Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1975: Primitive Demon God

Ji Tianxing was standing under the altar, among many statues.

He observed carefully and found that the thousands of monster statues were very old.

The carving technique is also very old, it doesn't look vivid enough, and it's a bit simple and vague.

Only the outline and appearance of those statues can be seen clearly, not delicate and vivid enough.

The surface of the stone sculpture is covered with traces of etching over the years, and it is already very rough and fuzzy.

Even if a slight air current blows over, fine stone dust will fall on the surface of the stone sculpture.

"At least ten thousand years."

Ji Tianxing came to a conclusion.

He stepped through the many statues and stepped onto the altar.

At the top of the altar, he observed the statue of the demon **** from a close range.

Although this statue of ten feet high is very old, its face is blurred.

But Ji Tianxing distinguished the physical characteristics of the statue and immediately guessed the answer.

"If I remember correctly, this demon **** statue should be the legendary six-armed King Kong war god."

Funeral Tian answered: "I guess so! The hundreds of millions of demons in the upper realm, it is recognized that the demons have seven ancestors and 42 primitive demons.

The six-armed King Kong God of War, is one of the forty-two primitive demon gods, whose status is comparable to that of a **** king!

It's just that these are the myths and legends of the Yaozu, which no one has seen with their own eyes.

Even if the ancestral halls and altars of the demon race can see the statues of the six-armed diamond war **** everywhere, that is also the fantasy of the demon race.

Does the six-armed king of war exist? What does the real body look like? No one knows the answer. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said in a calm tone: "We did not deal with the monster clan much back then, and we still knew about the monster clan.

Regardless of the existence of the Six-Armed King Kong God of War, hundreds of millions of demon races respect him as a primitive demon **** and have always worshipped him with incense.

With the faith of hundreds of millions of monsters, the six-armed diamond war **** will never fall, this is the way of the common people's consummation art.

So I guess that the yin and yang double sages came here, and it is very likely that they will get the common people's consonance. "

The funeral sky was silent for a while, and said in doubt: "I have observed that there are no monster characters on the altar and the statue of the demon god, only some ancient symbols, how can it be recorded?"

Ji Tianxing said with a certain tone: "The six palms of the six-armed God of War are holding the Superstar Sword, the Soul Chaser, the Eight Treasure Compass, the Scarlet Cloud Flag, the Sky Hammer and a Xing Code.

These five artifacts and Xing Dian represent its supreme power and dominance.

But in front of the statue, only five hands hold the five artifacts, but the sixth palm is empty. "

Funeral Tian immediately understood what he meant, "You mean, there should be a code in the sixth palm, but it was taken away?"

"Positive solution." Ji Tianxing nodded, "The artifacts in the five palms are just stone carvings. Of course, the yin and yang double sages will not take it.

If it were a real artifact, they would never let it go. "

Funeral Tian asked suspiciously, "But you just said that in the sixth palm, Xing Dian should be the demon god!"

Ji Tianxing showed a playful smile, "This is just a statue, how can it be possible to hold the real Xing Dian?

It looks like a code, in fact, the most likely thing is the common people's conjugal art! "

Funeral Tian agreed with this: "It makes sense! It seems that the statues of the demon gods, the altar and the thousands of statues of the demon race were built for the purpose of demonstrating the gods of the common people.

I don't know, who is the sacred person who refines this nine-day tower? What's the point? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "Continue to explore, it should not be difficult to find the answer."

So he left the altar holding the Heaven Burial Sword, and explored the surroundings of the square.

Two hours later, he explored all the second floor of the pagoda.

In the darkness around the square, there is an endless wasteland, and the ground is covered with gravel and waste soil.

Other than that, there is nothing.

Don't talk about buildings, there is not even a stone tablet or table.

Ji Tianxing had to return to the square and continue to observe the altar and the statue of the demon god.

"On the second floor, there is nothing else except this altar and these statues.

The double sage of Yin and Yang must have been here, but left no traces or clues.

It seems that if you want to climb the third floor of the pagoda, you still have to start with this altar. "

Ji Tianxing whispered, his eyes burning to observe the altar.

He used Wannian Divine Pupils, his pupils turned golden, and the scene in front of him immediately changed.

He looked through the black rock and saw the inside of the altar.

There was a blazing white light, floating quietly in the darkness.

That is the entrance to the third floor.

But he needs to try to start the big formation before he can open the passage entrance.

So he looked up at the statue of the demon god.

Inside the gray-brown statue, there are also strands of colorful brilliance, still flowing quietly.

Especially in the three heads and six arms, it is even more mysterious.

Ji Tianxing stared at the colorful veins, carefully observed the formation structure, and concentrated on analyzing.

Time passed silently.

Soon, an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing suddenly understood something, showing a sudden realization.

"That's it! I have always believed that this pagoda is a divine tool, and the formation in this altar must be an ancient divine formation.

Unexpectedly, the yin and yang double sages had long replaced the formations with the holy formations they mastered. "

Seeing the mystery of the formation, he began to crack the big formation.

He pinched the tactics with both hands, punched out thousands of colorful lines and injected them into the statue of the demon god.

Suddenly, the statue of the demon **** was covered with a layer of glare, exuding a sacred and majestic atmosphere.

Ji Tianxing cast more than 3,000 consecutive spells, and it took an hour to finally crack the formation.


The entire statue of the demon **** glowed with golden light, becoming sacred and majestic, with dazzling light.

Immediately afterwards, the interior of the altar lit up with a blazing light, forming a beam of light, rising into the sky.

This hundred-foot-high beam of light is connected to the dome above, not knowing where it leads.

Ji Tianxing no longer hesitated, holding the Heaven Burial Sword and stepping into the beam of light, his figure immediately disappeared.


The white light flickered and quickly disappeared.

The brilliance on the altar was condensed, it became cold and dead again, and the surroundings returned to darkness.

In the next moment, Ji Tianxing entered the third floor of the pagoda~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, the situation changed again on the top of the mountain outside the Yin-Yang mystery.

The mountain top with a radius of a hundred miles was still shrouded by the defensive formation of the Heavenly Broken League.

Although, most of Qin Haishan's elite and powerful men were severely injured by Ji Tianxing.

However, after two days of recuperation, everyone's injuries have stabilized and their combat effectiveness has been restored.

The forces of the Broken Sky Alliance are still strong, and still dominate the situation.

The various forces around the top of the mountain have accumulated to 36, with more than 300 people!

But the situation has not changed. The various forces can only look out of the big formation and dare not confront the Heavenly Broken Alliance.

This is when the morning sun is rising.

A golden light galloped from the south, piercing the sky like a meteor.

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