Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1989: God's blood and spirit

Ji Tianxing's words caused Funeral to fall into contemplation.

It analyzed it carefully, and then solemnly said: "Although the truth is good, it is difficult to implement.

You only have the strength to cross the tribulation realm, but you want to open the king-level divine formation, which is really absurd. "

Ji Tianxing showed a confident smile, and said in a playful tone: "I know all this, but in Funeral, you forgot a secret technique... God's blood and magic!"

The funeral sky was silent for a long time, and it took a long time to come back to his senses, and asked in shock: "You...you wouldn't be...want to use the blood and spirit technique to communicate with this great Luo Divine Formation, right?"

"Why not? This is a strange trick." Ji Tianxing's eyes became brighter.

Funeral day was even more worried, and quickly discouraged: "Are you crazy? How dare you risk using this secret method?

Divine blood imperial spirit art is generally used to refine godless artifacts, with the effect of dripping blood to recognize the master.

If successful, it will allow the host to communicate with the artifact smoothly and merge as soon as possible.

However, this **** tower must have a master!

Once you fail to recognize the Lord by dropping your blood, you will be backlashed by the tower and its owner.

You also said that the owner of this tower is the 33-day monster king.

You can't bear the backlash from it and the tower, ninety-nine percent of your lives will be lost! "

Ji Tianxing refused to give up, and said confidently: "Fun Tian, ​​have you ever thought about why the sacred tower of the demon king appeared on the Shenwu Continent?

According to historical records, the yin and yang secret realm existed as early as five thousand years ago.

If the monster king is still alive, will the tower be left out?

Therefore, I am 80% sure that the demon king has fallen.

Even if he didn't fall, he would definitely suffer a catastrophe and be overwhelmed by himself. "

Funeral day considered for a while, and then said: "This is possible, but you have to think about the consequences.

If you fail to cast a spell and get backlashed, you will most likely die. "

Ji Tianxing comforted: "Don't worry, I have the Dzi Replenishing Bead to protect my soul, and I will never die.

We have no other choice but to take a chance, we can only be trapped here and wait for old age.

So, this is the only way. "

Funeral also understood his situation, so he didn't say anything more.

Subsequently, Ji Tianxing began to cast the spell.

He sat cross-legged in the Great Luo Divine Formation, waving his hands solemnly, pinching the magic tricks, and hitting the stars and the fire and thunder.

The divine power of silver and purple is constantly injected into the compass below him.

His spellcasting movements were not fast, and he used magic skills methodically, very seriously and attentively.

After all, what he was about to open was a king-level divine formation.

Even after tens of thousands of years, the power of the tower has weakened a lot, and the power of the big formation has also been reduced by a few percent.

But it is still not something that ordinary gods can touch.

Unconsciously, three whole days passed.

Ji Tianxing continued to cast spells, his spirit and mana were very empty, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

Funeral no longer sat and watched, and quickly merged with him to provide him with strength support.

He urged the divine power to replenish the dzi beads, and the pressure was suddenly reduced a lot.

Soon, ten days passed.

There are hundreds of lines and ancient characters in the Great Luoshen Array with a radius of ten feet, all lit up with silver and purple brilliance.

Finally came the critical moment of casting.

Ji Tianxing is about to use his essence and blood to communicate with the Da Luo Divine Formation under him.

"Success or failure, in one fell swoop!"

He whispered a word, and slowly stretched out his index finger of his right hand, forcing a drop of effort.

This is a drop of golden blood, bursting with brilliant golden light, and containing powerful power.


The blood of the gods fell on the compass, dripping on the middle of the compass, on the big pattern of the fist.

Suddenly, the golden blood merged into the big formation and disappeared.

The entire Great Luo Divine Formation also burst out with dazzling golden light, illuminating the surrounding area.

All the lines, ancient characters and patterns of the formation were all lit up with golden light and quickly connected together.

There is an invisible blood connection between Ji Tianxing and Daluo Shenyuan.

That kind of feeling is like a father-son brother-like connection.

As the brilliance of the Da Luo Divine Formation became more and more dazzling, this feeling of blood connection and breath connection became stronger and stronger.

Ji Tianxing was overjoyed immediately, showing a strong expression of excitement, and couldn't help but cheer.

"Haha... I didn't guess wrong, I really succeeded!"

There is no doubt that he succeeded in casting the spell.

The master of the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, the demon king who lived in the 33 days, really fell.

This sacred tower became a thing of no owner.

Now, Ji Tianxing drops his blood to recognize the master!

He is connected with the blood of the Daluo Divine Formation, so he can manipulate this Divine Formation with his mind, and he can freely enter and exit the Divine Tower!

As for manipulating the entire tower...

He is too weak now, far from enough.

But even so, it was enough to make him mad.

About half an hour later, the golden light became dim, and the Da Luo Divine Formation also recovered calm.

Tired and exhausted, Ji Tianxing hurriedly sat in the big formation, took a few pills, and quickly recovered his mana.

Day and night passed.

Ji Tianxing's mana recovered 80%, and his mental state returned to normal.

He was full of anticipation, eager to try, and was ready to try to open the magical formation.

Funeral once again reminded: "You haven't mastered the Great Luo Divine Formation, you just can open it.

You have to think about it before you turn on the magical formation.

If you were teleported away by the Great God Gate, where would you appear? "

Ji Tianxing smiled lightly: "That surely won't be transmitted to the 33 days of the Yaozu."

Funeral Sky was choked for a while, and patiently persuaded: "If you are teleported to the outside of the tower, you will still be unable to get out in the Yin and Yang secret realm.

If you are teleported to the sixth floor, there may be unknown dangers, and the formation is also a king-level divine formation.

If you are teleported outside the secret realm, how do you enter the secret realm next time and return to the tower? "

Ji Tianxing said without hesitation: "If I am teleported to the secret realm, I will come in again, so I can find another way.

If I was teleported outside the secret, then I would go home.

When I break through the Martial God Realm in the future, I will refine this **** tower again.

I don't believe it, who knows this tower better than me?

Could anyone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ be able to get ahead of me and take away the tower? "

Seeing that he had considered him well, Funeral Tian stopped persuading him.

Ji Tianxing didn't want to stay in this silent place for a long time, and quickly cast a spell to activate the Great Luo God Formation.


The Great Luoshen Array lit up with bright golden light and began to spin.

The lines and patterns on the ground immediately changed, forming thousands of mysterious seals.

In the next moment, the sacred formation released a dazzling white light, condensing into a big Luoshen gate with a height of more than ten feet.

With full expectation, Ji Tianxing stepped into the gate of God.


The white light flashed, and his figure disappeared.

The Da Luo Divine Formation immediately calmed down, and the surrounding silence returned to silence.

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