Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1976: Embarrassed


After a few breaths, Jin Guang came from the sky to the top of the mountain.

Jin Guang landed outside the large array and quickly gathered away.

A thin and long figure appeared immediately.

This is a middle-aged man with a height of seven feet and pale skin.

He was wearing a gray robe, a ponytail, and a beard on his lower jaw.

He has a thin face, dark and sharp eyes, and a gloomy atmosphere all over his body.

No one knows his realm of strength.

But his face and breath give people a feeling of extreme danger, keeping away from strangers.

This person came suddenly and immediately attracted the attention of various forces.

Everyone's attention was focused on the white-robed man, watching secretly.

Everyone is very puzzled, where is this person sacred?

How dare he fly in furiously and fall directly out of the Heavenly Broken Alliance?

Could it be that this person is also a Wusheng powerhouse who wants to challenge the Heavenly Broken Alliance?

The answer was soon revealed.

In the defensive formation, the powerhouses of the Heavenly Broken Alliance showed joy and relief.

Especially Qin Haishan was even more relieved.

He quickly flew out of the big array, saluting respectfully, to welcome the arrival of the white robe man.

"Qin Haishan, master of Baiji city rudder, welcome the visitor of Tianshang!"

The strong men around the top of the mountain suddenly changed their complexions when they heard Qin Haishan's voice, revealing a deep look of fear.

Many smart and powerful men walked away quietly and fled far away.

Everyone knows that the inspectors of the Heavenly Broken League are basically Wusheng powerhouses.

The Heavenly Broken Alliance was the only one in the world, but now there is another inspector who is even more powerful and unbeatable!

The various forces just want to stay away from this place, lest they be noticed by the inspectors and be slaughtered.

Tian Shang looked at Qin Haishan expressionlessly, and said in a low voice: "Lord Qin Ruo exempts the ceremony, let's talk inside."

Qin Haishan hurriedly bowed to salute and made a please gesture.

Tianshang stepped into the defensive array and walked straight to the entrance of the Yin-Yang mystery.

When he came under the golden and blue door, he stared sharply at the light door, watching quietly.

Qin Haishan was by the side, waiting patiently, not daring to interrupt.

After a long time, Tianshang showed a sneer and said: "It turns out that it is the long-lost Tiandu Ice and Fire Formation! It seems that this seat is really here!"

Qin Haishan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "Master Tianshang, it seems that you should be able to crack this battle easily?"

"That's natural!" There was a flash of arrogance in Tianshang's eyes, and he said in a majestic tone: "A thousand years ago, this seat has heard of the name of the double sage of Yin and Yang, and I admire it very much.

There are only three powerhouses most admired by this seat, the yin and yang double sage and the sword god, who know their deeds well.

This Tiandu Ice and Fire Array was originally the **** of the Great Sage of Tiandu three thousand years ago, but was later acquired by the Double Saints of Yin and Yang..."

After Tianshang finished speaking, Qin Haishan hurriedly flattered and said with a smile: "Master Tianshang is pedantic to the heavens and humans. He has learned everything from ancient times to the present. I really admire his subordinates!

I wonder if you can start breaking the battle now? Do you need to subordinate to clear the field and drive away all the obtrusive fish? "

In the past few days, Qin Haishan suffocated his stomach, wishing to kill all the strong.

But he didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only hide in the defensive formation, waiting for the arrival of Tianshang.

If the sorrow came today, he would like to take this opportunity to expel the strong from all walks of life.

Tian Shang waved his hand and said with a scornful face: "You don't have to clear the field. Our Heaven Breaking League is the mainland's first league. Of course, we have to be generous and don't care about those ants.

Even if you let them watch, it is impossible to steal the teacher, let alone affect this seat.

Qin Haishan, you can order the eight masters of the formation to help this seat break the formation.

If nothing happens, within two days, this seat will be able to crack this array! "

"Huh?" Qin Haishan, who was full of expectation, was taken aback at the time, and subconsciously asked: "Two days?"

Before he saw Ji Tianxing break the formation, it only took half an hour to solve it.

Before he wanted to come, the Tianshang inspector would do it himself, and it is estimated that he could solve it in half an hour.

But he never thought that Tianshang needed the assistance of eight Array Dao masters, and it would take two days to get it done!

Isn't this... too delicious?

Seeing Qin Haishan's weird expression, Tian Shang couldn't help frowning, and asked in a deep voice, "What? What's your problem?"

How dare Qin Haishan speak his heart?

He shook his head quickly and said, "No, no!"

How smart is Tianshang, can he not see the difference?

He stared at Qin Haishan with a sharp look, and asked, "How long has the white-robed boy you mentioned in the interrogation been in?"

Qin Haishan was oppressed by his power and replied tremblingly: "Master Qi, Tianshang, that kid has been in for two days."

Tian Shang's face was even more ugly, and he asked, "How many days did it take him to crack the ice and fire formation of Tiandu?"

"This..." Qin Haishan was embarrassed and dare not say anything.

"Say!" Tian Shang yelled coldly, and his body was full of shocking pressure.

Qin Haishan had no choice but to bite the bullet and replied, "Master Qi, he...he only spent...half an hour!"

"What?!" Tian Shang immediately glared with unbelievable colors in his eyes.

He almost thought he had heard it wrong.

This answer was unexpected and unbelievable to him!

But he understood that Qin Haishan did not dare to lie.

There were fifty strong men in the Broken Sky League, and Qin Haishan couldn't lie.

Two days... half an hour... The contrast between the two is huge, the contrast is too obvious.

Tian Shang recalled that his arrogant and confident words only felt ashamed and indignant.

His confidence was frustrated and he almost vomited blood in depression.

With a dark face, he stopped saying a word, turned around and started casting spells to break the formation.

Qin Haishan was also terrified, and hurriedly ordered eight elite powerhouses to help Tianshang break the formation.

Next, for a whole day and a half, Tianshang has been focusing on cracking the big formation.

In order to wash away the shame and restore his dignity, he has done his best and dare not let up.

After a day and a half, he finally cracked the sky.


The golden and blue light door slowly opened to both sides, revealing a gap.

Tianshang stopped working~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The eight masters of the Array Dao also took a sigh of relief, all like collapse, retiring to recuperate.

"let's go!"

Tian Shang didn't mean to rest, and with a big wave of his hand, he stepped into the light gate.

Qin Haishan hurriedly followed, and with the dozens of powerful men who had been arranged long ago, stepped into the light gate one after another.

After three breaths, the crowd disappeared into the white light.

The gate with two colors of gold and blue closed immediately.

The remaining thirty-odd strong men of the Heavenly Breaking League stayed behind in the big formation, quietly taking care of them and rest.

The powerhouses of more than 30 forces all talked secretly.

There are many people who refuse to give up, but want to look for opportunities or wait for the final result.

But there are already some people who have completely lost their confidence and hope and left the scene with a sad look.

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