Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2638: The Lord is coming

Tai Hao Yun Qi and Jiujiu were all cold.

Fear and despair radiated from the hearts of the two and spread to the whole body.

They had no doubt that the emperor could kill both of them in a flash.


Even so, the two did not compromise and surrender.

Tai Hao Yun Qi took a deep breath, tried his best to stay calm, and said in a calm tone: "I have to admit that your strength is indeed very strong.

However, your Excellency has not told me your true identity and purpose! "

The emperor raised his eyebrows and sneered with a joking expression: "Ha ha ha... boy, do you dare to discuss terms with this panel?

It seems that you don't want to live anymore. "

Tai Haoyun said calmly, "What's the fear of death? If you don't answer truthfully, then kill me!"

While talking, Tai Hao Yunqi walked towards the emperor's teacher without rushing.

"Ha ha ha..." The emperor's smile became more and more interesting, "Interesting! I have not seen it for a long time, someone like you who is not afraid of death.

It seems that you have a very close relationship with Ji Tianxing.

You want to protect him, right? "

Tai Hao Yunqi remained silent and continued to walk towards the emperor teacher.

Originally, they were ten miles apart, and the distance was shortening at this time.

The emperor showed a confident smile and continued: "Boy, although you are not afraid of death, you are too ignorant!

You can't even imagine how terrifying the methods of the true gods are.

When you meet this seat, life and death are up to you!

This seat makes you die, you will never live.

If this seat wants you or, then you will never die! "

"True God powerhouse?" Tai Hao Yunqi's footsteps paused, his brows furrowed fiercely, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"I see! You are Emperor Fatian!

You used the magical power of transformation to pretend to be an alien! "

Before Taihao Yunqi was still puzzled, why Yun Yao said that the Great Fighting Heaven was two powerful aliens?

Now he finally figured it out.

The emperor also frowned, obviously stunned.

Immediately, he grinned and sneered: "Hehe, boy, it seems you know a lot!

In that case, this seat cannot keep you. "

The emperor has no patience anymore.

After all, Emperor Fatian was watching from behind.

He has been delayed for so long, and he has not achieved any results. He has lost his face.

He decided to capture Taihao Yunqi, and then use magical secrets to grab the soul memory of Taihao Yunqi.

At that time, he can easily get news about Ji Tianxing.

"Kneel down to this seat!"

The emperor's teacher sounded like Hong Zhong's anger, releasing an invisible aura.

The invisible soul-suppressing divine power burst out in an instant, heading towards Tai Haoyun.

Tai Hao Yunqi realized that it was not good, and immediately teleported to avoid it.

But his speed is too slow.

How could Martial Saint in a mere dignity escape the suppression of the true god?


Tai Hao Yunqi felt that there was a roar in his mind, and his consciousness was dizzy.

He suddenly stiffened and lost consciousness.

Under the suppression of the emperor, his body gradually rickets, his knees gradually bend, and he knelt down.

Seeing this scene, Jiujiu's angry eyes were about to split, and murderous intent gushed out all over his body.

"Asshole! Let go of my seventh brother!"

She roared, waved her sword to cut out dozens of sword lights, and desperately killed the emperor.

However, the emperor did not even bother to shoot.

He turned his head abruptly, looked at Jiujiu sharply, releasing an invisible divine pressure.

"Crack! Click!"

Dozens of colorful sword lights were suddenly shattered and scattered in the sky.

Jiujiu was also swept by coercion, his face turned pale as paper, a blood arrow spouted out of his mouth, and he flew back vaguely.

The emperor did not directly kill her, and deliberately saved her life.

After grabbing the soul memory of Tai Hao Yunqi, he will slowly torture Jiujiu again.


The emperor stretched out his right hand, punched a giant purple claw, and grabbed the unconscious Tai Hao Yun Qi.

Seeing that the giant purple claws fell from the sky, he immediately grabbed Taihao Yunqi.

At this very moment, a dazzling red gun shadow suddenly struck from the sky.

Following that, there was a clear and sweet voice.

"Fatsky, looking for death!"


The crimson shadow of a hundred-meter-long gun, carrying the sacred flame of red flames that burned everything, hit the giant purple claws, and exploded with a loud noise.

The violent impact shook the emperor teacher upside down ten feet away, and retreated behind the Great Emperor Fatian.

His complexion changed drastically, and his eyes looked back coldly.

I saw that an ice blue and a crimson streamer were coming as fast as an aurora.

"Huh! Huh!"

In the blink of an eye, the two streamers flew to Tai Hao Yunqi's side and stopped.

After Guanghua converged, two slender figures appeared.

They were two young women with beautiful faces and outstanding elegance.

One is wearing a moon white dress, beautiful as a fairy, noble and elegant, holding two dark swords in both hands.

The other was wearing a flaming red dress, with a perfect body, a charming and hot temperament, and holding a long black sharp gun in his hand.

Undoubtedly, it was Yun Yao and Ji Ke who came!

The gazes of the Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor fell on both of them, and their eyes were surprised.

Of course, it was not the unparalleled beauty of Yun Yao and Ji Ke that surprised and surprised them.

But... they both have the triple strength of the True God Realm!

The artifact held by the two of them was also cast by the Unbounded Divine Stone!

The Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor looked at each other, and at the same time showed a knowing smile.

"The Lord is coming!"

Both the Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor could guess that in the small world of five elements, three true gods appeared unexpectedly, and it must be the credit of the unbounded **** stone!

Those two beautiful young women must have a deep relationship with Ji Tianxing.

As long as you catch them, you can force Ji Tianxing to show up.

Even, can torture the whereabouts of the Unbounded Divine Stone!

At the thought of this, the Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor were full of expectation and smiled triumphantly.

As for Tai Hao Yun Qi and Jiujiu, they are just trivial small roles, and they are no longer important.

At this time, Yun Yao waved her palm and shot a soft silver light ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ into Taihao Yunqi's body.

Tai Hao Yunqi coughed violently, spit out a few blood arrows in his mouth, and then came to his senses.

He looked up and saw Yunyao and Ji Ke, his expressions full of anxiety immediately appeared, and his tone was anxious: "Two gods, you must be careful, those two guys are true gods!

They are from the Celestial Clan, and they are coming towards the God Lord of Heaven! "

At this juncture, Tai Hao Yunqi did not worry about his situation, and did not forget to worry about Ji Tianxing.

This made Yun Yao's heart slightly warm.

She nodded and said: "Seven Gods, you don't need to say more, we already know.

Let us deal with those two dog thieves from the Celestial Clan, you and Jiujiu leave here soon! "

In order to take care of the faces of Taihao Yunqi and Jiujiu, Yunyao did not say clearly.

Both Tai Hao Yun Qi and Jiujiu understood that their strength was too weak to participate in this battle at all.

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