Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1959: Time flies

The six heavenly thunders have passed, and the Jieyun Vortex has begun to change again.

The pitch-black Jieyun Vortex quickly became a dark red blood.

The seventh sky thunder finally came.

A dark red, **** sky thunder blasted down and turned into a large cloud of blood that enveloped Ji Tianxing.

This is the heart devil robbery.

Ji Tianxing was enveloped in blood, and his spirit consciousness was plunged into an illusion, suffering the test of his heart demon.

All kinds of illusions struck, all kinds of bizarre, yet traceable pictures, constantly torturing his spirit.

His will bears great stimulation and test.

But he always kept his heart, not to waver.

Soon, half an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing finally turned the evil into good fortune, and successfully resolved the evil spirit.

The dark red blood that enveloped him quickly collapsed.

Then, the eighth thunder descended.


A multicolored sky thunder that was thousands of meters long, like a dragon, blasted down from the vortex of robbery.

This is a catastrophe, Ji Tianxing can neither evade nor resist, but can only withstand the test.

After the sky thunder struck him, it immediately turned into a colorful and brilliant thunder fire, wrapping his body.

The sky thunder of five attributes envelops him, slashing his body fiercely.

The blazing nine-day wind and mysterious black flames poured into him one after another, burning his blood, marrow, and internal organs.

Ji Tianxing accepted it calmly, and tempered the law body with the help of wind and fire.

His skin and flesh continued to fester, burned to black ashes, scattered in the sky.

However, he quickly grew new flesh and blood, and he was stronger than before.

It took a full quarter of an hour before the disaster gradually dissipated.

He successfully survived the disaster and tempered the law body, and his strength more than doubled.

Eight heavenly thunders had passed, and the Jieyun Vortex suddenly slowed down.

The vortex with a radius of hundreds of miles began to shrink and condense rapidly, becoming more and more solid.

In the dark clouds, there are more colorful glare and flashes, which emit mysterious power.

Ji Tianxing looked up at the vortex of Tribulation Clouds, and mumbled expectantly: "I have gone through the Tribulation of Seven Loves, Tribulation of Reincarnation, Tribulation of Time and Space, and Tribulation of Five Elements, what is this time?"

After about a hundred breaths of time, the Jieyun Vortex shrank ten times, becoming only ten miles in radius.

Finally, the ninth thunder came.


A dazzling multicolored sky thunder blasted down from the robbery cloud vortex.

At that moment, the earth-shaking thunder shook the sky.

The entire Tianzhu Mountain was shaken, and the world was filled with indescribable powers.

The extremely dazzling glare illuminates the entire Tianzhu Mountain, and everyone who stings can't open their eyes.

Ji Tianxing was suppressed by the invisible power of heaven, and under unimaginable pressure, his expression turned pale.

After the colorful sky thunder hit him, it immediately turned into a ball of colorful glare, enveloping him.

After a long time, peace between heaven and earth returned.

Only that group of colorful glare in a radius of ten miles, quietly suspended in the sky above the dojo.

Hundreds of disciples around the dojo watched this scene suspiciously, talking in whispers.

No one knew what the mystery of this sky thunder was.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing was in a vast world.

The sky is blue, and there are white clouds floating in the sky.

A round of golden scorching sun hung diagonally from the west on the horizon, shed hundreds of millions of miles of golden light.

Ji Tianxing stood on the top of a high mountain with a large bluestone at his feet.

It is surrounded by dense forests, full of towering trees.

The forest is dark, the ground is full of flowers, vines, and clusters of bushes.

There are flocks of flying birds with gorgeous feathers chatting on the branches in the forest.

There are also many snakes, insects and beasts, quietly walking through the forest, making the sound of "Xi Xi Su Suo".

Looking into the distance, at the foot of the mountain is a vast grassland with green weeds.

Over the grassland, flocks of birds flew by, and tigers, leopards, and jackals with vigorous statures prey on each other in the grass.

At the end of the grassland, there is a mirror-like lake, reflecting sparkling waves.

The farther horizon was blocked by a dark green mountain range.

Standing on the bluestone, Ji Tianxing had a panoramic view of everything around him.

Breathing the fresh and pleasant air and feeling the mighty spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth, he just felt refreshed.

"Such a picturesque, peaceful and pleasant world is a treasure place for self-cultivation and retreat.

However, I am in the midst of a catastrophe, and this space is definitely a test! "

This thought flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind, and he remained vigilant at all times.

He stepped into the sky and flew across the grassland like a streamer to the end of the horizon.

First of all, he must understand this space and figure out what test it is in order to resolve it.

After two quarters of an hour, he flew over the grassland, over the towering mountains, and reached the end of the horizon.

At the end is endless darkness, nothing, closed by the power of the invisible heaven.

He turned around and flew away again, exploring the size of this space.

After about an hour, he figured it out.

This is a space with a prescription for thousands of miles, like a small world.

There are mountains and waters, flowers and trees, birds and beasts, and all creatures. It is no different from the Five Elements World.

It's just that this small world is wrapped in endless darkness and blocked by the power of heaven.

He was trapped in a small world and couldn't get out at all.

"Is it like the Five Elements Tribulation last time, I have to use the power of the small world to break through the dark blockade?

It should be impossible, the final test of the tribulation is different every time.

The test of the tribulation is definitely not the Five Elements Tribulation..."

Standing high above the sky, Ji Tianxing frowned into thought.

In the end, he decided to give it a try.

He flew to the end of the small world and manipulated the power of the five elements to condense the mountain range and extend into the darkness.

However, the dark void is like an invisible wall that no force can enter.

He tried to step into the darkness, but when he first encountered the darkness, he was shocked and flew back.

As he expected, the Dark Void was blocked by Heaven, and there was absolutely no possibility for him to escape.

If you want to resolve the test of the catastrophe, you can only start from the small world.

For the next half month, Ji Tianxing has been wandering in the small world, looking for clues to resolve the test.

However, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he turned the whole small world several times, but he still found nothing and had no clue.

He was trapped in this small world, unable to escape at all.

However, when he wandered in the small world, he discovered a strange thing.

There is no night in the small world, it is always day.

The jackals, tigers, leopards, birds and beasts he had seen before were also growing at an exaggerated rate.

The most important thing is that the flow of time in the small world is more than a thousand times faster than the outside world!

He wandered in the small world for half a month, which is equivalent to fifty years!

In fifty years, small saplings became towering trees, birds and beasts became spirits, wolves, tigers and leopards became monsters.

He has also become senile himself, and his face looks like a man in his thirties.

This discovery made Ji Tianxing's mind flashed a flash of light, vaguely guessing the test of the catastrophe.

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