Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1985: Sun Devourer

Ji Tianxing focused on the jade slips.

All kinds of information, like a tide, kept pouring into his mind.

Thousands of notes are recorded in the whole piece of jade slip.

The deep and deep voice of Yang Tian also kept ringing in Ji Tianxing's mind.

"Ten days ago, I and Aqi strayed into the secret realm, and we searched the whole secret realm but couldn't find an exit, so we can only stay calm and look patiently..."

"This morning, A Qi was attacked by a monster in the mountains. I was besieging dozens of monsters in my hands, but was besieged by a group of monsters and human warriors.

The strength of these indigenous people is low, and I have killed more than a hundred with my fingers, shocking everyone.

Of course, thousands of people came and surrounded me and Ah Qi..."

"I surrendered thousands of warriors and ordered them to return to the residence, only to find a golden tower with extraordinary momentum, and it must be a divine tool..."

"There are other things in the tower. There are tens of thousands of warriors living in the tower, and they don't know anything about the outside world...

They were very hostile and vowed to avenge their blood. I and Ah Qi joined forces to cast a spell, killing thousands of people in one fell swoop, and frightening the warriors of the two races.

Since I could not leave the secret realm, I decided to stay in the tower and explore the secrets of the tower.

I have a hunch that this sacred tower must be hidden in a mysterious mystery, and it may be able to help our husband and wife break through the realm of Valkyrie..."

One message after another flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind.

There is no doubt that this is a handwritten note recorded by Yang Tian.

Among them are his experiences with Yin Qi, from entering the secret realm of Yin and Yang, discovering the tower, to ruling the people of the two races of humans and demons.

Ji Tianxing felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth, and he kept reading the notes.

With the yin and yang double sages ruling the tower, the time between each memo is getting longer and longer.

The short ones are one or two months apart, and the long ones are decades apart.

The one with the longest time span was over a hundred years.

That was after Yang Tian ruled the two warriors, about a hundred years later.

At that time, the situation in the tower was stable, and the people of the two races of humans and demons multiplied to more than 70,000, and they also accepted the rule of the yin and yang.

Yang Tian and Yin Qi joined forces to explore the tower, and it took decades to enter the second floor of the tower.

On the second floor of the pagoda, the two saw the statue of the six-armed King Kong God of War and found the code.

Within the code, half of the code and half of the magical arts were recorded in ancient monster clan characters.

Its name is Common People Conferred God Technique!

The yin and yang double sages obtained half magic, which can be described as ecstatic and extremely excited.

Both saw the dawn and hope to break through the Martial God Realm.

They practiced in seclusion in the second dimension, and it took a hundred years to fully comprehend half of the magic.

Afterwards, Yang Tian wrote down the incident in his notes.

At that time, he was very excited and ambitious.

"What I expected was not bad. There really is a great opportunity in the tower to allow me to see the demon gods and obtain half of the magic!

I really didn't expect that the ancient monster clan was so powerful and mastered such an unpredictable magic.

This half of the common people's confession of gods is simply unthinkable.

I opened my eyes and realized that there are three thousand avenues in the world, and every avenue can be a god!

Ah Qi and I have no hope of breaking through the Martial God Realm, and have never had the chance.

It's really admired by the heavens, and let us get the conferred gods technique.

It just so happens that there are tens of thousands of warriors on the first floor of the pagoda, which can help us gather belief in divine consciousness..."

After that, the yin and yang twins returned to the first floor of the tower and began to build statues and altars for tens of thousands of people to worship.

The two of them used the common people's conferring **** technique to absorb the power of the belief of the people, and as expected, their strength improved by leaps and bounds, and they saw the hope of conferring gods.

In the following two hundred years, the strength of the two people continued to improve, and they were as powerful as gods.

However, the strength of the two is infinitely close to the Martial God Realm, but they have not been able to break through.

The yin and yang double saints gradually lost patience, and couldn't solve it even after thinking about it.

So they climbed the tower again, and it took decades to reach the third floor of the tower.

In the third space, the two found a mysterious ancient tomb.

They tried their best and tried tens of thousands of attempts and failures, and failed to open the Golden Crow Tomb, let alone get the treasures and inheritance in the ancient tomb.

The two were discouraged and could only return to the first floor of the tower.

A hundred years later, Yang Tian and Yin Qi Gong were extremely successful, but they still did not break through the Martial God Realm.

Half of the magic arts have also been practiced, without the second half of the magic arts, they can only deduct and guess by themselves.

Both of them were pressed into a hurry.

After thirty years of suffering and hesitation, Yin Qi finally decided to take a risk.

She wants to sacrifice one hundred thousand people, gather common people's spiritual thoughts, forcibly attack the Martial God Realm, and establish a **** on the ground.

At that time, Yang Tian strongly opposed, not wanting her to risk her life, let alone watching her slaughter 100,000 people.

But Yin Qi was also completely desperate, insisting on going her own way, and decided to fight to the death.

Before the sacrifice, she wrote a note in the jade slip.

"I am a demon, but I want to be a god.

Once this way, there is no way to turn back.

Even if the sins are serious, I will be condemned by the heavens.

As a monster, I deduced the gods, and I should have the greatest chance of success.

Even if you take risks, I should try..."

The final result, as seen by Ji Tianxing.

On the first floor of the tower, Yin Qi held a grand sacred ritual, and cast a spell to take the souls and lives of 100,000 people.

In the end, the common people's spirit condensed successfully.

She used the technique of conferring the gods to forcibly devour the common people's spirit, intending to confer the god.

However, she couldn't bear the mixed and violent spirits of the common people, and she quickly exploded and died.

Not to mention the broken bones, even the spirits collapsed and dissipated.

Yang Tian also tried his best to help her refine the common people's supernatural power.

It's a pity that the two failed and ended miserably.

Yin Qi died and disappeared, Yang Tian was seriously injured by the bombing, and she was in a coma for several years before waking up.

Since then, only Yangtian is alive on the first floor of the tower.

He was lonely and desperate. He missed his dead wife every day, and his sanity was a little unconscious.

Yin Qi's death hit him too hard.

Since then, there is only one faith in his heart that supports him to live.

That is, breaking through the gods desperately!

Only by breaking through the divine realm can he leave this secret realm.

More importantly, he can have the opportunity to resurrect his deceased wife Yin Qi by using his magical magic.

Twenty years later, most of his injuries have recovered.

So he took the remains of his dead wife and left the first floor of the tower.

He entered the third floor of the tower ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it took a hundred years to solve the mystery of the Golden Crow Tomb.

Not only opened the passage to the fourth floor, but also obtained half of the Sun Devouring Divine Art under the tombstone.

Later, there were fewer and fewer notes in the jade slips, and the time span became larger.

But Ji Tianxing learned about the follow-up through those short notes.

Yang Tian entered the fourth layer of Shenhai and was attacked by countless sea beasts.

But he was a strong man of Wusheng, invincible, easily killed hundreds of sea beasts.

He tried to practice the Sun Devouring Divine Art, swallowing the flesh and blood of many sea beasts, and his strength increased greatly.

This again made him see the hope of breaking through the gods.

Encouraged by him, he launched a slaughter in the sea of ​​God.

In just ten years, tens of thousands of sea beasts were killed by him.

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