Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2000: Yin Yang Tower

After sending a message to Ji Ke, Ji Tianxing waited for half an hour.

Afterwards, Ji Ke sent him back a message.

Ji Ke was very excited and excited when he learned that Ji Xiuluo was killed and that many powerful demons died.

As for the elite demons in Liangqi Mountain, they can only be considered lucky and lucky enough to get their lives back.

She is about to follow the demon elites and return to Beiming Mountain.

If there is any situation or major event in the future, she will contact Ji Tianxing again.

After reading the information in the jade slip of the transmission, Ji Tianxing quietly put away the jade slip, and did not reply to the message.

After a mixed sigh, he turned and left.

He flew across the sky like a streamer, and headed south.

The nine-day ten-perfect tower matter has come to an end for now.

When he is strong enough in the future, he will explore the secrets of the tower.

Anyway, he has the secret key to the tower and can enter and exit the tower at any time.

Apart from this, it is impossible for anyone else to enter the sacred tower, not even the strongest Wusheng.

After all, the entrance to the Yin and Yang Secret Realm disappeared.


Ji Tianxing crossed the fallen blood lake and galloped over the mountains.

Early this morning, the morning sun had just risen.

He was flying over a vast mountain range, but suddenly stopped.


He landed on the top of a thousand-foot-high peak, standing on a large millstone on the top of the mountain.

"Damn it, I forgot about it!"

He looked up at the sky and muttered a strange expression.

I saw that in the originally clear sky, there was a sudden gust of wind.

There are endless gray clouds, coming from all directions, gathering above the mountain peaks.

In just a few breaths of time, the boundless gray cloud formed a pitch-black robbery cloud, surging sharply, and was about to condense into a whirlpool.

The world is dim, and the air is full of extremely depressed breath.

Within a hundred miles, the birds and beasts living in the mountains and forests were all frightened and fled away.

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing's catastrophe is about to come.

He looked up at the robbery cloud with a calm expression, and said in a playful tone: "I have already reached the eighth level of crossing the robbery realm.

Now that he just came out of the tower, less than twelve hours later, the catastrophe came as promised.

It seems that the few catastrophes I should have crossed, I couldn't hide it once! "

The burial voice sounded in his mind, with a solemn tone: "As long as it is a world shrouded by the heavens, no matter where in the cosmic starry sky, the rules of the heavens must be followed.

Facts have proved that your guess is correct. The Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Pagodas can really block the will of heaven and isolate the induction of the tribulation. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Only the top king-level artifacts can achieve this effect!

Just like the back hand I left back then, with all my divine power and might, can I disrupt the secrets of heaven and leave the memory of my soul in the catastrophe. "

Just as he was discussing with Funeral Sky, the cloud vortex of the high sky had already formed.

In the dark robbery vortex, there are multicolored lightning arcs flickering, releasing the terrifying pressure of the heavens, covering a hundred miles in a radius.

Ji Tianxing was under the pressure of Heaven, but was able to remain calm, his body still straight.

In a short while, the catastrophe came.


With a deafening thunder, there were six thunders in the vortex of Jieyun.

Six hundred-foot-long thunder light beams, carrying the supernatural power to kill everything, fell from the sky to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing was not afraid, his left hand was behind him, and his right hand waved the palm of the sky to form a huge vortex.

A vortex with a radius of thousands of feet blocked his head, releasing a powerful swallowing power.

"Boom bang bang!"

A series of muffled noises exploded, and the six sky thunders blasted into the vortex and were quickly swallowed.

The first sky thunder was easily resolved by Ji Tianxing.

Next, the second sky thunder followed.

This time, twelve pillars of thunder beams were blasted from the Jieyun Vortex, which was more than three times stronger than before.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Another loud noise burst out, resounding throughout the world.

Ji Tianxing waved his palm again to give out golden light, forming a whirlpool, swallowing all twelve thunders.

The number of the third sky thunder reached twenty-four, and the power was even more terrifying.

But the result was the same, Ji Tianxing still swallowed all the Thunder.

Once the three heavenly thunders passed, the Jieyun Vortex changed.

Before long, after the Jieyun Vortex was changed, a more powerful sky thunder was lowered.

When the fourth sky thunder came, a total of forty-eight colorful thunder beams lined up into a heaven and earth array, slamming and killing Ji Tianxing.

Each thunder light beam contains five kinds of divine thunder power, which is unpredictable.

Forty-eight thunder beams, arranged in the direction of the **** array, contain the supreme power and destroy the world.

Ji Tianxing responded calmly and calmly, holding the Heaven Burial Sword, and instantly pierced forty-nine sword lights, facing the sky full of thunder.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

A series of loud noises, connected together like firecrackers, resounded through the sky.

Forty-eight lightning beams were smashed by the sword light and turned into billions of lightning arcs, scattered in the world.

Ji Tianxing was unscathed.

The Qianzhang peak at his feet and the surrounding mountains were shattered by thunder and collapsed into scorched ruins.

The violent shock wave raged, blowing up sand and dust, filling the sky for hundreds of miles.

For the next fifth and sixth sky thunders, the number of thunders doubled one after another, reaching ninety-six and one hundred and ninety-two, and they were extremely powerful.

This is absolutely an unprecedented catastrophe.

Anyone who is strong and witnesses this scene will be shocked and frightened to the extreme.

Even the martial arts powerhouse did not dare to endure such a terrifying calamity, being bombarded and killed by 192 heavenly thunders!

There is only one death in the end, and the ashes are wiped out!

But Ji Tianxing did it, constantly creating miracles.

With his powerful body and wonderful swordsmanship, he defeated the heavenly thunder and blocked the might of thunder.

The six sky thunders had passed, and the Jieyun Vortex mutated again, turning into a blood red.

The seventh heavenly thunder is still the heart demon robbery.

Ji Tianxing looked up at the sky ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at the dark red robbery cloud, and thundered down a **** god.

He didn't avoid it, and calmly endured the **** thunder.

Soon, he was wrapped in a huge mass of blood and entered the illusion of Heart Demon Tribulation.

He has survived several times of heart devil and has enough experience.

This time the heart evil calamity, although it was as dangerous as ever, he still resolved it smoothly.

As for the eighth disaster, it is not a problem for him.

Tianfeng Ganghuo and mysterious black fire burned his body, and he used it to forge his body.

Finally, the last thunder came.

In the vortex of Jieyun a hundred li, a very strange thunder blasted down.

It turned out to be a black-and-white beam of thunder, reaching a height of thousands of feet, containing mysterious power!

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