Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2669: Temple

After leaving the world of Lieyang, Ji Tianxing controlled the world of five elements and hurried to the chaotic sea of ​​stars.

   It has been two years since the **** star appeared in the sea of ​​chaos.

   He has to worry, are Marshal Zhengdong and the Sky-Fighting Fleet still on the planet?

   Will he have searched all the gods and left that **** star?

   If he is late, he will go to the air and run for nothing.

   He only hoped that the process of Marshal Zhengdong's occupation of Shenxing was not so smooth.

   Only then can he have the opportunity to wipe out Marshal Zhengdong and the fleet and quickly settle the situation in the Qingyang Star Territory.

   The chaotic sea of ​​stars is on the edge of the Qingyang star field, far away from the Lieyang star.

   It took more than a year to arrive even if the Five Elements World flew at full strength.

   When approaching the sea of ​​chaos, Ji Tianxing, Bai Long and others stood on the barrier of divine light, looking at the void ahead.

   I saw that thousands of scattered and chaotic stars gathered in the void into an ocean.

   The arrangement of many stars has no order and no rules.

   Looking around, you can see many vortices formed by void storms and white folding spaces.

   Obviously, the chaotic sea of ​​stars is not peaceful, and there are too many dangers and dangers hidden.

   Bailong frowned, and said solemnly: "Master, the world of the five elements is too big to enter the sea of ​​chaotic stars, and it is inconvenient to move."

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "Of course! As a teacher, I didn't plan to let the Five Elements World into the chaotic sea of ​​stars."

   After that, he sacrificed the Skywalking battleship and stepped into the battleship with the crowd and four beasts.

   The white dragon drove the Tianxing battleship, turned into a black light and plunged into the void, flying towards the chaotic sea of ​​stars.

   The Five Elements World stopped flying and stayed on the edge of the chaotic sea.

  With the protection of the light shield, almost no one can invade the world of the five elements.

   What's more, Ji Ke and Yun Yao stayed behind in the tower.

  If there is a guy who doesn't open his eyes, it's a dead end to dare to sneak into the world of the five elements.


   Tianxing battleship is thousands of feet long.

   Compared to the sky full of stars, it is insignificant and can be ignored.

   But because of this, the Skywalker is very flexible, easy to hide, and not easy to find.

   Bailong was driving the battleship, shuttled in the sea of ​​chaotic stars, and went straight to the depths of the stars.

   Despite all the dangers among the stars.

   There are many void storms and **** flames, many folding spaces, and even a black hole.

   But Bailong can always spot danger in advance and easily avoid dangerous areas.

   One month later.

   Through the light curtain in the battleship, everyone saw a dazzling golden star in the void ahead.

   That star is very special, its golden light is dazzling, and it looks very mysterious.

   In contrast, the dozens of stars around are somewhat overshadowed.

   The golden star is huge, but only half is left, just like an apple broken in half.

   Everyone can recognize it at a glance, the half golden star is exactly the **** they are looking for!

   Bailong was in high spirits, and drove the Tianxing battleship, speeding up to the **** star.

   In just five days, the battleship passed through the damaged golden shield and boarded the **** star.

   The battleship flies on the surface of the **** star, and the white dragon looks intently monitoring the surroundings, vigilant.

   Ji Tianxing and others released their spiritual knowledge, explored the land on the surface of the planet, and carefully observed.

   I saw that the vast ground was full of cracks, and thousands of gullies were cracked.

   One after another abyss and huge pits are scattered on the earth.

  There are many forests and mountains buried in it, as well as villages and cities.

  The fragmented ruins of the city are covered with bricks, broken stones and broken walls, still telling the glory of the past.

   Those city patterns, architectural styles, and many temples and statues, as General Gu Mo said, are full of magnificent sacred solemnity.

   Ji Tianxing knew at a glance, it was obviously the style of the gods.

   The battleship flew close to the landing ground for four hours, and saw hundreds of collapsed and damaged cities, but did not encounter a living thing.

   not only did not see a living person, not even a corpse.

   At this moment, a huge ruin appeared on the vast plain ahead.

   Piles of masonry and glazed tiles, as well as strong and heavy broken walls, are scattered on the ground in a radius of four hundred miles.

   Everyone can see that the ruins were once a splendid main city, which can hold at least five million people.

   It's just that all the prosperity and prosperity are buried, and the ruins are covered with ashes.

   Ji Tianxing's spiritual consciousness stretched over, covering the entire ruins, carefully exploring.

   Suddenly, he sensed that the middle of the ruins had the aura of the Sky Clan.


   He immediately issued the order.

   Bailong immediately obeyed and stopped the Tianxing battleship over the ruins.

   Ji Tianxing's divine consciousness continued to explore, and soon the investigation became clear.

   There is a huge deep hole in the middle of the ruins, and under the cover of countless bricks and rubble, there is a remnant temple.

The style of    temple is very unique, ancient and solemn, sacred and mysterious.

   There are both tall and magnificent palaces and countless huge stone pillars. Stone carvings and portraits of gods can be seen everywhere.

   A group of powerful men from the Heavenly Tribe is searching for something in the temple.

   Nearly two hundred warriors in black armor, armed with swords and spears, surrounded the temple.

   Two captains in golden armor, with twenty guards, are exploring the temple carefully.

   In addition, Ji Tianxing's divine sense also detected that in the darkness at the bottom of the temple, there was an aura of an alien warrior hidden.

   This result made him murmur: "It seems that Marshal Zhengdong is still in control of the overall situation. The alien warlords are unwilling to leave and can only be chased by the Celestial Clan, hiding in Tibet."

   After that, he took Ji Wuhen, Ji Wushuang and the four-headed beasts and left the Tianxing battleship.


   Everyone cut through the sky and came to the top of the huge pit. The gods locked the temple in the ruins~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They neither hide nor hide their own breath, they appeared swaggeringly.

  The warriors surrounding the temple immediately spotted Ji Tianxing and others.

   Suddenly, more than fifty black-armored warriors waved their swords and killed everyone.

   There is no need for the Ji Tianxing and his sons to take action. The glazed fire dragon opened its mouth and spewed out the glazed golden flames that covered the sky and the sun, and then drowned the black armored soldiers.


   Under the glazed golden flames, more than fifty black-armored warriors were burned to ashes without a chance to evade or resist.

   The masonry and rubble that buried the temple were also burned into dark red lava and poured into huge pits and cracks.

   The broken temple was revealed.

   The more than one hundred black armored warriors who survived also showed anger and horror, and the crowd shouted in exclamation.

   Several captains roared angrily and gave the order to attack.

   However, Qianyue and the Black Dragon simultaneously performed divine arts, releasing the overwhelming ice light and black water.



   Under the ice blue cold light, dozens of black armored fighters were frozen into powder.

   Beiming black water descended from the sky, corroding the surviving black armored warriors into bones.

   In the blink of an eye, the outside of the temple became empty.

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