Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2590: Who gave the oracle?

In just one month, the news spread to all continents.

The sky-cutters guarding the other four continents are all like a concubine, and their troops are distracted.

The warriors and people of all races, under the guidance of many powerful men, united to resist the rule of the Fatian tribe.

It is another scene where all the people are soldiers and morale is like a rainbow.

The heaven-killing powerhouses had lost their military spirit, so naturally they did not dare to fall in love with each other, and they were quickly defeated.

A large number of sky-cutters were killed, many warships were destroyed, and countless slaves were liberated and free.

The surviving sky-cutters, driving the battleships, desperately escaped from Zixiao Star.

It took three months for the warriors and people of all races to completely eliminate the Fatian tribe.

Subsequently, all continents fell into a state of coexistence.

Countless strong men emerged in the war and became the leaders of major forces, clans and empires.

One after another empires and kingdoms of Gods were born, and the five continents of Zixiaoxing were reshuffled, establishing a new order pattern.

In a few years at most, the turbulent situation on the five continents will subside.

At that time, all the great kingdoms and races will enter a state of recuperation, and Zixiao Star will also restore peace.

But everyone understands that Zixiao Star can restore peace, and that the five continents can escape the rule of the Sky Clan, relying on the golden divine bird and the human youth.

If it weren't for the human youth and golden bird who successfully killed Marshal Zhengnan, how could Zixiaoxing be freed?

Although there are hundreds of races on the five continents, dozens of emperors and gods.

But in the minds of many powerful people, they all respect the human youth as the master.

Even many gods sent envoys to inquire and search for the whereabouts of the human youth.

I want to express my gratitude to him face to face, and I want to invite him to be the guardian of the Purple Star.

Unfortunately, the messengers of the major gods searched all five continents, but did not find any traces of the human youth.


Deep in the Zero Continent, in an unknown mountain range.

Between the two towering green mountains, there is a waterfall of thousands of feet high, falling down like a jade belt.

Below the waterfall, there is a clear pool with a bottom, and round jade stones of different sizes are piled around.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing and Yinyue Divine Lord were sitting on a large millstone by the pool.

The two sat side by side, facing the secluded pool and the waterfall thousands of meters away from the sky, their expressions were very relaxed and comfortable.

After a month of recuperation, both of them recovered most of their injuries and there was no serious problem.

Ji Tianxing stared at the water pool, his body relaxed, but his expression was thoughtful.

The Silver Moon Divine Lord was sitting beside him, his arms wrapped around a pair of calves and pressed tightly against the hem of his skirt, appearing to be restrained.

Although she was relaxed on the surface, she was a little nervous in her heart, and there was a hint of inexplicable joy.

From time to time, she would quietly turn her head, glance at Ji Tianxing's profile, then quickly retract her gaze and lower her head.

After all, she was the **** of the Moon Spirit Race, and she had never been so close to any man.

Yes, even just sitting side by side with Ji Tianxing is too intimate for her.

In her mind, there are two completely different ideas, hesitating and struggling.

On the other side are the rules of the Moon Spirit Race and the reservedness of the Divine Lord, constantly reminding her not to be so close to strange men, and to keep a sufficient distance.

On the other side, it was the throbbing from the bottom of her heart, which made her enjoy the feeling of being trusted and protected, which made her very addicted and reluctant.

It is a pity that the two ideas have been intertwined for a long time, and the outcome has not been determined.

She only sat on the spot with a slightly stiff body, neither too close nor far away.

Just as her thoughts drifted away, a ray of aura suddenly flew from the sky and fell in front of Ji Tianxing.

The colorful auras hovered in mid-air, spinning steadily.

The Silver Moon Divine Lord glanced at it and found a black jade slip wrapped in the aura.

Ji Tianxing stretched out his right hand and grabbed the jade slip. After reading the information in it with his spiritual sense, he stretched his brows and showed a smile.

"It's been a month. Most of the Heavenly Swordsmen who remained in Zixiao Star were killed, and a small number of them fled.

Judging from the current situation, the Fatian tribe will be completely eliminated in a few months at most.

Next, many empires and kingdoms of God will emerge on the five continents, and the situation will gradually become peaceful. "

Hearing these words, the Lord Yinyue looked at him and asked: "Is it your companions, this is the message sent to you?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and explained: "They followed my instructions and went to other continents to punish the sky-cutters and find out the news."

"So that's the case." The Silver Moon God Lord nodded, and immediately thought of something, suddenly showing a look of surprise.

"You have already made arrangements? Could it be that... before you attacked Marshal Zhengnan, you expected the result?"

Ji Tianxing just nodded slightly and didn't say much.

Divine Lord Yinyue was even more surprised, and a stormy sea raged in his heart, "God! He is so confident? He must have killed Marshal Zhengnan long ago!"

After a moment of silence, the Lord Silver Moon frowned and reminded: "Tian Xing, although Marshal Zhengnan is dead, the Fatian clan has also withdrawn from Zixiao Star.

However, you still can't take it lightly! "

"Oh?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, looked at her earnestly, and asked: "You mean, the Fatian clan still has a back hand, will it make a comeback?"

"Yeah!" The Silver Moon God Lord nodded heavily, and said solemnly: "The power of the Sky Clan is far beyond your imagination.

Marshal Zhengnan is very powerful for us.

However, he is only one of the many strong people in the Sky Clan. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "As far as I know, the leader of the Fatian tribe is called Fatian the Great, and there are several marshals who can conquer the battle.

The Great Emperor Fatian was ambitious and tried to occupy three thousand worlds.

He asked every marshal to lead a huge fleet to invade the major star regions one by one.

Marshal Zhengnan was in charge of occupying the Zixiao Star Region. Now he is dead, and his fleet is also falling apart.

In the short term, they would not dare to make a comeback without the power of the true gods! "

The Silver Moon God Lord nodded and said, "Your understanding of the Sky Clan is not as bad as I thought.

However, you missed a very important point.

There is one of the most important reasons why the Fatian clan is so powerful ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has the ambition to sweep three thousand worlds.

That's...The Fatian tribe is the strongest race protected by the grace of God and inherited the oracle! "

"God's grace? Oracle?" Ji Tianxing frowned in doubt, and said in a playful tone: "Why haven't I heard of this, who will give the oracle from the Heavenly Clan?"

Yinyue Divine Lord did not hear what he said, and explained with a serious face: "There are very few people who know this, and I happen to be one of them.

The Fatian tribe was originally the strongest race in the Fatian star field.

About nine hundred years ago, I didn't know what happened to the upper realm, and even the gods were in turmoil.

Later, the divine grace fell from the sky and enveloped the Fatian tribe, and some gods descended on the decree..."

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