Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1980: 3-foot golden crow

"How can a king-level artifact appear in the low-level martial arts world?"

Funeral still couldn't believe it, and couldn't accept this result.

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "In any case, this nine-day tower is definitely not something of this world.

This thing will appear in Shenwu Continent, there must be a reason, but we don't know it yet.

No matter what level of artifact it is, as long as it is a artifact, it is a treasure in this world! "

To his remarks, Funeral Tian still agrees.

Ji Tianxing stopped discussing the matter, using his Wannian pupils, carefully observing the tomb under him.

On the third floor of the pagoda, there is only a wasteland and this ancient tomb.

Ji Tianxing was sure that the entrance to the fourth floor was related to this ancient tomb.

It's just that he hasn't broken the mystery yet.

Not long after, an aura suddenly flew in the dark sky and fell in front of Ji Tianxing.


Guanghua converged, and a dark purple jade slip appeared.

Seeing the message of the jade slip, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, a look of expectation flashed in his eyes.

"Coco actually sent me a message at this time?"

He whispered, stretched out his hand to hold the jade slip, divine consciousness invaded it.

Ji Ke's voice immediately rang in his mind.

"Big Brother Tianxing, Ji Shuluo has arrived at the entrance of the secret realm with more than twenty powerful demons.

It destroyed the Heavenly Broken Alliance's large formation, killed all the elites, and entered the Yin and Yang secret realm.

My realm of strength is too low to be qualified to enter the secret realm, and I am arranged near the fallen blood lake to perform other tasks.

The strong demons that Ji Xiuluo brought were all strong transgressors.

There are a few blood gods among them, you must deal with it carefully..."

Ji Ke spoke faster, and his tone was a bit eager.

After having said the news in a hurry, her voice disappeared.

Ji Tianxing put away the messaging jade slip, frowned, his eyes became cold.

"After I entered the secret realm, Qin Haishan and the fifty elite of the Broken Sky Alliance remained in the defensive formation.

Those were fifty strong men who crossed the calamity, and Qin Haishan had also reached the eighth level of the calamity.

Their forces are so powerful that they were killed by Ji Xiuluo?

Is the strength of this newly promoted Demon Saint so powerful? "

Ji Tianxing didn't know what happened outside after he entered the secret realm.

Now that he received the news from Ji Ke, he was so shocked.

Of course, he was just a little shocked.

No matter how strong Shura was, he wouldn't care about it.

"Ji Xiuluo has also entered the secret realm, and we will meet soon.

At that time, I will let it come back and forth! "

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, and continued to observe the mysterious tomb.

Unconsciously, three hours passed.

Ji Tianxing looked at the ancient tomb dozens of times by using the magic pupil secret method.

Finally, he found a trace of the formation technique in the rock layer in the ancient tomb.

This discovery inspired him.

Using that trace as the source, he spread out and searched around.

Soon, he found the second formation node.

Unexpectedly, this node was outside the ancient tomb, in a wasteland a hundred feet away from him.

And it's hidden underground.

Ji Tianxing probably guessed something and continued to search far away.

In the next few hours, he successively found dozens of formation nodes.

Facts proved that his guess was completely correct.

"Sure enough! Although this ancient tomb is the core of the third floor of the pagoda, it is also the entrance to the next floor.

However, breaking the battle cannot start from the ancient tomb.

Must reverse crack, start from the surrounding wasteland!

I haven't found a clue before, just because my thinking is wrong and the direction is wrong. "

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing began to get busy, flying through the wasteland, casting spells to crack the formation.

In the dark and vast wasteland, he has found the nodes and context of tens of thousands of formations.

Connecting these points and lines is the structure of the entire array.

Three days later, Ji Tianxing used his majestic mana to light up the entire formation.

A magic circle with a huge radius and brilliant golden light appeared in the darkness.

The large array shrouded the wasteland, protected the mysterious tomb, and exuded mysterious and powerful power fluctuations.

Standing on the wasteland, Ji Tianxing saw the golden light gushing out of the ancient tomb.

The dazzling golden light flew into the sky and turned into a huge golden bird, which circled the ancient tomb several times.

The big golden bird, with a vigorous body, three legs and a tail like a phoenix, looks mysterious and powerful.

Ji Tianxing looked up at the golden bird, frowned for a moment, and suddenly realized it.

"It's the three-legged golden crow!

In the myths and legends of the Yaozu, the three-legged golden crow is the incarnation of the sun, eternal and immortal, possessing supreme power.

The demon race has seven ancestors and forty-two primitive demon gods, and the three-legged golden crow is one of the forty-two demon gods! "

Having said that, he looked at the mysterious tomb with scorching eyes, showing a look of expectation.

"In this way, this ancient tomb is related to the Three-legged Golden Crow!

I have discovered before that there is a dark area in the ancient tomb, and the divine consciousness cannot penetrate.

If I am not mistaken, that area is the core of the tomb.

If there are any treasures and jerkiness in it, it is also related to the three-legged golden crow! "

After all, Ji Tianxing's figure flew past and landed on the ancient tomb.

He cast the spell again, manipulating the huge circle, and wanted to explore the situation in the tomb.

However, something unexpected happened to him.

He still couldn't see the true face of that dark area, and couldn't find out any mystery in it.

However, the formation was operating, causing the ancient tomb to release the sacred golden light, enveloping his body.


A dazzling golden light wrapped him up into the sky and rushed to the dark dome.

He only felt that a flower in front of him left the dark wasteland and entered another level of space.

In the next instant, he entered the fourth floor of the pagoda and appeared above an azure sea.

The sky is gloomy and gloomy, full of silence and coldness.

Surrounded by a vast and boundless sea, the sea is as calm as a mirror, without ripples and ripples.

Standing above the sea, Ji Tianxing frowned and looked around, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

"The first level of space is where the yin and yang sages and hundreds of thousands of people live.

In the second space ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are statues and secret methods of the six-armed King Kong God of War.

In the third space, there is a mysterious ancient tomb related to the Three-legged Golden Crow.

Judging from the current situation, this nine-day and ten-perfect tower should be an artifact of the Yaozu.

This fourth layer of space is actually a vast ocean.

I don't know, which demon **** is enshrined in this space? "

Ji Tianxing whispered to himself, and thought to himself: "The secret method held by the Six-armed Diamond War God has been taken away by the Yin and Yang Sages.

The treasure or inheritance in the ancient tomb of Jinwu is still sealed by darkness.

The yin and yang twins were not available, and I cannot get them temporarily.

Only when I return to the Martial Saint Realm, I will try again in the third layer of space. "

After all, he flew across the sea quickly and headed north.

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