Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1977: A chance to save face

In the secret realm of Yin and Yang.

In the blue sky, a team of strong men is galloping.

The leader was the inspector Tianshang, followed by Qin Haishan and the twelve powerhouses.

After everyone entered the secret realm, they had already flown five thousand miles and crossed thousands of mountains and rivers.

Tian Shang was ashamed and angry, but on the outside, he kept his face cold and kept silent.

He just wants to find Ji Tianxing as soon as possible and decide the outcome with one of them.

Only by defeating Ji Tianxing and beheading him can the previous shame be washed away.

Soon, everyone flew thousands of miles away, but they hadn't reached the end, and no one was seen.

I saw countless birds and monsters in the sky and mountains.

Tianshang didn't want to waste time, so he ordered: "Qin Haishan, this seat and you will each bring six people. Let's move separately, and we will contact you if necessary."

Qin Haishan also understood that the area of ​​this secret realm was vast.

A group of people flying blindly is really stupid, it is wise to act separately.

Therefore, he took his orders without hesitation, and flew east with six strong men.

The remaining six powerhouses followed Tianshang and flew towards the west.

Next, the two teams flew in the secret realm and searched along the way.

However, they soon ran into trouble.

Many powerful monsters attacked everyone.

Qin Haishan and the six powerhouses under his command can only fight fiercely with those monsters.

The fighting between the two sides was fierce, earth-shaking, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Although, Qin Haishan and others succeeded in beheading those monsters.

However, several strong men were slightly injured, and the mana had been exhausted.

In addition, the huge fighting movement alarmed more monsters.

Before everyone had gone far, they were attacked by monsters and had to fight.

More than a dozen battles in succession have not only delayed the speed and time of everyone, but also exhausted and scarred several strong men.

A whole day passed, and the talents reached the edge of the small world.

Fortunately, no monsters attacked again.

Qin Haishan hurriedly told everyone to stop driving, and found a hidden place to heal his injuries and adjust his breath.

On the other side, the encounters between Tianshang and the six powerhouses were similar.

Everyone was also attacked by monsters, and they were fighting and entangled all the way.

For a whole day, the crowd fought for more than a dozen games before reaching the end of the small world.

Although no one died in battle, the six strong men were all scarred, with empty mana and looked quite embarrassed.

It's just that, in more than a dozen battles, six strong men are fighting their lives to resist.

Tianshang has been watching with cold eyes, without any intention to act.

He is a noble inspector, a dignified Martial Saint Realm powerhouse!

There are just a few monsters that cross the Tribulation Realm, it is not worth his own hands!

This reason is very high-sounding, and the six strong men did not dare to say a word of complaint.

But they were frustrated in their hearts and could only bite the bullet and fight fiercely with the monsters from all sides.

The end result is that they are seriously injured, leaving only 60 to 70% strength.

Even so, Tianshang would not understand them.

Only let them rest for an hour, and then continue on their way to explore the secret world.

The six strong men secretly complained, but they could only hold on to their injuries and drag their tired bodies to continue on their way.

After half a day, everyone was exploring in a sea of ​​forests.

Qin Haishan suddenly sent a message to report the news to Tianshang.

He found a mysterious pagoda deep in the mountains.

Tian Shang was overjoyed when he heard the news, and hurriedly led people over to join Qin Haishan.

When he saw the golden pagoda with his own eyes, the light in his eyes surged, revealing a strong look of expectation.

Qin Haishan was also full of excitement, quite excited.

After the crowd converged, they quickly rushed to the golden pagoda and watched closely.

Tian Shang looked at the four big characters on the gate, and after carefully recognizing it for a long time, he saw that it was ancient seal script, and it was written in nine days and ten unique words.

Qin Haishan took the opportunity to flatter and praised Tianshang for his knowledge and understanding of ancient and modern times.

The twelve strong men also showed awe and admiration.

Tian Shang's mood eased a lot, and the trace of shame and anger that haunted his heart gradually disappeared.

When he got better, he carefully observed the formation on the gate.

After all kinds of trials, investigations and thoughts, after an hour, Tian Shang finally saw the clues.

A touch of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he shouted in an incredibly low voice: "I understand! That's it!

Sure enough, this seat did not guess wrong, the seal formation of this pagoda is the Xuanwu Dragon Pan formation! "

Qin Haishan was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "Master Tianshang, where does the Xuanwu Dragon Pan Formation come from? It seems to be a powerful holy formation?"

The twelve strong men also showed their doubts and looked at Tian Shang together.

Tian Shang glanced at the people, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said in a playful tone: "You haven't even heard of the Xuanwu Dragon Pan Dazhen? You are really ignorant!"

Being despised, Qin Haishan didn't feel embarrassed either.

On the contrary, he said more respectfully: "We are ignorant, and I ask Master Tianshang to clarify."

The curious attitude of everyone to study makes Tianshang very useful.

He immediately found an opportunity to save his face and regain his confidence.

"Since you are sincerely asking for advice, I will take some time to clarify your doubts.

More than two thousand years ago, the Xuanwu Longpan Formation was handed down to the world and was known as the first defensive formation under the God Realm.

This matter has caused great controversy, and has aroused the doubts and dissatisfaction of many sage masters..."

Tianshang told everyone about the legend of the Xuanwu Longpan Great Formation.

Qin Haishan and the others heard the surging pain, and they asked for follow-up.

"Master Tianshang, what happened later?"

"More than twenty Array Dao Saint Masters have not been able to crack this formation. This great formation is the first defensive sacred formation that deserves it!"

"Since this great formation is under the gods, the first defensive formation, aren't we incapable of breaking it?"

Tian Shang looked up at the sky, and said proudly: "There is no absolute defense in the world! If there is, then there must be no way to crack it.

This philosophical sentence has been praised by the strong for more than 1,500 years.

Do you know who said this sentence? "

Qin Haishan and others thought for a while, some people shook their heads in confusion, and some people hurriedly replied, "I know, it was the Sword God said!"

Tian Shang nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looking up at the sky with a face of worship, and said solemnly: "Yes, this sentence comes from the great Sword God Lord!

And the source of this sentence is because of the Xuanwu Longpan Great Formation.

One thousand and five hundred years ago, Lord Sword God broke this great formation in public at the Tianzhushan Taoist Temple.

The Lord Sword God at that time had only the strength of the Martial Saint Realm, but it only took six hours to crack it!

This incident shocked the world, and even caused turmoil in the realm...

The most important thing is that Lord Sword God has a broad mind and doesn't hide personalities!

He cracked this array in public and showed everyone how to crack it.

Since then, the Xuanwu Dragon Plate is no longer the first defensive holy formation.

The method of cracking has also spread and been learned by many martial sages.

And this seat, the Swordsman who admired the most in his life, happened to master the method to break the formation! "

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