Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2670: God of Heaven?

The movement of the fight shocked the Fatian tribe in the temple.

When the two golden armored captains rushed out of the temple with their guards, they were dumbfounded when they saw the sight in front of them.

The outside of the temple was covered with molten lava and black water, but the two hundred black armored soldiers disappeared without a trace.

The two golden armored captains looked up at the sky, staring angrily at Ji Tianxing and the others, with a touch of terror hidden in their eyes.

The twenty black armored guards were also at a loss, not knowing whether they should take the initiative to attack.

At this time, the golden armored captain on the left took out the jade slip of the message, to inform and request support.

Blue Kun did not hesitate to spray out six water columns, and blasted towards the many sky-cutters.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The poor captain was bombarded by water jets before he could send a call.

In addition, the captain and twenty black armored guards had no time to escape, and they were all bombarded and killed by the water column.

The terrifying impact completely blasted the dilapidated temple into a pile of debris, and even a complete stone pillar and tile could not be found.

So far, more than two hundred slashers have all perished.

Lan Kun closed his huge mouth contentedly and quietly glanced at Ji Tianxing.

It originally thought that Qianyue, Heilong and Liuli had all shots, and it should show it too.

Such timely interruption of the other party's whistleblowing will definitely get Ji Tianxing's approval.

But it didn't expect that Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, his eyes flashed with regret.

"Uh..." Lan Kun's eyes dimmed, and his mood was a little depressed, but he didn't understand the reason.

Ji Wushuang saw its thoughts and explained to it, "Big fish, you shouldn't interrupt that captain's message, nor should you kill them all in seconds.

If the captain whistleblower, we can attract more slashers, and we can kill them all, which can save a lot of time.

Moreover, Dad originally planned to stay alive and interrogate the movements of the Sky Clan. "

Lan Kun nodded his head to express his understanding, looked at Ji Tianxing apologetically, and said "Master, I'm sorry..."

Ji Tianxing calmly waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's just some shrimp soldiers and crab generals. If you kill it, you will kill it.

As for inquiries, isn't there still one in the temple? "

While talking, he looked at the ruins of the temple with playful eyes, and said in a calm tone, "Your Excellency hasn't appeared yet? When do you plan to hide?"

In order to make the other party understand, he didn't use the human language, but spoke the Fatian language.

The breath of the Martial God under the temple really stagnated.

However, that breath immediately converged, and it was hidden deeper.

Ji Tianxing smiled suddenly, raised his hand and shot a golden sword light, piercing the dark place underground.


The sword light passed through the ruins and blasted into the ground with a dull loud noise.

Countless rocks and mud were blown up, splashing dust in the sky.

However, Jianguang hit the side of the martial god's breath, and had no intention of killing.

The owner of that breath was shocked, and subconsciously moved a thousand feet away, revealing his whereabouts.

Knowing that his whereabouts had been seen through, he was surprised at the same time, hesitated for a moment, then got out of the ground and flew into the sky.


A tall figure covered in black mist appeared in the sky above the ruins, standing thousands of feet away from Ji Tianxing and the others.

In the rising black mist, there is an alien warrior who is three feet tall and looks like a tauren.

This person was wearing a large black robe, a cloak, and a black cloth banner in his hand.

Ji Tianxing could tell at a glance that the simple and shabby cloth banner is a divine tool, which has the effect of hiding and hiding the breath.

"It's no wonder that he can hide under the temple and escape the search of the Fatian tribe. It turns out that it is the banner!

That cloth banner should be the divine object he found on the **** star. It was originally a god-level divine tool, but it has been broken and damaged and has been lowered to the true god-level..."

When these thoughts flashed in his mind, the alien war spirit bowed to him and said in the Fatian language, "Thank you all for your help, senior!

I am the **** lord of the mist star mad cow, if it weren't for the predecessors' righteous action, I would have been killed.

This kindness, this kind of virtue, I am not unforgettable! "

The Misty Star where Mad Cow was located was also occupied by the Fatian tribe.

He has been fighting with the Fatian clan for hundreds of years, and of course he has mastered the Fatian clan language.

He could see that not only Ji Tianxing's strength was unpredictable, but even the four beasts were also very powerful.

Therefore, his attitude is very respectful, he dare not presumptuous nor escape.

Ji Tianxing looked at him calmly and said, "Mad Bull, in front of this seat, you don't have to show off your caution.

This seater shot and killed the Fatian tribe, just because he happened to pass by, and the Fatian tribe should die, not to save you.

In fact, even if you don't make a move, with the **** banners in your hand, you can still escape the hunting by the Fatian tribe. "

A few simple words pierced the mad cow's mind and revealed the truth.

Crazy Bull's body shook slightly, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes with big copper bells, and his posture became more and more humble.

"The predecessor's insight is like a torch, and he is insightful and admirable!

It's the mad cow who has saved the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and made the senior laugh. Please forgive me!

Since the predecessor made the mad cow show up, he must have some advice, and I ask the predecessor to show it. "

Seeing him respond in this way, Ji Tianxing showed a smile and nodded slightly, "You guy, seemingly sturdy and reckless, but in fact you are thoughtful and adaptable, but you are a man of creation.

Since you are so knowledgeable about current affairs, I don't need to waste my tongue and just speak straight.

This seat is not here to explore treasure hunting, but to deal with Marshal Zhengdong.

You have been active on this star for a long time. You should know the whereabouts of the Heavenly Cutting Fleet and Marshal Zhengdong? "

"What?" Mad New was suddenly surprised, raised his head impressively, and looked at Ji Tianxing in disbelief.

"Senior? You... Are you really going to deal with Marshal Zhengdong?

That **** is a true **** powerhouse, who controls the entire Qingyang Star Region!

Moreover, when he came to explore the Canopy this time, he also mobilized hundreds of sky-slashing captains, more than 8,000 sky-slashing warriors... the power is very powerful! "

Before Ji Tianxing could speak, Ji Wushuang said proudly, "You stupid bull, since my father is here to deal with Marshal Zhengdong, he has full confidence. Why should you worry?

Do you know how sacred my father is?

My father killed Marshal Zhengnan in the purple sky star domain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and destroyed the entire Zhengnan fleet.

Along the way, we have killed hundreds of thousands of Celestial Clan and saved more than a hundred worlds.

Before long, the Zhengdong Fleet will fall apart and the Qingyang Star Territory will be free again.

At that time, my father is the saint who saved the Qingyang Star Territory.

However, my dad has always been indifferent to fame and fortune, and conceited, so he doesn't care about you, a stupid bull. "

Crazy Bull stared at Ji Wushuang dumbfounded, his body stiffened, and a turbulent sea throbbed in his heart.

After a long while, he came back to his senses, and asked a little bit, "This little...woman, dare you to ask the honorable lord who is...who is sacred?"

Ji Wushuang proudly replied, "Across the starry sky, invincible wherever you are, the nemesis of the Heavenly Clan...He is also the God of Heaven!"

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