Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2663: Star Wars God and Empress

Marshal Meng He not only answered the question truthfully, but also stated the three star regions he passed through.

   Qingyang star field, black dragon star field and Van Gang star field.

   The vastness of these three star regions is no less than the purple sky star region.

   In every star field, there are hundreds of big worlds and thousands of stars.

   There are many dangerous forbidden places, and there are even bright galaxies.

   After Marshal Meng He answered, Ji Tianxing asked a second question.

   "In addition to the Great Emperor Fatian, what are the real powerhouses of the Fatian tribe? Where are they now?"

   Marshal Meng He thought for a while before he replied: "The number of powerhouses in the True God Realm is at least over one hundred, and I can't make it clear.

   However, among the hundreds of true **** powerhouses, there are seven outstanding ones who are the leaders of our army.

   The first person under the Great Emperor is Tianshu, the son of the Great Emperor.

   Tianshu has been treasured by gods since he was a child, and he was accepted as a disciple of the closed door, enlightening and imparting magical powers.

   He is known as the number one evildoer in the world, with a seven-star Yaoyang divine body, and in only three hundred years, he has reached the nine levels of true gods.

  His strength is second only to the emperor, possessing terrifying combat power, mastering the supreme magical skills, and he is called the Star War God by our race! "

   Hearing this, Ji Tianxing raised his brows, showing a look of interest.

  "The emperor Tianshu, the seven-star Yaoyang divine body, was accepted as a closed disciple by the gods of the upper realm?

   The gods passed the art across the world, and they were also named the Star War God?

  Hehehe...interesting! "

  Marshal Meng He didn't respond, and didn't want to say anything more about this matter.

   Although, in his mind, Ji Tianxing's strength and status are far from being compared with the Great Emperor Fatian and Tianshu.

   But he is already a mortal man, it is useless to say more.

   was silent for a moment, and then he continued: "Apart from the emperor's son Tianshu, the third strongest in our clan is the empress Yun Shuyan.

  The empress lives in the deep palace, rarely shows up, and is most mysterious.

   It is said that the empress is not of my clan's blood, but the reincarnation of the gods of the upper realm, who was born in the water spirit clan.

   Eight hundred years ago, when the emperor fought the starry sky, he came across Yun Shiyan, the saint woman of the Shui Ling tribe, and was amazed by her stunning beauty and amazing talent.

   So, the emperor took him captive to the Sky Star, after a hundred years of influence, he won his heart.

   More than 300 years ago, Yun Shuiyan gave birth to the emperor Tianshu, and never showed up again.

  Marshal Zhengnan once mentioned that Yun Shuyan is a powerful person in the upper realm, and the reason why he has not ascended for a long time is because...

   She wants to use an ancient magical power to change her fate against the sky, and hope to impact the realm of the Supreme God in this life! "

   At this point, Marshal Meng He's eyes were full of admiration and yearning.

  Rao Ji Tianxing is so calm as water, he can't help frowning, and thinking to himself: "Yunshuiyan? There are tens of thousands of gods in the upper realm. I have never heard of this name.

   This person must have some great opportunity, not only to be reincarnated, but also to change his fate against the sky and impact the realm of the king.

   This is a great disaster. If it can't be eradicated, there will be disasters. "

   At this time, Marshal Meng He went on to say: "The fourth strongest of our clan is the respected emperor.

   He is not only the right-hand man and military commander of the emperor, but also the spiritual leader of our people's billions of people.

   It is his series of reforms and measures that have made our clan grow rapidly, multiply and thrive, and then have the ability to unify the world..."

   Before Marshal Meng He finished speaking, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "I don't need to mention the emperor, he has already been killed by me."

   "..." Marshal Meng He was speechless, raised his head in shock, looking at Ji Tianxing in horror.

   After a long time, his emotions calmed down, and his voice said in a low voice: "Under the emperor, there are four marshals.

   They are Marshal Zhengdong, Marshal Zhengxi, Marshal Zhengbei and Marshal Protector.

   The strength of these four marshals is similar, the strength of the guardian marshal is stronger, and he reached the sixth level of the True God Realm many years ago.

   The other three Marshals are all six levels of True God Realm, and their real combat power seems to be slightly stronger than Marshal Zheng Nan. "

   After listening, Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "After the death of Marshal Zhengnan, there are still four marshals under the command of Emperor Fatian.

   Ha ha, your slashers are really full of talents, and the strong are like clouds. "

   Marshal Meng He felt a strong sense of pride in his heart, and said with a chuckle: "That's natural! My race is originally the race with the highest aptitude and talent in the three thousand worlds.

  If this weren't the case, how could my clan be protected by the gods of the upper realm?

   My clan receives the grace of God and is bathed in the heavenly divine glory. Of course, it is like a tiger with wings and a dragon!

   Ji Tianxing, although you are very powerful, I still have to advise you.

   Against my clan, it must be a dead end.

   If you are smart enough, you should reconcile with our clan emperor at the right time.

  The great emperor of my clan is thirsty for talents, as long as you work for my clan, the emperor will devote all his efforts to nurturing..."

   Ji Tianxing interrupted him with a sneer, and said in a playful tone: "Many years ago, the Great Emperor Fatian had said these things before he fought with me.

   He not only wanted to make me the Generalissimo, but also helped me break through the gods and ascend to the upper realm.

   But I rejected him, and beat him violently, almost never killed him! "

   "..." Marshal Meng He was speechless again, his expression stiff, and his heart convulsed.

   Facing such a mysterious and arrogant guy like Ji Tianxing, he felt that all words were pale and ridiculous.

   Ji Tianxing thought for a while, then asked the third question: "How many people do you have in the Fatian tribe?

  The black armored warriors who followed the fleet have all the strength of the Martial Saint Realm.

   I am curious, how many martial sages are there in the Fatian tribe?

   How did they develop it? "

   Marshal Meng He grinned and said: "The emperor has worked hard for eight hundred years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to solve the problem of our race's multiplication.

  So that a thousand years ago, our race had only 8 billion people, but now it has skyrocketed to more than 30 billion.

  A slashing star does not have so many resources at all to support more than 30 billion slashers.

   Therefore, we have to conquer the starry sky, occupy more territories, and plunder more resources. "

   When he heard this, Bai Long beside Ji Tianxing couldn't help but interject.

   "Damn! According to what you said, you still have no choice but to kill the heavens, and you can't help it?

   The most **** thing is that **** emperor, let you breed like mice, and harm the three thousand worlds! "

   Marshal Meng He glanced at him, did not answer, and then continued: "As for the number of Martial Saints, there are hundreds of millions less.

   After all, our clan is protected by the grace of God, and nothing is impossible.

   Any adult martial artist who has reached the tribulation realm can go to the Fengtian altars of various countries and receive the baptism of divine grace.

   After the baptism of Shenguang, they can directly break into the Martial Saint Realm.

   After a few years of practice and a solid state, he can join the fleet and fight the stars. "

   Bailong's eyes stared straight at the hearing, and he exclaimed in an incredible way: "Isn't it? Just reached the Tribulation Realm, after the baptism of divine light, he went straight to the Martial Saint Realm??

   Don’t they have to go through the Nine Tribulations?

  What is the magic light that can save them nine times of catastrophe? "

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