Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2586: Immortal?

? Above the sky.

The fight between Ji Tianxing, Jin Peng and Marshal Zhengnan has reached its most intense moment.

The two sides fought tens of thousands of moves, and moved 20,000 miles on the battlefield. The mountains and rivers were broken and the night sky collapsed.

Of course, both sides suffered serious injuries.

Ji Tianxing was covered in cuts and bruises, and his golden body as high as one hundred meters was covered with criss-cross wounds, and golden blood constantly poured out.

But he turned a blind eye to his injuries and still fought bloody.

With long hair fluttering fiercely, he was holding a hundred-foot-long skyburial sword, attacking wildly like a rainbow.

The sword light stretched for three thousand miles, surging divine power to sway the clouds.

Jinpeng was also covered with blood, with dense wounds all over his body.

Even its wide wings are full of cracks and pits, and golden blood is constantly emerging.

But it seemed to feel no pain, completely ignored its own injuries, and attacked wildly with a desperate attitude.

It doesn't care even if it hurts the enemy eight hundred and hurts itself a thousand.

No way, its hatred for Marshal Zhengnan is really deep in the bones.

It can't be washed clean even if it drains all the water from all over the world.

In contrast, Marshal Zhengnan's situation was even worse.

Even if he used the secret method to turn into a huge black beast, showing a hideous and terrifying side, he could hardly escape serious injuries.

He couldn't find a piece of intact skin and flesh all over his body, and most of the pitch-black scale armor was removed.

The wide left palm was severed, and there was a hideous wound on the right shoulder, and the bones inside were clearly visible.

Even his huge head was chopped off by the Heaven Burying Sword, losing his ears and half of his face.

This is so, he never feared and flinched, still brave and brave.

Facing the pincer attack from Ji Tianxing and Jin Peng, he tried his best to resist, always walking on the edge of death.

Finally, the two sides fought hundreds of moves.

Ji Tianxing finally found an opportunity to seize a trace of Marshal Zhengnan's flaws and decisively used the secret skill of the lore.

"God beheaded!"

He suddenly lifted his left palm, piercing Marshal Zhengnan's chest with a dazzling golden glare.

"call out!"

The golden glare is very small, only a finger long, but it is extremely gorgeous, flashing in the night sky.

Marshal Zhengnan immediately realized that it was not good, foreseeing that the death crisis was coming, and his soul was frozen.

At the moment of the moment, he did not hesitate to use the teleport, to shuttle through the different dimensions and move the position.

However, it was too late.

The speed and strength of the Flying Sword of God Slash were all urged to the extreme by Ji Tianxing.


With a deafening muffled noise, a little golden light pierced Marshal Zhengnan's chest.

The incomparably hard black scale armor, thick flesh and blood, as well as the divine bones that have been tempered over thousands of times, could not stop the assassination of God Slayer Flying Sword.

The palm-sized golden flying knife pierced his chest three feet deep, and brought a puff of dark red blood to the night sky.

However, the impact of the flying knife was resolved, unable to penetrate Marshal Zhengnan's body.

Seeing that, Marshal Zhengnan snorted and immediately used his divine power to clamp the flying knife firmly with flesh and blood and bones.

Ji Tianxing decisively manipulated the flying knife, and the power of destroying the world broke out in the chest of Marshal Zhengnan.


With a loud noise erupting, Marshal Zhengnan was blown into a pit with a radius of ten feet in his chest.

Countless flesh and bones and scum, all splashed into the night sky, like a rainstorm.

The tremendous impact shocked Marshal Zhengnan's body trembling, and he couldn't help flying upside down and fell into the ruins thirty miles away.


His thousand-foot-tall body was like a big mountain, slamming heavily on the ruins, splashing dust in the sky.

He was curled up in the deep pit, his body was buried by countless dust, and he was still trembling constantly, and he let out a painful roar.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing and Jin Peng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Marshal Zhengnan was hit hard by this, and his combat effectiveness will inevitably drop sharply."

"Tonight is his death date, as long as you kill him, Zixiaoxing will be saved!"

One person and one bird used divine consciousness to transmit sound, and exchanged words.

At this moment, Marshal Zhengnan struggled a few times and crawled out of the pit.


He shook his body a few times before shaking off the dust all over his body.

Even though he had a huge blood hole in his chest, he became energetic again after performing a special secret technique.

The seemingly hideous and fatal wounds were actually not too threatening to him.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Marshal Zhengnan stood in the sky, looking down at Ji Tianxing and Jin Peng, grinning hoarsely and sneered: "Little beast! Do you think the commander is the same as the other martial gods?

Do you think the chest is the Achilles heel of this handsome?

Hahahaha...You are too naive!

This handsome is a true god, a true **** who is immortal and immortal! "

Marshal Zhengnan pointed to the blood hole in his chest and the wounds all over his body. He grinned and said: "Just this little skin injury, can this commander be hurt? It's ridiculous!

Even if this handsome is divided into two, cut off his head, he can still kill you two beasts! "

When the voice fell, he raised his head and roared to the sky, and a dark purple divine fire ignited all over, bursting out terrifying divine power fluctuations.


The dull thunderous sound rolled and reverberated in the high sky, shaking the ground and shaking the night sky.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing's face became more solemn, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Jin Peng's eyes were also colder. After hesitating for a while, the voice transmission said to Ji Tianxing: "The flesh body of the Fatian clan is inherently powerful and nearly immortal.

Marshal Zhengnan was right, he is a true **** powerhouse, even if we cut him off, he can still survive!

If you want to kill him completely, you can only kill him into scum! "

Jin Peng's tone was very low, with a hint of determination.

Ji Tianxing suddenly realized that something was wrong, and quickly asked through a voice transmission: "Jin Peng, what do you want to do?"

Jin Peng did not answer, but said in a low tone: "Tianxing, the next thing is left to you, I hope you can save Zixiaoxing!"

When the voice fell, it also rang its neck to the sky, and slowly closed its wings.

Then, it ignited golden flames all over, rising fiercely.

It seemed that there was some kind of power that had been sleeping for thousands of years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and it immediately regained consciousness, surging out like a volcano.

The dazzling golden divine fire envelops its slender body, making it like a golden flame giant sword.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing immediately understood Jin Peng's intention.

He was worried and eagerly shouted: "Jinpeng! Stop now, we still have a chance, why do you do this?!"

Jin Peng glanced back at him and said in a calm voice, "No, only in this way can he be completely killed!

I have said long ago, as long as I can punish Marshal Zhengnan, I will do whatever it takes! "

After speaking, it crossed the night sky without hesitation, and rushed to Marshal Zhengnan resolutely.

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