Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1958: 5th layer

Although, Ji Tianxing made up his mind to go to Shenxu.

But he was not in a hurry.

The secret realm of the yin and yang dual sages sitting and transforming, is it possible for those who are waiting to enter at will?

Even if the forces of various countries and many adventurers flock in, there is no need to worry at all.

Secret realms and treasures can only be obtained by the predestined.

It's not that whoever comes first can get first.

Ji Tianxing decided to retreat and practice for a few days, as soon as possible to attack the fifth layer of the Tribulation Realm.

After all, his strength has reached the peak of the fourth level, not far from the fifth level.

After he was ready, he went through the dark tunnel in the corner of the secret room and entered the underground star furnace.


He stretched his limbs and dived into the silver-white sea of ​​fire, allowing the stars and divine fire to burn his body.

He shuttled in the sea of ​​fire, like a fish, swimming quickly to the center of the sea of ​​fire, sitting on the torch of stars.

Then, he concentrated on using the Star Body Refining Technique, drawing on the stars and divine fire to temper the body.


Eight days passed quickly.

Ji Tianxing spent eight days in the Star God Furnace cultivating concentratedly without being disturbed by anyone.

After these eight days of concentrated cultivation, he not only strengthened his physical body to the extreme, but also absorbed massive stars and divine fire.

His strength increased by 80%, reaching the four-fold limit of crossing the Tribulation Realm.

So, he ended his cultivation and left the Star God Furnace.

After returning to the secret room, there was a natural induction in his mind.

In the dark, the heavens descended hazy thoughts.

His fifth catastrophe was just two days later.

After determining the date of crossing the robbery, Ji Tianxing meditated and adjusted his breath with peace of mind.

He must adjust to the best condition to welcome the arrival of the catastrophe.

Of course, within these two days, he will continue to condense sword intent.

Refining the sword intent now can not only greatly enhance the combat effectiveness, but the most important thing is to prepare for the future.

When he returns to the martial sage realm, he will hide the sword in the void and impere the sword.

Without his own sword intent, his power would be greatly reduced.

Unconsciously, two days passed.

In the early morning of the third day, Ji Tianxing finished his practice and walked out of the secret room.

After two days of cultivation, his sword intent became more solid, and he was about to condense successfully soon.

Of course, this is the future.

What we need to do now is to survive the fifth catastrophe.

Ji Tianxing stepped unhurriedly, stepped out of Tianzhu Palace, and came to the dojo with a radius of 100 miles.

At this moment, when the morning sun rises, the warm and welcoming sunlight falls on the dojo.

As soon as the morning mist cleared, the air was still filled with fresh aura.

More than 30 outer disciples wearing Tsing Yi are practicing swords on the dojo.

Everyone's movements were neat and uniform, and the sword energy burst out as the sword light flickered, showing a heroic posture.

Although those disciples only practiced Tianzhushan's introductory swordsmanship, the swordsmanship created by the Sword God.

However, everyone practiced very carefully, and the techniques were so perfect that they had obviously worked hard for many years.

Ji Tianxing was satisfied, and couldn't help showing a smile of relief.

When he walked to the middle of the dojo and prepared to meet the catastrophe, the group of disciples just finished their sword practice.

The crowd gathered in groups to exchange martial arts and swordsmanship experience.

Suddenly someone saw Ji Tianxing and suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Look! It's Master Ji!"

This shout, like a stone thrown into the lake, immediately splashed with ripples.

The rest of the disciples were all startled and looked towards the middle of the dojo.

After seeing Ji Tianxing, everyone showed excitement, cheering and talking.

"I haven't seen him for three months, Master Ji has appeared again!"

"Hahaha... Young Master Ji is a dragon who sees the head but not the end, he must overcome the catastrophe every time he appears!"

"I bet that Young Master Ji is in retreat for three months and is about to overcome the catastrophe again!"

"Look, everyone, the celestial phenomenon has changed, it must be a cloud of robbery!"

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and inform the other brothers and sisters to watch Master Ji cross the robbery!"

Most of the disciples in Tsing Yi left the dojo in a hurry to inform others.

The remaining Tsing Yi disciples also consciously retreated to the edge of the dojo and watched enthusiastically.

The high sky is surging with wind and clouds, and there are boundless gray clouds rushing, gathering over Tianzhu Mountain.

After about half an hour, the gray clouds of thousands of miles gathered and turned into a vortex of black clouds covering the dojo.

The rising sun was shaded, and the top of Tianzhu Mountain became gloomy.

The terrifying and terrifying Tianma might radiate from the vortex of the robbery cloud and enveloped Tianzhu Mountain.

There are also purple, gold and blue lightning flashes that flicker and explode in the whirlpool.

Hundreds of people who rushed to hear the news gathered around the dojo, looking forward to it.

Ji Tianxing stood calmly in the middle of the dojo, exuding the aura of heaven and earth.

Soon, the first sky thunder came down.


Just as Ji Tianxing had expected, this was his fifth time crossing the Tribulation, and five heavenly thunders were blasted down in the Jieyun Vortex.

The colors of the five heavenly thunders are different, they are gold, red, purple, blue... and a black thunder!

This black thunder contains the power of annihilation and is unpredictable.

Ji Tianxing had already seen it the last time he crossed the Tribulation.

He calmly raised his palms without fear.

With the **** in the left palm, the **** were brought together, pinching the tactics of the soul of the sword, and stabbing nine times in the sky.


Nine golden light giant swords came into being, carrying the power to destroy everything, blasting against the five heavenly thunders.

He circled his right palm and shot a mysterious black light, which turned into a huge whirlpool and flew into the sky.

Only heard the loud noise of "Boom Boom Boom", Jian Guang blasted the five heavenly thunders to smash on the spot.

Thousands of thunder fragments fell down, just shrouded in a black light vortex, and was immediately swallowed by Ji Tianxing.

The first sky thunder was so lightly dispelled by him.

Next, the second and third sky thunder descended in the Jieyun Vortex.

Regardless of whether ten sky thunders are smashed at the same time or twenty sky thunders are blasted down, the result is the same.

Ji Tianxing shot sword light in his left palm and whirlpool in his right palm, easily defeating the sky thunder and swallowing it all.

As soon as the sky thunder passed three times, the vortex of Jieyun accelerated and began to change.

When the fourth sky thunder came down, the number of thunder beams reached as many as forty.

Moreover, every thunder beam has five colors.

The power of the five attributes is mixed together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The power has increased several times!

The most frightening thing is that the forty sky thunders are arranged in an orderly manner, containing the mystery of the heavens, the might of the formation, and it is even more terrifying.

Ji Tianxing had to be cautious and used ten percent of his strength to resist.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the fourth, fifth, and sixth Tian Lei were all resolved by him.

Even if the sky thunder hits for the sixth time, there are as many as one hundred and sixty thunders, dense like a sword array and a rain of arrows.

He also defeated all the Thunder and swallowed and refined them.

He was unscathed and looked relaxed and free.

For him, no matter how powerful the first six sky thunders are, it is just an appetizer.

The real highlight is the last three thunders.

He was just curious in his heart, what kind of catastrophe will be the ultimate test of this tribulation?

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