Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2585: Silver Moon will die

? "Boom boom boom!"

Above the sky, Ji Tianxing, Jin Peng and Marshal Zhengnan are fighting fiercely.

Loud noises continued to come from the sky, shaking the clouds.

Roads of red light, golden light and flames, mixed with various magical lights and shadows, bloom in the night sky.

It is brilliant within a thousand miles, and the colorful light is particularly dazzling.

The three true gods all exploded with all their strength and used their trump cards to kill each other as soon as possible.

There were dragon claws and giant palms that covered the sky, carrying the power to kill everything, and smashed the sky.

There are swords and shadows that are as long as ten thousand meters long and open up the world, and they shattered the sky with one blow, causing the space to collapse and a void storm.

There are also various divine light phantoms, forming thousands of images, entangled and collided.

As time passed, the battle between the three powerhouses became more and more fierce, and the battlefield shifted away.

Within thousands of miles, the night sky was shattered and filled with void storms.

The aftermath of the terrifying battle destroyed the Fatian Temple.

The once magnificent palaces and pavilions are all turned into dust, scattered in the world.

There were also many Celestial Clan guards who were also swept away by the aftermath of the battle and were wiped out on the spot.

Even the war gods and captains of the alien race, there were many unlucky people who were bombarded and killed by the aftermath of the battle.

Fortunately, the three true gods are gone, and the war gods are no longer worried.

However, the fight of the gods became more intense.

The Fatian tribe has an advantage in numbers, not only has more than 100 captains, but also more than 1,000 black armored guards.

They are well-trained, long-standing battle formations, and they cooperate quite tacitly, and can smoothly use various combined attack formations and secret techniques.

But those more than one hundred alien warlords came from all over the world.

Not only are they unfamiliar with each other, they have no cooperation at all, and even their divine power attributes are messy.

Naturally, the fighting power of the alien war gods was greatly reduced.

After the two sides fought for a quarter of an hour, the alien warlords fell into a disadvantage and began to wear out defense.

Even the number has been reduced by 40%, leaving only more than 90 Valkyrie.

In contrast to the Fatian tribe, only more than 400 guards were killed and more than 20 captains died in battle.

Moreover, as time goes by, this gap is still widening.

Half an hour later.

There are only more than 500 guards left in the sky, and there are hundreds of captains.

However, the alien war **** was killed by 70%.

There are only more than forty war gods who are still struggling to support and fight in blood.

They were all seriously injured, one was more embarrassed and miserable than the other, and their combat effectiveness was also greatly weakened.

In desperation, the Valkyries could only retreat, towards the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

The enthusiasm and surging fighting spirit before, now cooled down.

Many Valkyrie had thoughts of pessimism and despair, and some even felt regretful.

But it is done, and the situation has developed to this point, and there is no turning back.

Only Yinyue Divine Lord still has no regrets and no regrets.

Even the two old women had been killed by the Sky-cutting captains in order to protect her.

Although she was also badly injured, with a disheveled hair, she became a blood man.

But she has been stubbornly supporting, behind many Valkyrie.

While covering everyone's retreat, she resisted Captain Cutian's pursuit, and her injuries were getting worse.

Soon, another quarter of an hour passed.

The two sides chased them for thousands of miles, and the sea of ​​clouds disappeared wherever they passed.

In the night sky, there are countless corpses and pieces of flesh and blood scattered, full of rich blood.

The number of alien war gods, only more than twenty people remain.

However, the number of Captain Slashing Sky was reduced by only ten.

The gap between the numbers and strength of the two sides has further widened, and there is already a huge gap.

The ending is set.

No matter how desperate the alien war gods are, there is only one dead end!

Many people want to escape, but find that they cannot escape at all.

More than eighty captains of the sky cutting, with more than four hundred black armored guards, formed a huge encirclement, trapping everyone.

The battle came to an abrupt end.

More than twenty alien war gods gathered together, desperately waiting for death.

In the surrounding night sky, many captains and guards slowly approached, murderous.

"It's over! We are all dead now!"

"Ha ha ha... this is the price of impulse."

"It's a bit of enthusiasm for a moment, but soon died a tragic death in another country, really confused!"

"It's better to die than to live. Compared to life, what is freedom and dignity?"

In the desperate atmosphere, many Valkyrie showed tragic wry smiles and complained about themselves.

Divine Lord Yinyue's face was ugly, and his mood was extremely complicated.

The people's words were harsh, but she was unable to refute them.

Because the facts are in sight.

It was not the first time she had seen the power of the Fatian clan.

She was just a little disappointed, and thought to herself: "Unexpectedly, these alien warlords have no cooperation, and their combat effectiveness is so low.

If it can take a few more hours, maybe there will be a turning point.

What a pity, we will die soon..."

At this moment, among the captains of the Fatian tribe, a general in golden armor walked out.

General Lei Hong held a broad war sword in his hand, looked at the crowd with a sneer on his face, and said in a playful tone: "Foreign reptiles, do you finally regret it now?

You have seen the invincible strength of our clan for a long time, so why bother to seek a dead end?

Our clan is kind, even if you betrayed our clan, now this general still gives you a chance to survive. "

Hearing these words, more than twenty desperate alien war gods, suddenly energetic, all showed hopeful eyes.

Only Yinyue Divine Lord realized that it was not good, and his eyes flashed with cold light.


General Lei Hong sneered and said: "I know that you don't want to die, and you are happy to be loyal to our clan.

Only when you are confused for a while and are provoked by some bastard, will you betray you.

Now, if you hand over that bastard, I will save you from death!

I want to execute that **** in public and put him to death! "

When General Lei Hong's voice fell, more than 20 foreign warlords turned their heads to look at the Silver Moon God Lord.

Even the alien war gods standing beside her retreated to the distance.

Suddenly, the Silver Moon God Lord was isolated, standing alone in the night sky.

General Lei Hong also looked at her fiercely, showing bloodthirsty killing intent.

"Hehehe...yes, it's you!"

More than 20 alien warlords, begging for mercy one after another, or reprimanding the Lord Silver Moon.

"General, we are all instigated, please forgive our impulse!"

"Master General, as long as you spare our lives~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we will all swear allegiance to the death and never betray!"

"That bitch, you killed everyone, don't you kneel down and lead to death?"

"Yes! If she didn't try to incite everyone, how could we do such a foolish thing?"

The crowd was passionate, and while pleasing General Lei Hong, while driving away the Silver Moon God Lord, they wanted to draw a clear line with her.

The Lord Silver Moon was not angry.

She glanced around calmly, seeing the appearance of those alien warriors, and immediately relieved.

Those warriors who were passionate and passionate and firmly supported her and Ji Tianxing had already died in battle.

The surviving Valkyrie were basically shameless people who wavered and even wanted to besiege Ji Tianxing.

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