Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1996: Kill Wu Sheng

A hazy white mist, only the size of a fist, floated in the night sky.

This is the soul of Tianshang.

The vitality of the Wusheng powerhouse is beyond imagination.

Ji Tianxing and Tianshang fought a thousand moves, exhausted all kinds of tricks, and destroyed his body.

Even if Tianshang's Soul was hit hard, it was not so easy to kill.

"Heaven Breaking Sword!"

Ji Tianxing chased him up, swung his sword to cut out a golden sword, and slashed at Tianshang's soul.

Tian Shang suddenly woke up, immediately turned into a white light, and fled into the distance.


The golden sword chased him, cutting through the dark night sky, until the end of the wasteland, before slamming him.


In the muffled sound, Jianguang struck Tianshang's soul.

The hazy white mist twisted and deformed, fluttered a thousand feet away in the night sky, and then turned and flew to the other side.

At the same time, invisible spirit fluctuations were released from the white mist, which turned into four sharp spikes, attacking Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing was prepared for a long time, mobilizing the power of the soul, forming four sharp swords, and launching an attack with them.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

On the soul level, four muffled sounds burst out, shaking endlessly.

Tianshang's spirit attack was disintegrated, and he took this opportunity to escape ten miles away.

Ji Tianxing was unyielding, holding the Heaven Burying Sword to hunt down.

The two sides chased in the night sky and flew several times around the wasteland within a quarter of an hour.

Finally, Tianshang's soul was injured too severely, and he could no longer bear the burden.

When Ji Tianxing performed the Soul Slashing Sword Technique and swung his sword to cut out 18 sword lights, Tianshang's Soul was finally cut into pieces and floated in the night sky.

The inspectors of the dignified Heavenly Broken Alliance, a generation of martial sage powerhouses, just fell.

With the strength of crossing the Eighth Stage of Tribulation, Ji Tianxing personally beheaded a martial sage, creating a miracle again.

It's just that only he and the funeral know this miracle, and it is destined to be impossible to spread.

With a big wave of his hand, Ji Tianxing shot a golden light and picked up Tianshang's soul fragments.

The voice of the funeral immediately rang in his mind.

"The divine soul fragments of the Wusheng powerhouse, this is a big supplement, it can restore a lot of strength!"

Ji Tianxing didn't hesitate, and directly gave Tianshang's soul fragments to Funeral Sky to swallow.

Then, holding the Sky Burial Sword, he flew towards the Golden Crow Tomb in the middle of the wasteland.

At this moment, Qin Haishan was casting spells anxiously over the ancient tomb of Jinwu.

For a full quarter of an hour, he tried his best to cast the spell, but failed to open the big formation.

Witnessing Tianshang being killed, he was so distraught that he was scared to death.

Seeing Ji Tianxing rushing over, he was even more anxious, with a deep look of despair in his eyes.


In the next moment, Ji Tianxing came behind Qin Haishan and stopped in the night sky.

He looked at Qin Haishan blankly, and said in a cold tone: "Qin Haishan, your death date is here, you don't have to struggle anymore."

Qin Haishan stiffened, his expression turned dead gray, desperate, grief and anger.

He slowly turned around to look at Ji Tianxing, and shook his head again and again: "Senior, I am not to blame for this! I respect you very much, and I never dare to disobey the least.

It's all Tianshang, he wants to kill you, and I was instructed by him! "

Anyway, Tian Shang was dead, and Qin Haishan did not hesitate to reverse black and white in order to save his life.

Ji Tianxing did not believe his nonsense, and sneered: "Hehe, do you think this seat will believe you? Do you think this seat is a soft-hearted person?"

Qin Haishan was even more horrified, and the despair in his heart was even worse.

His anxious eyes rolled around, anxiously thinking about the way to save his life.

But he racked his brains and thought for a long time, only to realize that he didn't have any cards to save his life.

More sadly, he was about to die soon, but he didn't even know the origin of the other party's identity.

In desperation, he could only carry out the Heavenly Broken Alliance.

"Senior, don't forget, you and our leader are friends!

As long as you spare my life, this alliance will definitely remember this kindness..."

Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said disdainfully: "Now you admit that Arbitrary Tian is friends with this seat? You didn't say that before!

You are just a little rudder, don't take yourself too important.

What's more, this seat has never put the League of Heaven in its eyes, and Arbitrary Heaven is not worthy of being a friend of this seat! "

Having said that, Qin Haishan also understood that he was completely hopeless.

His heart was ashamed, his gaze stared at Ji Tianxing grimly, and he laughed frantically.


Boy, I admit that you are very strong, but you are too arrogant!

Even if you don't put the Heaven Breaking League in your eyes, but if you kill me and Tianshang, you must bear the revenge of the Heaven Breaking League!

We have sent out a subpoena long ago, and passed all the information about you to the elders of the Heavenly Broken Alliance.

Wait, the elders will avenge us soon!

You have been alive soon and will be buried with us soon! ! "

Qin Haishan smiled crazily, and at the same time urged his lifelong mana and soul to explode.

He is a strong man in the Eighth Stage of Crossing Tribulation. Once he explodes himself, he will surely destroy a radius of hundreds of miles.

The third floor of the sacred tower is only a few dozen miles in radius, and Ji Tianxing has nowhere to hide.

"Hahahaha...little beast, let's go to death together!"

Qin Haishan looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

Seeing that he was about to explode, Ji Tianxing didn't retreat but moved forward, rushing past like a stream of light.

"Want to explode in front of me? Too young!"

Ji Tianxing sneered disdainfully, stretched out his right hand and put two middle fingers, poking towards Qin Haishan.

"Breaking the sky!"

Two fingertips burst out bright golden light, forming a sharp sword, and instantly stabbed Qin Haishan.


The violently inflated Qin Haishan, like a balloon, was instantly pierced by the sky-piercing finger.

With a loud noise, his body collapsed on the spot, exploded into fragments in the sky, and splashed around.

The violent colorful air wave, engulfed in flesh and blood, swept across dozens of miles.

The hurricane filled the entire wasteland, blowing up rubble and dust.

Qin Haishan's body and spirit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were completely destroyed, turned into powder and scattered in the wasteland.

Although he still exploded, it was not a self-detonation, the power was completely different.

Ji Tianxing was swept by the shock wave and was unharmed.

When the violent hurricane calmed down, the entire wasteland was quiet again.

Originally, Ji Tianxing killed all the people in the Heavenly Breaking League, so he should sit down and adjust his breath.

But he did not stop, turned and flew to a corner of the wasteland, with a cold expression on his face and let out a low cry.

"Ji Xiulao, when do you want to hide, you shrank tortoise?!"

He stared sharply at the corner of the wasteland, and his whole body was filled with intense murderous intent.

In the stone mound in the corner of the wasteland, there was a pile of broken bones, and the ground was stained with blood.

A pitch-black monster was lurking in the stone, with scarlet eyes wide open, looking at Ji Tianxing in the night sky.

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