Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2668: Fallen star

Originally, General Gu Mo would rather die than surrender, let alone tell the truth.

But Bailong soon let him see that some torture is more terrifying than death.

What's more, Ji Tianxing can also use the soul search secret technique to directly consume his soul memory.

Only then did General Gu Mo collapsed and answered Ji Tianxing's question honestly.

According to his account, after the Zhengdong Fleet occupied the Qingyang Star Territory, Marshal Zhengdong stayed in the Qingyang Star.

For nearly forty years, Marshal Zhengdong has obtained a large number of resources and treasures and has been practicing in retreat.

On weekdays, I just use the jade slips of communication to contact many generals to grasp the trends and conditions of each world.

However, just two years ago, a major event happened in Qingyang Star Field.

When a fleet of sky-cutting fleets searched for resources and unbounded sacred stones in the sea of ​​chaotic stars, they found a strange star.

The star looked huge, far surpassing every mortal world, but it was only half broken.

Moreover, the stars are enveloped by a sacred golden light, exuding a glorious and mighty breath of divine power.

In the fragmented golden light shield, on the remaining half of the star, there are countless cities and kingdoms, and thousands of glorious temples.

The architectural style on that star is completely different from that of the mortal world. There are magnificent Qionglou Yuyu and temples everywhere.

Even after the stars are broken, many cities, kingdoms and continents fall apart, and hundreds of millions of buildings are turned into ruins.

However, those collapsed ruins and distorted and broken cities can still glimpse their former glory.

That sky-smashing fleet boarded the broken stars and searched among countless ruins.

They found countless divine artifacts and treasures, the stars are full of god-level resources, and there are countless magical secret arts.

Unfortunately, most of the artifacts and treasures have been broken.

Those magical secret arts and books, etc. were also written in the words of the gods, and the Fatian clan couldn't understand them.

This is the case, this discovery also shocked them inexplicably, extremely excited.

They immediately sent a subpoena to report the matter to their general.

The general knew that the matter was of great importance, most of which involved gods, so he quickly reported to Marshal Zhengdong.

Although Marshal Zhengdong was practicing in retreat, he was ecstatic after learning the news and quickly ended the retreat.

After some preparations, Marshal Zhengdong led a large number of guards, hurried to the chaotic sea, and went to the broken star to check the situation.

It didn't take long for the news to spread in the Qingyang star field.

The Valkyrie powerhouses of various worlds also realize that the star is related to the gods.

If you can get some benefits from the stars, you may be able to greatly increase your strength and even ascend to the upper realm.

Therefore, many Valkyrie powerhouses, starry pirates, explorers, etc., all rushed to that star in groups.

The heroes from all walks of life gathered on that star, and a great battle inevitably took place.

In order to monopolize the star, Marshal Zhengdong issued an order to mobilize a large fleet to rush to support.

Only ten days ago, General Gu Mo received the order from the Marshal.

He is gathering people and preparing to go to Luan Xinghai to support.

Unexpectedly, before he left the world of the sun, he fell into the hands of Ji Tianxing.

Upon hearing this news, Ji Tianxing and Bai Long looked at each other, a look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

The two said in unison: "God Star!"

Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang both showed doubts and asked curiously: "Father, what is a **** star?"

Qianyue, Black Dragon, Lan Kun and Liuli Fire Dragon also showed expectation, staring at Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing explained in a calm tone: "The vast expanse of the God Realm gathers gods from three thousand worlds, and there are thousands of peoples, and naturally there are thousands of magical powers.

The vast majority of gods are absorbing the power of the stars and practicing the laws of the gods to enhance their strength.

However, there are also a small number of gods who, while cultivating themselves, also use the way of faith to quickly increase their strength.

They will rule or nurture many living beings and let their people worship them, thereby providing the power of faith.

A weaker **** can rule a tribe, a city, or a country.

But the powerful **** kings can refine an entire star.

They feed tens of billions of creatures on the stars and provide them with the power of faith.

This kind of star refined by the **** king to feed the believers is called the **** star. "

After listening to Ji Tianxing's explanation, Ji Wuhen, Ji Wushuang, and the four-headed beast all suddenly realized.

Bai Long added and explained: "As the realm of the **** king increases, the **** star can also expand.

In addition, the **** king means to reach the sky, and he can also take the **** star into his body and carry it with him.

Past masters have swept the world, once killed many **** kings, and crushed several **** stars with bare hands! "

Ji Wuhen and others were fascinated when they heard it, and they all showed shock and surprise.

Qianyue smiled and said: "I probably understand it, just like Lao Ji has refined the world of the five elements, and this world is equivalent to his **** star.

It's just that Lao Ji didn't establish his beliefs and let the people of the Five Elements world believe in him. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Yes, this is the truth.

Now I am in the mortal world, even if I use the way of faith to gather the power of faith, it is impossible to break through the heavenly gods, so I won't waste time.

When I return to the God Realm in the future, if I want to quickly improve my strength, I might consider this method. "

Ji Wuhen thought for a while, and said solemnly: "According to what his father said, the broken star in the sea of ​​chaotic stars should be the **** star of a certain god.

However, the divine king might encounter unexpected events, so the divine star shattered and fell into the void.

Since Marshal Zhengdong and a large number of sky-cutters are on that **** star, how can we miss this opportunity?

Why don't we rush to the **** star and kill Marshal Zhengdong and others in one go? "

Although Ji Wuhen's wishes were very strong, he still had to ask Ji Tianxing for instructions and let him make the decision.

Everyone turned to look at Ji Tianxing, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I will ask another question."

Then ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He turned his head to look at General Gu Mo, and asked in the Fatian language: "On that star, besides the Fatian tribe, the Valkyrie, and the star pirates, are there other strong people?

There are creatures on the stars, but are there survivors? "

Before everyone talked, they were all in human language, and General Gu Mo couldn't understand it.

Therefore, he didn't know what that broken star was.

When forced to ask by Ji Tianxing, he could only answer truthfully: "I don't know this question. In the order issued by the marshal, this was not mentioned."

Ji Tianxing frowned and asked a few more questions.

However, General Gu Mo knew so much that he couldn't answer at all.

Seeing that he was no longer useful, Ji Tianxing winked at Bai Long and left with everyone.

Bailong understood the spirit, and slammed General Gu Mo with a punch, and only after the corpse was destroyed, he followed everyone away.

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