Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1990: Just met you


A white light flashed, cutting through the darkness.

When the white light was condensed, a handsome and martial young human race dressed in a white robe appeared in the darkness.

There is no doubt that he is Ji Tianxing.

"Huh? The situation seems... not quite right?"

After Ji Tianxing landed, seeing the darkness around him, he realized that it was not good.

There was a cold black stone slab at his feet, surrounded by a square, shrouded in darkness.

Not far ahead, there was a huge altar.

The altar is sixty feet tall, and it occupies a thousand feet round, which is very majestic.

At the top of the altar stands a tall six-armed statue of the God of War.

And around the altar, there are thousands of monster statues of various shapes, facing the six-armed King Kong war **** on the altar, making a posture of worship.

Such a familiar scene made Ji Tianxing immediately realize.

He was teleported to the second floor of the tower!

"I..." Ji Tianxing suddenly smiled helplessly and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Before entering the gate of Daluo God, he thought about several possibilities.

Perhaps it was teleported to the secret realm, or it might be teleported to the secret world, or it might be teleported to a completely strange place.

But he didn't expect that the Great Luoshenmen sent him back to the second floor of the tower!

Isn't this cheating?

However, Ji Tianxing was too depressed in time.

He could clearly see that in the darkness ahead, dozens of pairs of scarlet and dark purple eyes were staring at him.

Twenty-five pairs of murderous eyes were scattered around the altar.

Those were twenty-five black-robed men with weird bodies, not human-like, surrounded by black aura, full of dangerous aura.

Ji Tianxing was very sensitive to their breath, and he recognized it immediately.

Those twenty-five black-robed men are all powerful demons, and they all have the power to cross the Tribulation Realm!

"Damn it! It turned out to be the Demon Race of Beiming Mountain, Ji Xiuluo reached the second floor with such a fast speed?"

Ji Tianxing reacted and immediately realized that these powerful demons were under the command of Demon Sage Shura.

Thinking of Ji Xiulao, he subconsciously raised his head and looked at the top of the altar.

Sure enough, standing on the top of the altar was a giant black beast.

That giant beast was covered in black scale armor, with sharp claws and wings, and a barbed tail, just like the legendary Shura!

When Ji Tianxing looked at it, it was also looking down at Ji Tianxing, a pair of scarlet eyes flashing a cruel bloodthirsty sneer.

"Human race?"

Ji Xiuluo's sharp and narrow mouth moved a little, making a deep and cold voice.

It looked at Ji Tianxing jokingly, and asked in a crappy mainland common language: "Boy, tell Ben Sheng, where is your identity, and how did you enter this tower?

Tell the truth, this saint will give you a happy way to die! "

Ji Tianxing looked at it contemptuously, and said with a sneer: "The blood-robed ancestor was dragged like you at the beginning, but later it was destroyed by me, and now it is estimated that it is better to die.

If you are tired of living, I will fulfill you! "

Suddenly hearing these words, Ji Xiuluo's pupils contracted, and a sharp cold light flashed.

Its body shook, and it quickly reacted.

"Have you fought against the blood-robed ancestor? You destroyed its law body?!

You are from Tianzhu Mountain... Huanglong Taoist? wrong!

Ji Tianxing...Yes! You are Ji Tianxing! ! "

From the day the ancestor Demon God returned to Beiming Mountain, Ji Tianxing was the greatest enemy of the Demon Race.

As the demon saint of Beiming Mountain, even if he hadn't seen Ji Tianxing with his own eyes, he knew his appearance.

Ji Xiuluo stared at Ji Tianxing, compared with the portraits he had seen before, and immediately confirmed Ji Tianxing's identity.

It was surprised at first, and then it was full of excitement, revealing a strong color of excitement.

"Jie Jie Jie... I didn't expect that you, the **** human crawler, would also enter the tower!

This Saint originally planned to go to Tianzhu Mountain to kill you after exploring the secret realm.

Unexpectedly, I met you here in advance.

It's so good, the two things are solved together! "

Ji Xiuluo grinned and sneered, and cold murderous intent poured out all over his body.

It flapped a pair of wide Shura black wings and released boundless magic mist, covering all ten miles around, lest Ji Tianxing escape.

Then, it waved its claws again, and gave orders to the powerful demons around the altar.

"Come on together, catch live!

This saint is going to capture him alive and take him back to Beiming Mountain to receive the reward! "

Twenty-five powerful demons immediately handed over and took out the magic weapon.


Everyone attacked, displayed the secret technique, and besieged Ji Tianxing from all directions.

Purple, red and black magic lights and shadows, various forms of magic clan secrets, poured down from the sky.

It was illuminated for ten miles, and the earth was dazzling purple, as if stained with blood.

Ji Tianxing was at the center of the storm and was besieged by twenty-five robbers, but he was not afraid.

"Hehe, it just happened that my skill had soared before, and I never had the chance to try it.

Since I met you, you should be hit hard, so let's try your sword! "

He sneered, the black light flashed in his right hand, and the Heaven Burying Sword appeared out of thin air.

"Swing a sword!"

With a wave of the Sky Burial Sword, it cut out a thousand-meter-long silver light, like a crescent, sweeping toward many powerful demons.

"Boom bang bang!"

The magical light and shadow in the sky, all kinds of magic light, blood light and black fog were all crushed by the silver sword light and collapsed on the spot.

More than a dozen powerful demons were swept back by the sword light, screaming and flying back.

Only a few scattered shadows of swords, lights and swords fell on Ji Tianxing's body, making a dull sound.

However, Ji Tianxing was safe and sound.

His physical body is too strong, and his defense is comparable to Wu Sheng, and he can't be injured by the idle generation.

The combined attack formation of the powerful demons was broken by Ji Tianxing.

There were more than a dozen demons among them, all of them suffered minor or severe injuries.

On the top of the altar, Ji Xiuluo was watching the battle with a sneer.

Suddenly seeing this scene, the sneer on its face instantly stiffened, and its eyes widened, revealing extremely shocked eyes.

If it hadn't seen it with its own eyes, how could it dare not believe that Ji Tianxing's strength was so strong.

Comparable to Wu Sheng powerhouse, is equal to it!

"This is impossible! The blood-robed ancestor said at the time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it was injured by the Taoist Huanglong...

Could this old guy deliberately hide the truth in order not to lose face? "

This thought flashed through his mind, and Ji Xiuluo suddenly understood something.

Just when it was stunned, Ji Tianxing had already performed his fascination and started killing.

"Tianlong Palm!"

"Seven Star Sword!"

He shot a golden dragon in his left palm, blasting towards the demon powerhouse on the left.

With his right hand swinging the Heaven Burial Sword, forty-nine stars and divine fires were pierced, killing a dozen demons on the right.

Those powerful demons are all elites of Beimingshan, and they only have the second and third levels of strength. How can they resist the power of Ji Tianxing?

There was only a loud bang, and more than twenty powerful demons were blown into the air.

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