Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1995: Infighting

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Ji Tianxing and Tianshang killed thousands of moves, and finally decided the winner.

The half-moon scimitar held by Tian Shang was cut into two pieces and fell into the wasteland.

He was stained with blood, his gray-white robe turned dark red, and his hair was scattered all over his head, looking very embarrassed.

The limbs, chest and back were covered with scary wounds, and bones were visible.

Especially his left leg was severed from below the knee, and the blood flow continued.

These are just physical injuries, although serious but not fatal.

What really reduced his combat effectiveness was Shenhun's injury.

His soul has been hit hard repeatedly, and he is already blurred.

In contrast, Ji Tianxing's situation is obviously much easier.

His long hair was draped over his shoulders, his white robe was stained with blood, and several wounds were left on his arms and chest.

Apart from this, there are no other injuries on his body, and his spirit is still clear and powerful.

In the process of the two fighting each other, Qin Haishan and the purple-robed powerhouses desperately besieged Ji Tianxing.

However, those strong in purple robes were either injured by the aftermath of the battle and flew far away.

Either he was killed by Ji Tianxing and died on the spot.

Until now, the twelve strong purple-robed men have died.

Only Qin Haishan is still struggling to support, fighting side by side with Tianshang.

Qin Haishan's injuries were even more miserable. He had already turned into a blood man, his body distorted.

He retreated to Tianshang's side, panting, and asked in a voice transmission, "Master Tianshang, what should I do now?

The strength of this kid is far beyond our imagination!

Or... let's avoid the edge for now, wait for the injury to be dealt with, and then fight with him again? "

Obviously, Qin Haishan had already started to retreat and didn't want to fight anymore.

He knew very well that neither he nor Tianshang were opponents of Ji Tianxing.

If he continues to fight, he will definitely die.

But he couldn't expressly escape, he could only speak tactfully.

Of course Tianshang understood what he meant, and gave him an angry look, then yelled in a deep voice, "Qin Haishan, you jerkless bastard!

When we leave the secret realm, I will settle accounts with you again! "

Tian Shang didn't want to entangle himself, and wanted to escape from the tower as soon as possible.

However, what made him most angry was Qin Haishan's lying about military affairs.

It was the news reported by Qin Haishan that made him misjudge Ji Tianxing's strength, only to come to this step and end in such a tragic end.

He felt that he was pitted by Qin Haishan, and of course he was full of resentment.

Qin Haishan knew Tianshang's thoughts, but he couldn't tell.

He could only bow his hand and reverently said: "Master Tianshang, it is the subordinates that do not work well. As long as they can leave this secret realm, they are willing to be punished."

Tian Shang looked at the Jinwu ancient tomb not far away, and told Qin Haishan: "Qin Haishan, go get around that kid and delay as much as possible.

This seat must open the formation of the ancient tomb before leaving this place. "

Qin Haishan's face changed drastically, and he shook his head quickly and said, "Master Tianshang, this is not okay! How can his subordinates be low-powered, how can he entangle that kid?

According to the subordinates, only you, an adult, can entangle that kid.

As long as you can delay for a while, your subordinates can open the formation..."

Qin Haishan is not stupid, knowing that Tianshang asked him to die, how could he agree?

Tian Shang glared at him immediately, and sternly shouted: "Qin Haishan, this is my order, there is no room for bargaining!

How dare you disobey orders? You know the consequences! "

While talking, he burst out with a cold killing intent and pressed towards Qin Haishan.

Qin Haishan's body was shocked, his face became very ugly, and a look of despair appeared in his eyes.

He understands Tianshang's nature and methods, and is also a cruel, murderous character.

If he is disobedient and disrespectful, Shang will immediately execute the rules of the alliance that day and kill him on the spot.

But if he obeyed his orders, he would be killed by Tianxing.

Both left and right are dead, Qin Haishan weighed it up, and simply turned his mind and made up his mind.

He looked at Tianshang with firm eyes, and said confidently: "Master Tianshang, it's not that his subordinates disobeyed the order, it's really inappropriate.

The subordinate still believes that it is the most correct decision for you to delay the time and subordinate to start the big formation! "

Obviously, Qin Haishan's fear of Ji Tianxing is far greater than his fear of Tianshang.

He would rather bear Tianshang's anger than fight with Ji Tianxing.

Tian Shang's face was blue with anger suddenly, his eyes turned dark red like blood, and his whole body was filled with raging anger.

"Qin! Hai! Mountain! You are a rebellious and unruly coward who commits the following crimes, greedy for life and fear of death, this seat will now kill you with the rules of the alliance!"

While roaring, Tian Shang raised his right palm, accumulated majestic mana, and wanted to kill Qin Haishan with one palm.

Qin Haishan quickly stepped back and sneered: "I am greedy for life and fear of death? As an inspector, a powerful martial artist, you dare not fight against a strong enemy. Instead, you let me die.

Ask yourself, who is the coward who is greedy for life and fear of death? "

Anyway, he had already torn his face, Qin Haishan no longer concealed it, and simply clarified what he said, without giving Tian Shang a face.

Tian Shang turned into anger from embarrassment, thunderous with anger, and a strong murderous intent burst out all over his body.

"Qin Haishan, you rebel! This seat will kill you now and clear the door!"

When the voice fell, Tian Shang slapped a palm with his right hand and patted Qin Haishan hard.

Qin Haishan had been prepared for a long time, and he turned and ran away without hesitation.


The big golden palm of the house traversed the night sky for ten miles, and hit Qin Haishan suddenly.

Qin Haishan's mana shield collapsed on the spot, and the jade medal he was wearing on his neck shattered.

He rolled and flew out, blood spurting from his mouth and nose.

However, he relied on the protection of that jade medal to save his life.

After landing, he quickly got up and continued to fly to the Jinwu Tomb.

Tianshang chased him murderously, and just halfway through the flight, he was stopped by two sword lights.

A playful sneer also came from the night sky beside him.

"Hehe, if you can't beat this seat, you start fighting?"

Tian Shang turned his head and saw that Ji Tianxing was killing with a sword, his face was full of contempt.

He was embarrassed and angry, and roared hoarsely: "Little beast, you are going crazy!"

While talking, he waved his palm to cast a fist shadow and blasted at the two sword lights.


With two muffled noises, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the shadow of the fist collapsed and exploded, but the sword light continued to kill with unabated power.

Tianshang can only evade.


Jian Guang passed him and cut off his right palm.


Tian Shang let out a painful scream, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped violently.

At this time, Ji Tianxing swung his sword to kill again, stabbing a multicolored thunder.

Tian Shang had no time to evade, and was immediately struck by the five-color divine thunder that was hundreds of feet long.


As a thunder blast sounded, Tian Shang's body burst into pieces of coke in the sky.

Even his divine soul was severely damaged by the five-color divine thunder, and his consciousness was dizzy.

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