten days. How effective is it?"

Daoist Huang Long showed relief and reported: "Master, don't worry, things are going well! The disciples have comforted the disciples and doubled their cultivation resources.

Coupled with the fact that the master passed through the catastrophe in public, the disciples of the disciples were more energetic and emotional.

Now the disciples in the school are very united and united, and they all look forward to the development and expansion of the school and rebuild its glory.

As for the nine sects and eighteen sects, the disciples also summoned the leaders of the various sects and laid down rules and agreements for them.

After two negotiations, all factions accepted the provisions of cooperative offense and defense.

In addition, the rewards for the merits and deeds mentioned by Master also greatly boosted the morale of the various sects and are quite interested..."

After listening to the report from the Taoist Huanglong, Ji Tianxing was relieved, and said solemnly: "Huanglong, next you stay at Tianzhu Mountain, you must take strict precautions and guard the safety of this door.

I have to go out to work as a teacher, and I am afraid it will take a month or two to come back. "

Taoist Huanglong was taken aback, and asked with all doubts: "Master, the situation in Tianzhu Mountain has stabilized, what else do you have to go out for so long?"

Ji Tianxing explained in a low tone: "Bei Mingshan has created a group of blood gods, who can be called perfect peerless soldiers, and they are rushing to the northern battlefield of the Luoshui Kingdom.

Once the blood gods are allowed to join the battlefield, they will surely set off a **** wave and create a terrible tragedy.

As a teacher, you must personally try to intercept and kill those blood gods, and you must not let them rush to the battlefield of Northern Xinjiang! "

When Taoist Huanglong heard this, he shook his head again and again, and said worriedly: "Master, do you want to act alone? This is absolutely impossible, it is too dangerous!

Moreover, the power of the Luoshui Divine Kingdom is strong, and it will find a way to resolve the crisis, and you don't need to act!

You only need to pass the news to the Kingdom of Luoshui, why bother to take the risk yourself?

In short, the disciple disagrees with you unless you let the disciple follow and protect..."

Ji Tianxing looked at him solemnly, and said in a majestic tone: "Huang Long, are the previous lessons not enough?

How can you and I leave at the same time? One person must be left to guard Tianzhu Mountain!

Besides, the teacher knows the Blood God Child best.

Only by acting for the teacher himself can he intercept and kill those blood gods.

The Luoshui Divine Kingdom is indeed powerful, but they are tired of defense and cannot completely kill the Blood God Child.

We cannot sit idly by, and must attack the demons at the right time.

Once the Kingdom of Luoshui is lost, it is not only the Kingdom of Luoshui that suffers.

The next goal of the Mozu is Tianzhu Mountain!

As a teacher, I believe you will definitely understand the truth of lip and tooth cold! "

Taoist Huanglong hesitated for a while, and some reluctantly persuaded: "Master, the disciples understand what you mean, but the disciples really don't worry about going alone..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Tianxing waved his hand to interrupt him, and said decisively: "You have decided to be a teacher, you don't have to say more."

Taoist Huanglong sighed silently, but he could only bow his hands and said: "Disciples obey orders! Master, please rest assured that the disciples will guard Tianzhu Mountain without any mistakes.

But please be careful when you act, and you must ensure your own safety. "

"I understand for the teacher." Ji Tianxing nodded and waved for him to retreat.

The people of Huanglongdao saluted and left the secret room.

Ji Tianxing left Tianzhu Palace alone and came to the middle of the dojo.

The Sky Burial Sword flew out of the sword stele and turned into a ray of black light into his arm.

Then, he flew into the sky alone and left Tianzhu Mountain.

As for Heilong and Qianyue, they are still practicing in the Star God Furnace.

After all, the two of them are about to cross the catastrophe, staying in Tianzhu Mountain to practice is the right way.

After leaving Tianzhu Mountain, Ji Tianxing galloped on the high sky and went straight to the east.

A few million miles to the southeast, across one hundred thousand mountains, is the border of the Kingdom of Luoshui.

And six million miles away from the east is Beiming Mountain where the demons are located.

Ji Tianxing estimated that when he hurried to the vicinity of Beiming Mountain, the blood **** children had left Beiming Mountain long ago and were on their way to Luoshui Divine Kingdom.

So, while galloping in the sky, he took out a map to check the route.

The special gold paper map shows the topography of Shenwu Continent in detail.

Especially important areas such as the Three Kingdoms of God, Beiming Mountain, Shenxu and Tianzhu Mountain, are marked in great detail.

From Beiming Mountain to the northern border battlefield of Luoshui Divine Kingdom, the straight-line distance is about 6 million miles.

Among them, it will definitely pass through places such as Baibone Mountain, Ten Thousand Poison Valley, Black Cloud Mountain Range and Broken Soul Cliff.

Ji Tianxing wrote down this route, thinking silently in his heart: "At the speed of the blood **** children, I should be able to reach the Black Cloud Mountain Range in 20 days, and I can also arrive at that time.

If they were on the way in a catastrophic flying boat, they would definitely be near Soul Breaking Cliff in twenty days.

In that case, I rushed to Broken Soul Cliff to intercept them! "

After making up his mind, Ji Tianxing put away the map and rushed to the east with all his might.


For the next twenty days, Ji Tianxing has been on his way.

During this period, he traversed one hundred thousand mountains and spanned more than five million miles.

Although, in this vast and remote mountain range, there are countless savage monsters lurking, and many of them are top robbers.

But he flew too fast, and his breath was very concealed. It was difficult for ordinary monsters to find him.

Even if some top-tier robbery monsters can detect his aura, they dare not attack rashly, let alone catch up with him.

The journey was full of surprises, and it was safe and smooth.

On the evening of the twenty-first day, as the setting sun sets, Ji Tianxing finally arrived at Broken Soul Cliff.

Broken Soul Cliff is one of the most dangerous forbidden places in the hundred thousand mountains, and almost no warriors and adventurers come here.

From here, it was only a few hundred thousand miles away from the northern border of the Kingdom of Luoshui ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing came near the Broken Soul Cliff and slowed down his flight speed.

He used the secret method of the whole sky to hide his breath, walk through the clouds, and silently observe the situation below.

I saw that there were rolling mountains in all directions.

In the dark green mountains, there will be a thousand-foot-high peaks every short distance.

The peaks are steep and straight, and the peaks are hidden by white clouds and thick fog.

The mountains are obscured by thick clouds, the light is rather gloomy, and the setting sun hardly shines.

The mountain was extremely quiet, and it seemed a little strange.

As for the famous Broken Soul Cliff, of course it is a cliff that is ten thousand feet deep.

Viewed from the front, it is a towering mountain with a height of two thousand feet.

Behind the mountain is a nearly straight cliff and a dark abyss.

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