Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2639: Disparity

If Taihao Yunqi and Jiujiu stayed, they would not have any effect, but would add chaos to Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

Seeing that the war was about to start, the two brothers and sisters quickly retreated far away.

Before retreating, the two did not forget to tell Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

"Divine Lord Yunyao, you must be careful and don't bump into them!"

"If it really doesn't work, you will try to deal with them, and when the **** of heaven comes, you will be able to defeat them!"

The siblings did not know the realm of Yun Yao and Ji Ke's strength.

They only know that Ji Tianxing is the strongest and has never failed.

In the process of their retreat, Yun Yao did not forget the voice transmission instructed: "Seven gods, immediately issue an order to evacuate the citizens of the surrounding cities to avoid unnecessary casualties.

We will try to deal with them and try to lead them away from here. "

In addition, Yun Yao didn't say much, nor did he mention Ji Tianxing.

Tai Haoyun Qi was thoughtful, and immediately understood Yun Yao's meaning and guessed the key to the problem.

"The Lord Yunyao asked me to issue an order to let the people in the surrounding city retreat?

Could it be that God Lord Yunyao knew the end before the war had started, and the two of them couldn't beat Emperor Fatian?

Moreover, she didn't mention the **** of heaven.

Why didn't the **** of heaven appear? Isn't he not in Shenwu Continent? "

Thinking of this, Tai Hao Yunqi frowned, his mood and expression becoming serious.

He already had a foreboding that Taihao Divine Kingdom would usher in a more terrifying disaster.

But his strength is not strong enough to stop all of this.

All he could do was flee quickly with Jiujiu.

Then it issued an order to evacuate the people in the surrounding cities as soon as possible.

Seeing Taihao Yunqi and Jiujiu escaping, Emperor Fatian and the emperor did not intend to stop them.

The emperor looked at Yun Yao and Ji Ke with a sneer on his face, and said: "The insignificant people have already left. Now, it's time for you to answer the questions of this seat.

What is your relationship with Ji Tianxing? Where is Ji Tianxing? "

Yun Yao held two swords and pointed at the emperor's teacher, and sneered coldly: "A rat with a hidden head and bare tail, dare not even show his true face, what right do you have to ask me?

If I'm not wrong, you are just a running dog of Emperor Fatian! "

While talking, she slowly moved the double swords in her hand, pointed at Emperor Fatian, sneered: "You are the real Emperor Fatian!"

Although the Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor were both disguised as foreign races, they could not escape Yun Yao's investigation.

She could sense that the emperor master's aura of strength was slightly weaker than that of the Great Emperor Fatian.

Moreover, the Great Emperor Fatian was very imposing, watching him blankly, and he was the leader.

Under normal circumstances, those who take the initiative to call out are all.

Facts proved that Yun Yao was indeed right.

The emperor frowned fiercely, his eyes filled with cold light.

The Great Emperor Fatian was no longer silent, and stepped forward to stand still in front of the emperor.

With a flash of purple light all over his body, his original form appeared.


A man of the Heavenly Swordsman with a height of thirty feet, a human upper body and a dragon horse on the lower body appeared in the sky.

He wears a Nine Heavens Promise Scarlet Gold Crown, a wide golden cloak, and his purple long hair is hunting and dancing in the strong wind.

Although, he just stood in the sky and didn't make any moves.

However, a majestic aura of majesty and majesty that suppressed heaven and earth naturally radiated from his body.

"Humble human race, you are very smart.

That's right, this seat is the Great Emperor Fatian! "

The Great Emperor Fatian looked at Yun Yao with majestic gaze, and shouted like Hong Zhong: "Since you know the identity of this emperor, you should use this emperor's methods, which are definitely not something you can bear!

Stop making senseless struggles, let Ji Tianxing get out!

The emperor’s goal is him, if you don’t want to die, just send him a message..."

Since the Great Emperor Fatian has shown its original form, there is no need for the emperor to hide it.


With a flash of purple light, the emperor also returned to his original appearance, becoming a powerful man with a human upper body and a leopard lower body.

He was lavender all over, covered with spots, and exuded a fierce and fierce breath.

Standing behind the Great Emperor Fatian, holding a bench-wide black epee in his hand, he burst out with murderous intent to lock Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

"Fighting the sky, ten thousand realms surrender!

Terran reptiles, you only have two choices.

Surrender or die! "

Yun Yao and Ji Ke stared at Emperor Fatian and the emperor with cold eyes, and firmly remembered their appearance and aura.

Ji Ke pinched the Shen Jue in his left hand, and held the source stone magic spear in his right hand, pointing at the emperor's master remotely, and shouted coldly: "Dog thief, want to find Brother Tianxing? Then pass our level first!

I don't care how powerful your Sky Clan is and how many worlds you have conquered.

I only know that this world of five elements is your burial place! "

Although she is a female generation, Ji Ke's heroism and domineering are not weaker than men.

"Big Brother Tianxing?" The emperor raised his brows, and the corners of his mouth evoked a gloomy sneer.

He turned his head to look at the Great Emperor Fatian, and said, "Your Majesty, you can be sure that these two women have a very close relationship with Ji Tianxing.

Take them down and you can find Ji Tianxing's hiding place! "

Great Emperor Fatian also sneered with a gloomy smile, grinning: "What are you waiting for? Take them down!"

When the words fell, Emperor Fatian took the lead and killed Yun Yao.

As soon as his figure flashed, he teleported to Yun Yao, swinging his fist and blasting out.

Yun Yao subconsciously raised her double swords and blocked them in front of her.


After hearing a muffled sound, Yun Yao was blown away by Emperor Fatian with a punch.

Suddenly, her face was pale, and a **** arrow was spit out from her mouth, which flew back fifty miles before stopping.

"Master Sister!" Ji Ke exclaimed immediately, revealing a deep worry.

She never expected that the strength of the Great Emperor Fatian would be so powerful.

Yun Yao was not his opponent at all, and was blown away with one move.

This strength gap is too big, right?

Ji Ke waved the sharp spear subconsciously, and wanted to stab at Emperor Fatian to rescue Yun Yao.

But at this moment, the emperor also made a bold move.

"Little girl, your opponent is this seat!"

The emperor screamed confidently, swiping a long black broadsword, and slashed towards Ji Ke.

"Huh! Huh!"

Three dazzling purple light giant swords ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, carrying the power to destroy everything, beheaded to Ji Ke.

At the critical juncture, Ji Ke did not hesitate to grasp the source stone sharp spear and swept out with all his strength.

"Boom! Boom!"

The source stone sharp spear collided with three purple sword lights, bursting out a series of loud noises.

The purple sword light collapsed on the spot, exploded into overwhelming purple light fragments, scattered in the sky.

The source stone gun was also buzzing more than ever, and it raised high backwards and almost flew out.

The violent impact made Ji Ke flew upside down and fell thirty miles away.

She had just taken off the impact and was about to launch a counterattack, when the emperor came again with a sword.

At the same time, the Great Emperor Fatian also teleported to Yun Yao and waved his palm again.

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