Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2662: Fatian Lair

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing deliberately left the nineteen Heavenly Battle puppets to practice hands for the two children.

At this point, the virtual spirit world beast and thirty-four heavenly war puppets were all resolved by Ji Tianxing.

It took just a few breaths before and after, and the process was straightforward.

It's a spike!

Marshal Meng He and the twenty-four golden armored captains all looked at their scalp numb and cold all over, showing expressions of horror and despair.

If they hadn't witnessed the whole process with their own eyes, they would never believe that someone could be so tough.

The assassin that Marshal Meng He has carefully prepared and hidden for many years is so vulnerable!


Ji Tianxing walked towards the crowd without rushing, and there was a slight sound of footsteps.

Marshal Meng He and many golden armored captains suddenly woke up, showing fear.

Everyone retreated in their hearts, and several golden armored captains couldn't help but retreat.

"Ji...Ji Tianxing! My warrior of the heavenly clan is definitely not a greedy person who fears death.

If you want to bloodbath the temple, we will fight with you to the end, and the jade will be burned! "

Marshal Meng He was anxious in his heart, but his roar sounded like Hong Zhong.

Not only the three of Ji Tianxing and his son, but also the twenty-odd golden armored captains, they also heard that he was sluggish and lacking in confidence.

Ji Tianxing smiled disapprovingly: "Jade and stone are burned? You are not qualified!"

When the voice fell, he suddenly raised his right hand, pinching the sword tactics and pointing to the sky.

"Sword Rain!"

With a low drink from him, thousands of dazzling golden sword lights lit up in the sky, falling like raindrops.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Thousands of sword lights condensed into a sword net, smashed down with a head and a face, covering Marshal Meng He and the twenty-four Golden Captains.

The dazzling golden sword light flew and shuttled, killing everyone like a meteor and lightning, making the entire square glowing with golden light.

Jian Guang's speed is extremely fast and fierce, making everyone unable to avoid it.

In the blink of an eye, Marshal Meng He and the twenty-four Golden Armored Captains were hit with more than a dozen swords.

The muffled sound of "bang bang bang" continued to erupt, and scream after scream reverberated in the sky.

A puff of purple blood spattered, and masses of flesh and blood were scattered on the square.

Ji Tianxing just stood on the spot, standing with his hands holding hands, looking blankly.

Thousands of dazzling golden sword lights, as if they have a life, frantically strangling many sky-cutters.

After just four breaths, one of the golden armored captains couldn't hold it, and was the first to be strangled by Jianguang.

His burly tall body was pierced with hundreds of blood holes by the sword light, like a tattered sieve.

Even after he fell to the ground, Jianguang never stopped strangling, and soon crushed his body into slag.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, fourth...many golden armor captains fell one after another.

Every golden armor captain who fell to the ground had a miserable end.

Basically all dead bodies!

Such a tragic scene made those captains who were seriously injured and stubbornly resisting, feeling endless fear and despair.

Soon, the twenty breath time passed.

The dazzling golden sword light flying all over the sky finally ran out of power and gradually dissipated.

Twenty-four golden armored captains, 21 were strangled.

Only three captains survived by chance, but they were all covered in cuts and bruises, their bodies like a honeycomb, gurgling blood out.

Marshal Meng He was of course still alive, but he was also seriously injured and looked very miserable.

As soon as the sword light dissipated, he took the three severely wounded captains and rushed out of the square desperately and fled outside the shrine.

He has forgotten all the bravery and integrity of the Celestial Clan.

He didn't even dare to expect the billions of resources in the Heavenly Palace.

He just wants to escape from here, get rid of the terrifying demon of Ji Tianxing!

In order to escape successfully, he and the three golden armor captains fled separately.

However, long before the start of the fighting, Ji Tianxing made arrangements and arrangements.

When he saw Marshal Meng He and the others fleeing, he still stood there calmly, without any intention of chasing him down.

Because the white dragon and the four sacred beasts guarded the surroundings of the Fatian Temple.

Just now, they have killed hundreds of black armored guards who tried to escape.

When Marshal Meng He and the three golden armored captains desperately fled to the edge of the Sacred Palace, they were immediately stopped by them.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

After a sound of earth-shaking muffled sound, the three golden armored captains were killed on the spot.

Marshal Meng He was also captured by Bai Long, pinched his neck and returned to the square, and threw him in front of Ji Tianxing.


Marshal Meng He, who was covered in blood, slammed heavily on the stone ground, his body rickety and fell under Ji Tianxing's feet.

Ji Tianxing looked at him condescendingly, and said blankly: "I gave you the opportunity before, letting you convene your fleet to fight in three days.

It's a pity that you refused, insisting to die.

Now, you have no chance, don't beg for mercy.

I want to ask you a few questions, but you are hard-hearted and would rather die than surrender than you would like to answer.

Therefore, I am too lazy to waste time with you, just search for the soul. "

While talking, Ji Tianxing raised his right hand and ran the Soul Search Divine Art, a mysterious and cold black light gushing out of his palm.

Marshal Meng He suddenly showed fear, and his whole body trembled.

At this moment, he understood how terrifying Ji Tianxing's strength and methods were.

He suddenly remembered something.

Before Ji Tianxing knew that he had confided to the Great Emperor Fatian, but he did not stop him.

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing said that even if the Great Emperor Fatian learned the news, it was useless, and it was impossible to come to Zixiaoxing to rescue him.

Moreover, if the Great Emperor Fatian knew that Ji Tianxing was here, he would even dare not come.

At that time, Marshal Meng He didn't understand what Ji Tianxing meant.

Now he finally understood.

He was also completely convinced and admitted!

Because he knew that Ji Tianxing's strength and methods were more terrifying than Emperor Fatian!

Thinking of this, he had to give up his dignity and integrity, and hurriedly shouted: "No! Ji Tianxing, as long as you ask, I will answer them truthfully!"

His voice was low and hoarse, and his heart was full of humiliation and despair.

Ji Tianxing slowly retracted his right hand, and asked with interest: "Oh? Wouldn't you rather die than follow? Why are you so acquainted?"

Marshal Meng He didn't answer ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in a low voice: "I know that I will die today, and I don't want you to let it go.

I just hope that after I answer your question, you can give me a happy one!

Everyone is a true god, a **** above all beings, I hope you will give me a decent, and don't insult your power. "

Ji Tianxing nodded with a smile and said, "Okay."

Immediately, he asked, "Where is the Lair of the Sky Clan? How far is it from Zixiao Star?"

Marshal Meng He replied without hesitation: "My clan's base camp is in the Huntian Star Territory.

Nine hundred years ago, our clan took control of the entire Chaotic Sky Star Territory and renamed it the Fatian Star Territory.

From Zixiao Xing to Fatian Xing, you need to pass through three star regions.

Even if it is a Celestial-class battleship that can make a space jump, it will take 18 years to arrive..."

(End of this chapter)

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