Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1979: Block the will of heaven

Such a weird and terrifying scene almost shocked the surviving dozens of strong men.

They originally thought that they had a large number of people.

More than thirty strong robbers joined forces, enough to deal with a strong martial artist.

But the strength of the black behemoth is too strong, and the methods are too weird, making it impossible to guard against.

The remaining dozens of powerhouses suddenly disappeared, all of them retreated in panic.

There were even several strong men who hurriedly passed through the gap in the big formation and fled outside in a panic.

However, a few flashes of black air flow passed through their bodies.

"Puff and puff..."

In the blink of an eye, those strong men turned into corpses and fell to the ground one after another.

The black air flow stopped, and the ‘shuh’ changed back to its original shape and turned into a black behemoth ten feet high.

It stepped toward the depths of the array, and its dark, sharp claws stepped on the ground, making a dull sound.

As it approached step by step, the remaining ten powerhouses in the big formation completely lost their fighting spirit.

The crowd no longer dared to resist, and even the idea of ​​running away was gone.

They were all so frightened that they threw away their magic weapon and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

Under death threats, dignity and integrity are not important.

What's more, the black behemoth has mysterious origins and cruel methods.

It killed more than twenty strong people in seconds without saying a word, which is really terrifying!

Facing this kind of cold-blooded demon saint, kneeling down and begging for mercy is the only way to survive.

However, these ten powerhouses obviously do not know enough about the demons.

Even if they kneel on the ground shivering and crying for mercy, it is useless.

The black behemoth walked in front of everyone, and a murderous intent flashed in his cold eyes.

It waved a pair of sharp claws, hit hundreds of black light sharp blades, and enveloped everyone.


In the blink of an eye, those hundreds of black light sharp blades strangled ten powerful people into dregs, and even their souls were shattered.

The ground is full of blood clots, scattered on the grass, emitting a strong smell of blood.

The powerhouses outside the big formation, seeing such a cruel scene, were so scared to lose their souls, they fleeing far away desperately.

Now, they don't dare to have illusions about the secret realm of Yin and Yang anymore.

There were White-robed Martial Saints and Tianshang Inspectors, but now there is another Demon Saint.

The treasure in the yin and yang secret realm will definitely fall into the hands of these three martial sages.

No matter how large the number of strong men crosses the Tribulation Realm, they are not eligible to compete!

Fortunately, the black behemoth is not interested in the powerful.

After killing all the elite powerhouses of the Broken Sky Alliance, it walked to the entrance of the secret realm, stared at the golden and blue gate, and carefully observed it.

More than twenty figures in black robes also quickly entered the big formation to clean up the mess.

After an hour, the black behemoth began to crack the Tiandu Ice and Fire Array.

Those powerful demons who wore black robes also helped.

The night passed quickly.

By the time dawn, the defensive formation on the top of the mountain had long dissipated.

The powerhouses lurking around all slipped away, and there was not much left.

When the first rays of dawn light up in the early morning, the black behemoth successfully cracked the big formation and opened the door to the secret realm entrance.


The giant black beast stepped into it first, and more than twenty black robe demons followed.

When their figures disappeared into the golden light, the golden and blue gate also disappeared.

Calm on the top of the mountain.

Except for the ground flesh and blood clots and gullies, there was no one else.


In the secret realm of Yin and Yang.

The third floor of the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

Ji Tianxing was sitting cross-legged on a gray-brown boulder, practicing exercises with his eyes closed.

He clasped his hands together and placed his hands on his chest, with a ball of white light floating in his palm.

This group of mysterious white light was exactly the common people's spirit he had obtained before.

The Sky Burial Sword was beside him, stuck in the boulder, motionless.

This huge boulder with a radius of ten feet is elliptical as a whole, covering a huge stone tomb.

Beneath the boulder is a stone tomb with a radius of 100 meters, built with tens of thousands of black stones.

The surface of the black stone is rough and fuzzy, covered with a thick layer of powder, which is formed by weathering after being eroded by the years.

There is no doubt that this black stone tomb is very old, at least tens of thousands of years!

Right in front of the stone tomb, there was a tombstone 100 meters high.

It is a pity that the tall tombstone has shattered and turned into rubble scattered on the top of the mountain.

The handwriting on the gravel was also blurred, and Ji Tianxing could not recognize it at all.

Even with his extensive knowledge, he could not guess where this mysterious ancient tomb was buried.

Three days ago, he came to the third space of the pagoda.

This place is not big, only ten miles around, shrouded in boundless darkness.

The ten-mile space is full of gray-brown wasteland, and the ground is covered with gravel and gravel.

In the middle of the icy and dead wasteland, there is a kilometer high hill.

The hills are bare, with only brown stones.

He came to the top of the mountain and found this mysterious stone tomb.

However, he thought and studied for a long time, but he didn't find any clues.

He can neither see the origin of the ancient tomb nor the entrance to the fourth floor.

Only one thing is certain.

The clues about this ancient tomb must have been destroyed by the double saints of Yin and Yang.

In that case, he simply stopped wasting time.

He was sitting on the stone tomb, using the pure sun heavenly mind to refine the common people's spirit and improve his strength.

Now, two whole days have passed.

He has refined 60% of the common people's spiritual thoughts, and the gray and white light masses as large as walnuts have also become peanut-sized.

A hazy white light enveloped his body, making him exude a mysterious and powerful aura.

After two days of training, his strength has increased tenfold!

Especially his spirit power has been increased twenty times, stronger than the average martial sage!

It stands to reason that his strength has increased so many times, he should have reached the sixth or seventh level of the Tribulation Realm.

But the strange thing is that the catastrophe did not come.

Even, he didn't even give birth to the feeling about the robbery.

It seems that as long as he keeps absorbing strength, he can upgrade madly, without having to cross the catastrophe!

Regarding this point, Ji Tianxing was puzzled, but he could also guess the probable cause.

It must be related to the Nine Heavens and Ten Wonders Tower!

Soon ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ another whole day passed.

The white light in Ji Tianxing's palm has completely disappeared.

He had all refined the common people's spirit.

His strength has increased several times, reaching the eighth layer of crossing the tribulation realm!

He slowly reduced his power and opened his eyes.

Funeral's voice immediately sounded in his mind, "It's really weird, your strength has increased dozens of times, and you didn't even trigger the heavens?"

Ji Tianxing looked at the dark sky calmly, and said in a playful tone: "Perhaps it is the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, which can block the will of the heavens and isolate the heavens?"

Funeral became even more puzzled, and said incredulously: "What's a joke? Unless a king-level artifact can achieve such a heaven-defying effect!"

Ji Tianxing showed a smile, nodded and said: "Maybe this pagoda is a king-level artifact? Anyway, I'm going to make it!"

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