Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1984: Notes

The bottom of the vortex was pitch black.

But Ji Tianxing could feel that this vortex had gathered the aura of the entire Shenhai Heaven and Earth here.

In the darkness, the aura of heaven and earth gathered into the wind, whistling and blowing.

He followed the little Lan Kun into the darkness, quickly passed through an invisible wall, and entered an alien space.


The light in front of him was restored, and the icy blue water around him was undulating quietly.

In the sea water, there are thousands of threads of colorful aura, like a water plant.

Ji Tianxing looked around and found that this alien space was completely filled with sea water and spiritual energy.

This place is beautiful, just like the legendary Crystal Palace.

Little Blue Kun was swimming happily ahead, and his spirit became a little excited.

Ji Tianxing followed it and flew straight ahead.

Not long after, a colorful coral reef appeared in the sea ahead.

The coral reef is full of colorful corals and aquatic plants.

Those aquatic plants and corals are all first-class elixir, after years of nourishment by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, they contain powerful effects and sparkle with brilliance.

There are countless seashells scattered around the crevices of the coral reef, all the size of a washbasin.

These shells are also refined, the defense is extremely tough, and the fist-sized pearls and various orbs are hidden in the body.

Ji Tianxing swept away with his spiritual sense, and he could see many night pearls, colorful orbs and white pearls.

The little blue kun flew into the coral reef and lay in the huge pit in the middle, posing a leisurely posture.

"This is my home." It said to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing nodded and smiled and said: "This is indeed a treasure place. It is convenient for cultivation and very concealed and safe."

He said this from the bottom of his heart, but Xiao Lan Kun was a little nervous after hearing it, and cautiously said: "No, no...It's not very good here, there is nothing, and there is no other family to talk to.

You are not suitable for living here, and you will not like it..."

Ji Tianxing smiled suddenly and said with comfort: "Don't worry, I won't be interested in your site.

I am a human being, so I would not live in water, let alone live in a pile of coral reefs.

You probably don’t know that we humans will build magnificent houses and palaces, sacred buildings and pavilions, which are suitable for us to live in..."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Lan Kun relaxed and quickly changed the subject.

"Aren't you going to see the tomb of the man in white? I will take you there now."

After all, it continued to swim north, taking Ji Tianxing through more than a dozen coral reefs and hills, and arrived outside a cave.

This cave is located on a hill under the sea, the rocks are dark and cold, and they are extremely tough.

The cave is winding, but fortunately it is only a hundred feet deep.

Little Blue Kun is too big to get in naturally.

It pointed its head to the entrance of the cave, and said to Ji Tianxing: "The bones and relics of that guy were all thrown into the cave by me.

I can't go in, you can go in and see by yourself. "

So, it guarded outside the cave, and Ji Tianxing entered the cave alone.

When he passed through the darkness and reached the depths of the cave, he saw a white light on the black rocky ground.

He fixed his eyes and saw many broken bones scattered on the ground.

The broken bones were milky white, like white jade, crystal clear, without impurities.

The big broken bones are as big as a fist, and the smaller ones are only as big as a jujube kernel.

Even after thousands of years, these broken bones have been soaked in sea water and never rotted away.

There is no doubt that this is the bone of Wu Sheng.

Ji Tianxing entered the cave all the way, picking up hundreds of broken bones along the way.

In the deepest part of the cave, there is a pit with a radius of one hundred feet, like a gourd.

He found a lot of broken bones and debris in this pit.

There are broken armors, gems with dim light, swords with broken tips, and some spiritual stones, pearls and gems.

In addition, there are a few pieces of white robe fragments and two bracelets made of star silver.

Ji Tianxing picked up the two deformed bracelets with dim light, and looked at them carefully.

This is a pair of dragon and phoenix bracelets, usually worn by couples or couples.

The dragon bracelet is engraved with the words "holding the hand" and Yang Tian's signature.

The phoenix bracelet is engraved with the words ‘Long together with the child’, and it is also signed by Yin Qi.

Seeing these two bracelets, Ji Tianxing is absolutely sure that the bones here are from Yangtian!

He waved out a golden light, enveloping hundreds of broken bones.

As the golden light surged, the hundreds of broken bones were quickly pieced together.

An eight-foot-high skeleton was formed, and the limbs, torso and skull were all pieced together.

It's just that there are some missing parts, such as missing **** and toes, and a few ribs in the chest cavity.

Ji Tianxing guessed that it was probably the bones that were destroyed in the explosion, or that Little Blue Kun left out.

But these are harmless.

Looking at this complete corpse and comparing it to the statue of Yangtian he had seen, there was basically no difference.

Ji Tianxing inspected the fragments of armor and white robe, as well as gems, swords and other debris.

It's a pity that these things are indistinguishable.

"No, there is something missing, there must be clues."

Ji Tianxing released his spiritual consciousness ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ covering the entire cave, searching carefully.

After a while, he found a black ring from the messy pile of rubble.

There is no doubt that this is the space ring of Yangtian.

The ring was distorted, dim, and lost its power.

Yang Tian was already dead, and the imprint of the soul on the ring naturally dissipated and became a thing of no owner.

Ji Tianxing used his divine sense to intrude into it, and easily opened the space ring.

Sure enough, there are many things stored in the space ring, all of which are relics of the sun.

Ji Tianxing counted and found hundreds of soul-shen-level and tri-level magic weapons, hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, and hundreds of bottles of medicine.

There are also miscellaneous cultivation resources and sundries, which are also piled up into a hill, which takes a long time to identify.

Ji Tianxing was not interested in the debris, and focused on a pile of jade slips.

Thousands of jade slips, stored together, are still well preserved, with a faint fluorescent light.

"Finally found it! There are tens of thousands of jade slips, which should have recorded a lot of things."

Ji Tianxing smiled with relief and began to look at the jade slips.

His divine consciousness invaded the jade slip and quickly read a lot of information.

This information was either recorded in the general writing of Shenwu Continent, or it was the voice of Yang Tian and Yin Qi.

Ji Tianxing reads the information extremely fast, without hindrance.

He flipped through thousands of jade slips, most of which recorded the secrets of the exercises, and some trivial matters on the Shenwu Continent.

Among them, it also includes the life experiences of Yang Tian and Yin Qi.

From acquaintance, fame, to revenge, to become a husband and wife, and finally travel the world together...

Half an hour later, when Ji Tianxing saw more than two thousand jade slips, he finally found a clue.

In a piece of jade slip, what was recorded was Yang Tian's handwriting.

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