Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1999: Tower key

Although, Ji Tianxing established a connection with the Daluo Divine Array through the Shenxue Yulingshu.

He was able to communicate with the sacred formation, and entered the first four floors of the sacred tower through the Great Luoshen Gate.

But he hasn't fully mastered the Great Luo Divine Formation, and he can't actively control the target and accurately enter a certain level.

So, he continued to use spells to communicate with the Da Luo Divine Formation, and devoted himself to exploring the mysteries of the Divine Formation.

The hall was silent, and time passed quietly.

Unconsciously, five days passed.

Ji Tianxing gradually urged the power of Divine Blood and Spirit Defence, and the connection with the Da Luo Divine Array became closer and stronger.

At the same time, his control of the Great Luo Divine Array has also reached a more subtle level.

He has accurately found the first four passages from the many passages of the Great God Gate.

As long as he activates the big formation, he can accurately reach the first four floors of the tower.

This is already a great improvement.

But he always felt that something was still missing.

There are deeper secrets in the Da Luo Divine Formation, waiting for him to dig.

So, he continued to cast spells to explore the mystery of the Great Luo God Formation.

One day, two days, three days...

Ten days have passed.

Ji Tianxing's divine sense has entered the depths of the Great Luo Divine Formation, exploring the mystery of the core area of ​​the formation.

He suddenly discovered that there was a sacred golden light deep in the formation.

In the golden light, there is a golden pagoda the size of a fist.

The little golden tower is very delicate, lifelike, and exquisite.

Ji Tianxing observed carefully, only to find that the shape of the small tower was exactly the same as the nine days and ten unique towers, without the slightest difference.

This discovery shocked him, and there was a strong expectation in his heart.

"This exquisite and gorgeous little tower, like the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, is still hidden in the depths of the Great Luo God Formation.

Could it be said that this small tower is the core of controlling the tower, which is equivalent to the key to unlock the tower? "

This thought flashed in Ji Tianxing's mind, and he couldn't wait to release his divine consciousness and communicate with the small tower.

The small golden tower is sacred and majestic, exuding majestic and mighty power.

Ji Tianxing's divine consciousness is difficult to approach, and he tried many times before he could get in touch with it.

He was not in a hurry, and patiently communicated with the small tower, nurturing it with divine consciousness.

After half a month, the small tower accepted his divine sense and allowed his divine sense to enter.

The first step of refining the small tower was successful.

Ji Tianxing was invigorated and continued to manipulate his spiritual consciousness to concentrate on refining the small tower.

He was immersed in the cast, completely forgetting the passage of time.

Soon, another month passed.

He finally succeeded in refining the little golden tower!


His divine consciousness merged with the little tower, and the little tower immediately burst into a brighter golden light.

In the next moment, the small golden tower flew out from the depths of the big formation under the guidance of his divine sense.


The small golden tower flew out of the Great Luoshen Formation and landed in his palm.

He looked down and saw that the three-inch tall golden tower was floating in his palm, shining with brilliant golden light.

A sacred and mighty breath was released from the small tower.

Ji Tianxing couldn't put it down, holding the small golden tower to observe for a long time before putting it away.

The little tower got into his palm, into his head, and finally landed in the sea of ​​knowledge.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is a blazing white Dzi Bead suspended above it, like a full moon, holy and majestic.

The small golden tower was suspended under the celestial bead, sleeping quietly.

The two live in peace without any conflict, and they can provide Ji Tianxing with a powerful force.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was relieved.

After adjusting his energy for two days, he returned to his peak state, and he was about to leave the nine-day pagoda.

So, he sacrificed a small golden tower and communicated with it with divine consciousness.


The small tower released brilliant golden light, which condensed into a light gate in front of him.

He stepped into the light gate, and his figure disappeared immediately.

In the next instant, he appeared out of thin air on a mountain that was two thousand feet high.

It was late at night.

In the gloomy night sky, there was a crescent moon and sparse stars.

There is a ruin-like ground at the foot, surrounded by a mess of woods.

The cold wind blew over the top of the mountain, rolling up the dust all over the ground.

Ji Tianxing looked around, only to realize that he had left the Yin and Yang secret realm.

This mountain at the foot is the entrance of the Yin-Yang secret realm.

There was a golden and blue light gate on the top of the mountain, which was set up by the Heavenly Broken Alliance to protect it.

But now, the two-color light gate and defense formation have long since disappeared.

Ji Tianxing released his spiritual consciousness again and explored the surrounding five hundred miles.

As a result, all within a radius of five hundred miles were quiet, without the breath of a warrior.

"Strange! When I came here before, more than 20 martial arts powers gathered here.

It's only been two months, how come everyone has disappeared? "

Ji Tianxing was a little confused and whispered to himself.

However, he guessed the reason after a little thought.

The people of the Broken Sky Alliance occupied the secret realm entrance, and other forces were not qualified to **** it.

Later, Ji Xiuluo and the powerful demon clan arrived, killed all the powerful of the Broken Sky Alliance, and shocked the powerful of all forces.

Those strong people can have illusions about the Heavenly Broken Alliance, because the Heavenly Broken Alliance is a human force, and it has a bit of affection and humanity.

But the demons of Beimingshan are more terrifying than any race.

Who dares to have illusions about the demons unless they are tired of life!

In addition, the light gate of the secret realm entrance also disappeared.

Even if the powerhouses of all walks of life have the courage to grab food from the Heavenly Broken Alliance and the Demon Race, they cannot enter the secret realm.

Just as Ji Tianxing was thinking, a ray of purple light flew from the night sky and fell into his hands.


After the purple light dissipated, it was a message jade slip with the big finger.

Ji Tianxing knew at a glance that this was a message sent to him by Ji Ke.

So, he released his divine consciousness to intrude into it and read the information in the jade slip of the transmission.

Ji Ke's clear and sweet voice immediately rang in his mind.

"Brother Tianxing, we have been lurking nearby for two months and we haven't waited for Ji Xiulao to return.

Have you fought with Ji Shuluo in the secret realm? Are you injured? Is Ji Xiula still alive?

If Ji Xiulao is dead~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you should come here as soon as possible.

I am near Liangqi Mountain. There are more than 30 elite demons here. You can catch them all in one go..."

There is not much information in the jade slip, but it is very important.

After listening to Ji Tianxing, he frowned and thought for a while before sending a message back to Ji Ke.

"Koke, Ji Xiuluo and the powerful demons under his command were all killed by me.

However, the ancestor Demon God taught Ji Xiuluo a secret technique called the Heavenly Demon Seed Jade Dafa, which can bring it back to life.

Ji Xiuluo left the Soul Seed in Beiming Mountain, and it is estimated that he will be able to return to the peak in ten years.

As for Liangqi Mountain, I will not go.

I can't kill the more than 30 elite demons, I can only spare them.

If I kill them, only you will be able to escape back to Beiming Mountain. It will definitely arouse the suspicion of the Great Demon Saint, and your situation will be very dangerous..."

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