Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1987: Supreme God Witch Formation

Facts have proved that such a simple fat-headed fish like Little Blue Kun, of course will not lie.

Ji Tianxing explored more than a dozen colorful hills and finally found a special hill.

The hill is located in the trench, all around it is dark and dark.

Only the mountain is covered with coral reefs, blooming with splendid colorful brilliance, and exudes powerful power fluctuations.

Ji Tianxing circled the hill a few times, using his spiritual sense to detect that there was something mysterious inside the hill.

Seeing that he was silent, Xiao Lan Kun explained that he would not believe it, so he explained: "I vaguely remember that those senior sea beasts back then would often come here for sacrifice ceremonies.

I was young and didn't understand what they were doing.

Thinking about it now, they seem to worship and pray to a certain god. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and told it: "You wait here, I'll go in and take a look."

After all, he passed through the layers of coral reefs and entered the colorful hills.

He releases his spiritual consciousness, displays his ten thousand thoughts, and carefully explores the inside of the hill.

Half an hour later, he found out that there was a mysterious formation hidden in the colorful hill.

That formation is very mysterious, it should be the god-level formation of the monster race.

He racked his brains for a long time before remembering that this should be the supreme witch formation of the monster race.

"Huh...Fortunately, it's only a true-level sacred formation, there should be a chance to open it."

Ji Tianxing breathed a sigh of relief, with a gratifying smile on his face.

The warriors in this world are just virtual gods, or false gods, relative to the upper realm.

If you can ascend to the upper realm and become stronger through baptism and cultivation, you can become a true god, called a true god.

The true god-level **** array is the most common in the upper realm.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing is sure to open the Supreme Divine Witch Array.

And the biggest trouble and obstacle is his realm of strength, only crossing the tribulation realm.

Without reaching the Martial God Realm, the divine power cannot be released.

If you want to open the divine formation, you must use divine power, and ordinary mana is completely ineffective.

Funeral also felt anxious and worried, "Even if you know all kinds of magic, remember the method of cracking this magic formation, it is useless.

You only have the strength to cross the Tribulation Realm, how can you break the Divine Formation?

Unless you reach the Martial God Realm, you will have enough assurance. "

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, but showed a meaningful smile, shook his head and said: "This may not be true, I still have a chance.

Although I haven't recovered to the divine realm, I can use the power of stars and thunder, both of which have the same root and the same source of divine power.

What's more, I still have this magical tool to fill the dzi beads.

I have kept it for so long and helped it regain so much strength, it should also do something for me. "

After that, he pinched the magic formula with both hands and began to cast the magic to break the formation.

He released a silver star fire with his left hand, and a four-color thunder with his right hand, injected into the Supreme God Witch Formation.

The formation context and nodes were immediately activated, illuminating a brilliant seven-color light.

This scene proved that Ji Tianxing's method is feasible and inspired him.

Funeral was also in high spirits, and said expectantly: "Unexpectedly, this method is really feasible!

You are so defying the heavens. Breaking through the divine formation by crossing the tribulation realm is definitely a miracle unprecedented in history.

Even you in the previous life could not accomplish such a feat. "

While casting a spell to break the formation, Ji Tianxing said to Funeral Tian with his spiritual thoughts: "To live a life again, of course, you have to surpass the previous life, create another miracle, and climb the peak. You can't stand still, right?"

The funeral said, deeply agreeing.

Unconsciously, one day passed.

Ji Tianxing used the supernatural power of stars and thunder to open the entire Supreme God-Witch Array, which has already cracked about 30%.

Even though he was powerful, he was exhausted, his tired face was pale, and his head was sweating profusely.

What he wants to crack is, after all, a real God formation, something that does not belong to this world.

Miracles are not so easy to create.

Outside the hill, Xiao Lan Kun was waiting anxiously again, feeling a little nervous.

It wanted to urge Ji Tianxing to ask about the progress of the matter.

But it remembered what happened before, so it had to be patient and wait.

Two days passed.

Ji Tianxing was still breaking through the hill.

He has expended 60% of his strength, his strength is violently weakened, and his look is very tired.

So, he began to urge the power of the dzi bead to help him break the divine formation.

With the blessing of the divine power of replenishing the dzi beads, the speed of breaking the formation is obviously accelerated several times.

The hill is shining with seven colors of light, illuminating all the tens of miles.

In the middle of the third day, the seven-color light from the hill suddenly gathered back.

The divine light condensed into a three-foot-high seven-color light gate and appeared in the hill.

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing successfully cracked the Supreme Divine Witch Formation and opened the entrance to the fifth floor!

He quickly finished casting the spell, lying on the ground exhausted, panting violently.

His power was almost exhausted, only about 20% left.

At this time, his strength has fallen to the extreme, which can be described as the end of the force.

It's like having been in a battle and severely injured.

Fortunately, he has a special physique and possesses a strong recovery ability.

The Sky Patching Pearl also released a mysterious white light that poured into his body, helping him quickly restore his strength.

After just three hours, Ji Tianxing's strength had recovered to 60%, and his fatigue was much reduced.

At this time, Xiao Lan Kun could no longer contain the doubt and anxiety in his heart, and asked: "Hey, are you still inside?

The hill is no longer shining, is there something wrong?

Are you dead? If you die, then I...I'll leave! "

Ji Tianxing wanted to exercise his breath, but when he heard the last sentence, he suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.


His figure flew out of the hill and appeared in front of Little Lan Kun.


Ji Tianxing stretched out his hand like lightning, knocked two violent chestnuts on its head, and cursed angrily: "You fat fish, can't you speak tactfully?

What about trust? What about treating each other with sincerity?

If I really die, will you not even collect the bones? "

Little Blue Kun dodged after being knocked, his big eyes blinked again and again, revealing a thick aggrieved look.

"You... why are you hitting me again? I care about you..."

"Do you care about people like this?" Ji Tianxing rolled his eyes at it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xiao Lan Kun thought for a moment, and quickly changed the subject.

"You are safe, did you succeed?"

"Yeah." Ji Tianxing nodded.

Little Lan Kun suddenly showed a surprised look, and asked, "Great! Then you can leave now!"

Ji Tianxing squinted at it, showing a malicious smile, and said in a weird tone: "Little guy, you are too lonely to stay here alone, and it is not conducive to cultivation.

I know the Kun clan very well and can help you grow up and become stronger quickly.

Come with me to the sixth floor of the tower, there is the holy ground for cultivation..."

At this time, Ji Tianxing's expression, eyes and tone were like a big bad wolf deceiving a little sheep.

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