Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1960: The Great Tribulation

"Does the test of the catastrophe have something to do with time?"

This is Ji Tianxing's first thought.

He is very clear that there are many powers in the world.

For example, the five elements, space, thunder and wind and rain, etc., can all be controlled by martial artists.

Only the power of time is the most mysterious and the most difficult to master.

Warriors below the gods can only use certain formations and refining materials to change the flow rate of time.

If you want to truly control time, it is only possible to reach the gods.

But when he thought about it, he didn't seem to be right.

"I have survived time and space before, so there is no reason to have another time test?"

With full of doubts, Ji Tianxing continued to wander in the small world.

Soon, another six months passed.

With his concept of time, half a year has passed in the small world.

But in fact, six hundred years have passed in the small world!

The grassland that was once turned into a forest, and many towering trees withered and senescence.

The newborn birds and beasts become spirits, and the aging monsters gradually die.

In the small world, scenes of rebirth and death are staged every day.

Ji Tianxing's shape and face gradually changed, becoming a middle-aged man in his forties.

He has explored the small world with a radius of thousands of miles, and the familiar can no longer be familiar.

But he still doesn't have a clue, he doesn't know what the test is, and how to resolve it.

He can only practice in the small world, waiting silently.

Unconsciously, six years have passed.

Ji Tianxing's strength reached the five-fold limit of crossing the Tribulation Realm, but he could no longer improve.

Great changes have taken place in the small world over the past seven thousand years.

The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life, the scene of new life and death, he saw in his eyes.

And his own appearance has also undergone tremendous changes.

He became old and weak, and became a grandfather with gray hair and white beard hanging down his chest.

Even his strength also declined, his realm continued to fall, and his mana became more and more exhausted.

Such a scene made him anxious and worried, and said with complex emotions: "No matter how high the wisdom of the martial artist, it will not be able to withstand the passage of time and the erosion of the vicissitudes of life.

Even the mighty Valkyrie powerhouse cannot escape the limit of ten thousand years.

After all, it will be wiped out, turned into dust, and returned to the world.

Only the world will last, no matter how many tens of thousands of years, it will not disappear! "

Thinking of this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"All creatures cannot escape the ten-thousand-year limit, even if the Martial God is no exception, only the world will last...

Could it be that... the test of the tribulation this time has something to do with heaven and earth? "

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing had Mingwu in his heart, and a light flashed in his deep eyes.

He hurriedly used the secret method of the chaotic sky to merge himself with the heaven and the earth.


In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared, and he merged with Qianli Tiandi.

At the same time, the small world of peace and tranquility began to change drastically.

The sun that always hangs in the sky gradually disappears into the darkness.

The small world lost its light and was shrouded in boundless darkness.

Immediately afterwards, the aura of heaven and earth quickly passed away, and even the air disappeared.

After just a few years, the small world became a vacuum zone, no different from the dark void.

Flowers, plants and trees began to decline and wither, and vast expanses of forests and grasslands were turned into ashes and dust.

Those flying birds and beasts also quickly disappeared, and even the monster beasts with mana gradually withered and died.

Fifty years later, the small world has become a dark, cold world, without life.

Everything is gone, leaving only the cold earth.

Of course, the only life that survived was Ji Tianxing.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing finally understood.

"That's it! I understand, this is a catastrophe!"

When he was in the upper realm, he had heard the legend of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth and the Five Decays of Heaven and Man.

Under the cover of the will of heaven, every world is in reincarnation, and all creatures have their limits.

From rebirth, growth to prosperity, then to decline, demise and rebirth, it repeats itself again and again.

In the low-level small world, one hundred thousand years is often a cycle.

It usually only takes a hundred thousand years for all creatures to regenerate, reproduce, develop, grow, and prosper until the great catastrophe comes.

A big world like the Five Elements World is generally a cycle of hundreds of thousands to millions of years.

The first appearance of the world was a cold and dead wasteland, icebergs and sea, without any living things.

Until the emergence of the five elements aura, flowers, trees, and all creatures appeared in the world.

Then, in the long years, all creatures have grown, thrived, and gradually possessed wisdom...

When the world develops to the extreme, all creatures multiply and grow to the limit, the heaven and the earth will come.

All living beings will be destroyed and returned to heaven and earth.

Until the next era, the world will be born again...

Of course, no matter how many reincarnations the world goes through, only the world will last!

Knowing all this, Ji Tianxing suddenly understood and no longer worried.

"The changes in this small world are the epitome of each world.

The great calamity of heaven and earth will come, and all living beings will be destroyed, even if the warrior is strong.

Only incarnation of heaven and earth can escape the catastrophe and survive. "

Ji Tianxing made up his mind, and tried his best to use the secret method to integrate the wider world as much as possible.

As time goes by, the world with a radius of thousands of miles is gradually shrinking and dissipating.

Soon, more than two thousand years passed.

The world shrank by more than half, leaving only a radius of about three thousand miles.

Ji Tianxing was in these three thousand miles of heaven and earth, supporting him very tiredly, waiting for his new life.

His spirit and mana were exhausted and he was on the verge of coma.

Up to now, he has spent thousands of years in this small world.

The catastrophe period has passed, and a new life is coming.

A dazzling golden light appeared above Ji Tianxing.

The sun reappeared, bright sunshine illuminating the world of three thousand miles.

The power of the five elements gradually emerged, bringing vitality to this world.

The aura of heaven and earth reappeared, and the cold desert turned into mountains, and saplings and buds grew.

In just a few decades, the world of Three Thousand Miles was restored to its original appearance, full of mountains, forests, grasslands and lakes.

Birds and beasts appeared one after the other and thrived ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The small world also began to expand, growing to four thousand miles, five thousand miles, six thousand miles...

A hundred years later, the small world has grown to a radius of thousands of miles and returned to its original appearance.

Just as Ji Tianxing had just entered this place, it was like a picturesque and abundant treasure place!

Until this time, Ji Tianxing's test finally ended.

He successfully survived the catastrophe.


The brilliance flashed, and the world of Wanli became distorted and blurred, and quickly disappeared.

On the dojo on the top of Tianzhu Mountain, the colorful glare in a radius of ten miles quickly faded and disappeared.

Ji Tianxing's figure appeared, standing in the sky safe and sound.

Around the dojo, hundreds of disciples from the disciples all gave out cheers of surprise and excitement when they saw him passing the catastrophe safely.

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