Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2592: Zixiao Cave

? Ji Tianxing flew in the sea of ​​clouds for five days and five nights before he found the vortex of the sea of ​​clouds mentioned by Jin Peng.

Looking around, there is a sea of ​​white clouds in all directions, endless.

The only area in the middle is a huge gap and loophole.

The endless sea of ​​clouds gathered here, all being swallowed by that gap.

The horrible whirlpool releases a powerful invisible swallowing power, frantically swallowing everything around.

Not only Baiyun, but even the aura of heaven and earth was swallowed completely.

Standing in the sea of ​​clouds, Ji Tianxing looked down at the vortex in front, a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The entire Zixiao Star is an elliptical star protected by a divine light shield.

Even if this vortex swallows more spiritual energy and clouds, it is impossible to connect to the void, it must still be in the purple star. "

Although, that huge cloud vortex is unpredictable for ordinary people.

A warrior below the Martial God Realm would lose their lives in all likelihood once they entered the vortex of the sea of ​​clouds.

But Ji Tianxing was not worried, his expression flew into the whirlpool indifferently.


The whirlpool of white clouds rotating at an extremely fast speed swallowed him immediately.

He only felt that his eyes were dark, as if he had smashed his head into a huge blister.

Immediately afterwards, he clearly sensed that he was passing through layers of different dimensions.

Every time he travels through space, the terrifying space power will severely tear and cut his body.

Fortunately, he has reached the realm of the gods, his body is strong enough, and he controls the laws of space, quickly dissolving the power of space.

In the blink of an eye, he walked through the four different levels of space and entered the last space.

In the next moment, the light was restored before his eyes.

Looking around, there is a clear and cloudless sky around, and an endless stretch of primitive jungle below.

The dark green jungle is full of towering trees with a height of one hundred feet, rising with the light green green wood gas visible to the naked eye.

Hundreds of miles away, the end of the primitive jungle is a towering mountain range.

The upper part of the mountain range as high as thousands of meters is shrouded in clouds and mist, looming.

Ji Tianxing looked around and determined that this was Zixiao Cave.

The reason is that the heaven and the earth are filled with terrifying auras of heaven and earth, as well as a strong aura of supernatural power.

He doesn't need to deliberately absorb it, the ubiquitous breath of divine power will automatically infuse him.

This makes him feel comfortable physically and mentally, and his divine power becomes more full.

Even the unhealed injuries are quietly and slowly recovering under the nourishment of divine power.

"The supernatural power is so abundant?

A similar cave, the entire Zixiao Star can't find a second place, right? "

Ji Tianxing was secretly surprised, and was full of expectations for this strange Zixiao Cave.

He thought to himself that the divine power of Zixiao Cave is so abundant. Those flowers, trees, birds and beasts, who have been nourished and nurtured by divine power for a long time, must not be ordinary things.

as predicted.

When he flew over the primordial jungle, he found many strange flowers and plants in the deep jungle, which had grown into magical medicine.

Even if it was originally only a robbery-level, holy-level medicinal material, it has been nourished by divine power for thousands of years, and it has become a god-level medicinal material.

There are also some birds and beasts with ordinary bloodlines, limited by their talents and bloodlines, they could only reach the tribulation level, but they also broke through to the holy level.

When Ji Tianxing flew over the majestic mountains, he saw a lake with a radius of thousands of miles on the grassland ahead.

In the middle of the mirror-like lake, there are actually two monster beasts as big as a mountain, fighting fiercely.

Flying in the sky, taking the initiative to attack, is a mountain-large golden eagle.

This kind of monster beast is very common, and the bloodline level is not as good as that of the alien beast, and it is even more so than the **** beast.

However, the golden crown eagle has a life span of more than ten thousand years, and it has reached the gods.

Its wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

With a sharp curved hook mouth, it spewed out overwhelming golden sacred fire, poured into the lake, and attacked a two-headed giant snake that was thousands of feet long.

The two-headed giant snake was originally just an ordinary black water mysterious snake, completely dark.

But it has survived in the lake for more than ten thousand years, and it has reached the peak of the holy realm, and it is faintly breaking into the **** realm.

The black scales all over its body have also degenerated by 30%, and many black dragon scales have grown newly.

Even its flat abdomen has four huge sarcomas bulging out, which will give birth to sharp dragon claws.

Ji Tianxing knew at a glance that once the black water mysterious snake broke through the divine realm, it would be transformed into a flood dragon!

"Sure enough, it is an excellent cave mansion treasure land, even if it is just some common monster bloodline, it can actually break through the limit of talent!

If Bai Long and I are practicing here, with the aid of the source stone, we will definitely be able to quickly increase our strength. "

Ji Tianxing whispered a few words to himself, a glint flashed in his eyes, his eyes looked even more expectant.

"Moreover, the time flow rate here is slightly faster than the outside world, about twice as much.

In the mortal world, there are only a handful of treasures in the world with time acceleration. "

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing felt that Zixiao Cave was more valuable.

It would be a pity to give up this cave easily.

Unconsciously, a quarter of an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing flew to the end of the vast grassland and came to the sky above a mighty mountain.

This mountain range is as high as a thousand feet, but it extends in all directions, and it has five branches, like a huge five-legged cauldron, it looks magnificent and mysterious.

At the intersection of the five branches, there is a 10,000-meter-high giant peak standing proudly in the sea of ​​clouds.

When Ji Tianxing looked at the topography of this mountain range, he guessed it was a man-made divine vein.

In this way, this mountain range became the core of Zixiao Cave, the place where the spiritual energy and divine power of heaven and earth converge.

And that huge peak of ten thousand meters high is the core of the divine vein.

That is the top cultivation **** in Zixiao Cave.


Ji Tianxing flew over the sea of ​​clouds and flew towards the top of the huge mountain.

Two hundred miles away, he saw a majestic and majestic palace on the flat and wide mountain top.

The palace is very large, covering an area of ​​more than twenty miles.

There are nine floors above and below, which is a thousand feet high.

The palace is dominated by dark gold~www.wuxiaspot.com~ mixed with some silver and purple, it looks mysterious and brilliant.

However, that huge palace has gone through tens of thousands of years, and it has become a little mottled, revealing the vicissitudes of life.

There is a wide square in front of the palace. The ground is paved with multicolored divine power spar, exuding brilliance.

What surprised Ji Tianxing was that on the steps connecting the palace gate to the square, there were eight sky-killers in silver armor guarding him.

The eight silver armored guards were a little absent-minded, and they didn't have any majestic ceremonies, and they even got together, whispering about something.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing grinned suddenly with a sneer.

"Ha ha ha... these abandoned poor bugs, don't you know that the sky has changed outside, right?"

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