Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1986: Special area

After half an hour, Ji Tianxing read all the content in the jade slip.

He understood the truth of the matter and the whole story.

Yang Tian slaughtered the Shenhai and swallowed the power of thousands of sea beasts.

He got into the eyes of the sea and hid in the coral reef like a crystal palace, concentrating on refining mana.

However, after all, he only got half of the Sun Devouring God Art.

During the cultivation process, ninety percent of the power of thousands of sea beasts was wasted.

The power he can refining is not so pitiful to say, it is also very messy.

After a long period of three hundred years, his skill has reached its limit, and he has also practiced half of the magic arts to the end.

Even though he had a fighting power comparable to the Valkyrie, he still failed to break through the Martial God Realm.

He was completely desperate.

Being alone for too long, he has been depressed and depressed for hundreds of years, making him crazy and unlovable.

A few years before his death, Little Blue Kun came to the eyes of the sea.

Yang Tian found this "fish that slipped through the net", but didn't kill it all, and didn't even hurt Little Blue Kun.

He knew well that he had killed thousands of sea beasts in order to practice the sun-devouring divine art. It was simply **** and stupid.

Therefore, he was full of guilt, often confessed and blamed himself.

After spending a few years with Xiao Lan Kun, he was finally relieved, life and death also looked down upon.

He decided to risk his death and use the Sun Devouring Divine Art to attack the divine realm.

If it succeeds, everything is good, he still has the opportunity to leave the tower and resurrect his dead wife.

If he fails, he will follow his deceased wife and meet in the underworld.

Later, he drove the little blue Kun away.

Above the whirlpool, he burned his life's hard work and mana, and used the Sun Devouring Divine Art to hit the divine realm.

There is no doubt that he also failed.

He blew himself up on the spot and died, the blown body shattered and his soul dissipated.

The yin and yang sages have fallen, but the world never knows.

Later, Xiao Lan Kun returned to the sea eye, picked up the bones and relics of Yang Tian, ​​and threw them into this cave.

everything is over.

"Hey... I blame this broken **** tower, I don't know who arranged it, and only half of all magic arts are left.

Yang Tian and Yin Qi were driven to death by half of the Conferred God and half of the Sun Devouring God! "

Ji Tianxing could only feel sorry for the encounter with the yin and yang twins, and sighed faintly.

Knowing the truth and learning what happened for eight hundred years, his heart is also a little heavy.

However, the past is over.

He quickly put away his sympathy and continued to read other jade slips.

Not long after, he pulled out two pale golden jade slips from the pile of jade slips.

These two pieces of specially made jade slips are blessed and protected by a holy formation.

Even after thousands of years, it will not be destroyed.

It took Ji Tianxing two hours to lift the seal formation of Yujian.

As he expected, in the two jade slips, half of the common people's conjuration art and half of the sun-devouring gods were recorded respectively.

He put these two jade slips into his space ring and kept them.

The voice of the funeral immediately rang in his mind.

"It's just the magic of the two monster races, you didn't like it back then.

Besides, you can remember the complete tactics without jade slips, right? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and explained: "People will always change. I am Ji Tianxing now, not the sword **** back then.

Besides, even if I don't like these two magic arts, I can give them to others. "

The funeral did not say much anymore, it was considered to agree with his statement.

At this time, there was a shrill sound of ‘sighing’ from outside the cave.

Xiao Lan Kun was obviously waiting anxiously, and said to Ji Tianxing with a special syllable: "Hey, why are you still not coming out? You don't want to stay here, right?"

Obviously, Xiao Lan Kun is still guarding against this problem.

Ji Tianxing couldn't laugh or cry, waved a few golden lights, dug a hole in the ground, and buried Yangtian's bones and relics.

Then, he walked out of the cave unhurriedly and came in front of Little Lan Kun.

"You little guy, why are you so defensive?

Can you trust me a little bit? "

While talking, he stretched out his fingers and knocked on the fat head of Little Lan Kun.

Even though he didn't use his force, Xiao Lan Kun still instinctively backed away, hiding thousands of feet away in fright.

Ji Tianxing suddenly laughed, his expression very teasing.

Only then did Xiao Lan Kun react, knowing that he was teasing deliberately, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

After hesitating for a while, it only expected Ai Ai to ask: "Um... you have seen the bones of the man in white... when are you going to... leave?"

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said in a playful tone: "If I can find the exit, I want to leave now.

So, if you want me to leave earlier, you have to help me find an exit. "

Little Lan Kun was overjoyed and nodded again and again: "Okay, then we're settled, I'll help you find an exit!"

As soon as he agreed to Ji Tianxing, it wilted quickly, his eyes were a little depressed and said: "But... I have lived here for thousands of years... Didn't find any exit?"

Ji Tianxing reached out and knocked on its head again, prompting: "Even if there is an exit, it must be hidden.

You have to think carefully, where are special areas or signs? "

"Special area...or sign?" Little Lan Kun tilted his head and looked at Ji Tianxing. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly thought of something.

"I remember, there is a colorful hill not far from my house... I will take you there!"

Before he could say it clearly, it couldn't wait to lead Ji Tianxing to the colorful hill.

Half a quarter of an hour later, when Ji Tianxing followed it and arrived at the colorful hill, he discovered that it was a hill made of coral reefs.

Ji Tianxing released his divine consciousness, used his ten thousand thoughts divine pupils, and watched around the hill for a long time, but he did not see any clues.

"Little guy, this is just an ordinary coral reef, and there is no secret of formation.

Think about it again. Are there other places that are also special? "

Little Lan Kun tilted his head, after thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Yes, there are dozens of these hills within thousands of miles!"

"..." Ji Tianxing looked speechless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ couldn't help knocking on its head and reminded: "Hey, Fathead Fish, can you move your little head a little bit?

Does the colorful coral reefs clustered into a hill mean it is special?

Apart from these hills, are there any other places? "

Little Lan Kun showed aggrieved eyes, seemed very hurt, a little bit like to cry.

After thinking about it for a while, it solemnly shook its head and said, "No more!"

"..." Ji Tianxing was completely helpless, he could only admit his fate, and said with a wry smile: "Well, then I can only investigate those colorful hills first.

I hope God will take care of you, the exit of this space is really in those colorful hills! "

Xiao Lan Kun learned to be clever, neither answering nor explaining.

It leads the way, leading Ji Tianxing to cruise on the bottom of the sea, constantly exploring colorful hills after another.

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