Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2591: I am not the savior

? The oracle and the protection of the gods mentioned by the Lord Silver Moon made Ji Tianxing frown and vaguely understood something.

He stared calmly at the water pool, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

"A thousand years ago, that battle of the gods spread to the Three Realms.

After my fall, the power pattern of the God Realm must have undergone a tremendous change.

Soon after that, more than 900 years ago, the God Realm sent an oracle to protect the Celestial Clan with divine grace.

Who sent the oracle?

Who won the final victory and controlled the overall situation of the God Realm?

It's him? Or she? Or...that it?

Does the person who descended the oracle want to be the current spokesperson of the Fatian tribe?

However, since you control the God Realm, why do you need to control the Three Thousand Mortal World?

After my fall, what happened in the God Realm? "

All kinds of doubts filled Ji Tianxing's heart, making him anxious and helpless.

At this moment, he just wanted to activate the laws of heaven and earth as soon as possible, soar to the gods, and solve all mysteries!

However, the Silver Moon God Lord interrupted his thoughts.

"Tian Xing? What's wrong with you?"

Ji Tianxing woke up, his face calmly shook his head, and said, "Nothing."

Yinyue God stared at him intently, and said with some concern: "Your face was ugly just now, was it uncomfortable? Or is the injury recurring?"

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "The realm of true gods like me is already free from illness and disaster, and the injuries will never be repeated. You are too worried."

The Lord Yinyue saw that he had something on his mind, but he just didn't want to disclose it.

She pursed her lips, lowered her head and stopped questioning.

Both of them were silent, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

After a long time, the Lord Silver Moon took the initiative to speak, and asked: "Tian Xing, the Sky Clan has been cleared, and Zi Xiao Xing has been liberated. What are your plans next?"

Ji Tianxing pointed to the sky above his head, and said with a smile: "I have long heard that Zixiao Star has a Zixiao Cave, located high outside the sky, and it is the cave of Zixiao Tianzun.

After the Fatian invaded, Marshal Zhengnan occupied it.

I have to go to Zixiao Cave personally to see if there are still the remnants of the Heavenly Slashing Clan. "

The Silver Moon Divine Master was taken aback, and said with a smile: "This is a good idea. Zixiao Cave is the most mysterious place on Zixiao Star.

Zixiao Tianzun has lived there for tens of thousands of years, and it is sure to create a god-like realm, and perhaps there are a large number of treasures of heaven and earth.

By the way, if you occupy the Zixiao Cave, you will be the new Zixiao Tianzun, the guardian of the Zixiao Star. "

"Guardian?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle: "I am not a member of Zixiao Star, why do I occupy Zixiao Cave and protect Zixiao Star?"

"Huh?" The Silver Moon God Lord showed a look of error, and asked in a puzzled voice: "But, the five continents of Zixiao Star, tens of billions of people, were all saved by you!

You risked your life to save Zixiao Star, don't you want to be the star owner? "

"Ha ha ha ha..." Ji Tianxing chuckled and shook his head, "Divine lord and star lord are just false names."

The Silver Moon God Lord frowned and asked with some worry: "You mean, after you have explored Zixiao Cave, you will leave Zixiao Star?"

Ji Tianxing didn't hide it, nodded and said yes.

The Silver Moon God Lord asked more and more worriedly: "But you know that the Fatian clan will never give up and will soon send a more powerful fleet to attack Zixiaoxing.

You just leave like this, and then Zixiao Star will still be occupied by the Heavenly Swordsman! "

Ji Tianxing said in a calm tone: "The Fighting Clan is so powerful, it is definitely not a matter of one or two battles to deal with them.

I am not the savior, how can I protect Zixiao Star forever? "

"This..." The Yinyue Divine Lord was immediately at a loss, not knowing how to persuade.

She also knew very well that it was already a great kindness for Ji Tianxing to save Zixiaoxing once.

Ji Tianxing really has no obligations and responsibilities, and has always guarded Zixiaoxing.

Moreover, she is not from Zixiaoxing either.

She could not represent the tens of billions of people of Zixiao Star and begged Ji Tianxing to stay.

Seeing her depression, Ji Tianxing stood up and looked at the sky, and said calmly: "I'm going to Zixiao Cave. If you have nothing else to do, let's just leave it alone."

"Huh?" The Silver Moon Divine Lord once again showed a surprised look, and asked subconsciously: "You...you didn't even take me?"

Ji Tianxing turned to look at her, frowning in confusion: "When did I say I would take you?"

"You!" The Silver Moon Divine Lord suddenly became speechless, and asked with both loss and aggrievedness: "But, aren't we friends?"

"Friend?" Ji Tianxing raised his sword eyebrows and said with a smile: "Let's talk about it later, if we can meet again."

After all, his figure left the place in a flash and disappeared into the sky.

"Huh! Huh!"

In the blink of an eye, he teleported hundreds of miles in the sky and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

The Silver Moon God Lord stood on the large stone mill by the pool, looking up at the empty sky, pouting his little mouth depressed, and could not help stomping his feet.

"Huh! Damn guy, so unrelenting!

I thought he accepted me, but I didn't expect... I was so angry! "

At the thought of this, Yinyue Divine Master was ashamed and angry, and couldn't help but smash the millpan boulder to pieces.


Ji Tianxing strolled in the sea of ​​clouds, fluttering in white.

As he flew eastward, he frowned and thought.

"Marshal Zhengnan acted cautiously. When Jin Peng and I were besieging him, he took the opportunity to send a message of Yujian.

That transmission is very special, and it is not a method used by the Celestial Clan.

It should be a means to save your life in an emergency or to convey important news!

In all likelihood, that message was passed to Emperor Fatian.

If the Great Emperor Fatian learns that Zixiao Star has fallen and Marshal Zhengnan is killed in battle, I don't know how he will react?

Will he personally lead the fleet to attack Purple Star? "

Ji Tianxing knew the worries and reminders of the Lord Yinyue.

He also knew very well that the Fatian clan would soon come back and attack Zixiao Star.

But he understands a truth better, staying as the guardian of Zixiao Xing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is tantamount to sitting still.

He wanted to contend with the Fatian Clan, and he wanted to use the Fatian Clan to investigate the news of the God Realm little by little.

Then he must expand his strength as much as possible before the arrival of the Fatian Clan.

The top priority is to explore Zixiao Cave first.

He has reason to believe that the Dongfu where Zixiao Tianzun has lived for tens of thousands of years absolutely hides some secrets, or heavenly wealth and treasures.

Although Zixiao Cave is an alien space, between Zixiao Star and the void, it is impossible for ordinary people to find it.

But he had asked Jin Peng a long time ago and learned that the entrance of Zixiao Cave was deep in the sea of ​​clouds.

It was a vast and dangerous sea of ​​clouds vortex, like a hole in the sky, it was the most dangerous forbidden place for Zixiao Star.

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