Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2673: Entrance

Several expedition teams following the Tianxing battleship wanted to take advantage of the fire.

They also wanted to stop the battleship, capture the captain, and ask the location of Dongtianfudi.

However, everyone witnessed the power of Ji Tianxing.

Alone, holding a divine sword, easily destroy the sky-cutting battleship and kill many powerful sky-cutters.

Such a powerful and domineering method shocked many alien warlords, and they were shocked and dumbfounded.

Under fear, everyone can only dispel thoughts.

The nine teams all followed the Tianxing battleship and flew towards the northwest.

Inside the Tianxing battleship.

Bai Long found the nine teams trailing behind, frowning, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Master, those who do not live or die are following us, mostly trying to take advantage of the fire and fish in troubled waters.

Should the disciples take action and teach them a lesson? "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand, and said calmly: "Those alien war gods and explorers have no grievances with us, but have deep hatred with the Fatian clan.

Don't worry about them, they may still be useful when they arrive. "

"Understood." Bai Long responded and continued to control the warship.

Before long, the Skywalker flew over a huge valley.

This valley has a radius of five hundred miles, like a basin among mountains, covered by vast clouds and fog.

There are more than a dozen high peaks standing around the valley, like more than a dozen loyal and brave guards, guarding the secrets of the valley.

Here is the entrance of Dongtianfudi.

The valley is deserted and uninhabited, and it is difficult for anyone who does not know to notice here.

Even in the valley covered by clouds and mist, it was deserted and quiet, with no trace of martial artist activity.

However, Ji Tianxing's eyes were golden, and he saw the clues at a glance.

The entire valley was shrouded by a vast array of True God-level traces.

On the surface, the valley is shrouded in clouds and mist, ordinary and unremarkable.

But in fact, there must be a large number of sky-slashers gathered in the valley.


Ji Tianxing put away the battleship and stood above the valley, looking down at the clouds and mist below.

Bai Long, Ji Wuhen, Ji Wushuang and the four-headed beast all stood behind him, looking around.

The nine expedition teams followed here, and when they saw Ji Tianxing and others stopped, and put away the battleship, they also stopped quickly.

Everyone realized that there was a problem with this valley, and most of it was the entrance to the heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, many alien warlords and explorers are excited and full of expectations.

But they were afraid of Ji Tianxing's terrifying strength, and did not dare to step into the valley. They all stayed on the edge of the valley, watching Ji Tianxing silently.

Ji Tianxing didn't waste time, punching out a dazzling golden fist that blasted towards the clouds under his feet.

Suddenly, the terrifying fists hit the lost array.

If the power of the Fist Mang is only at the Martial God level, it will be absorbed and resolved by the big array immediately, without the slightest disturbance.

However, the power of Ji Tianxing's punch reached the peak of the true god.


A loud and deafening noise burst out and echoed violently over the valley.

The invisible Wandering Array was agitated, and a barrier of purple light with a radius of five hundred li appeared in the clouds.

However, the semi-circular purple light barrier was shattered by the blow of fists, and collapsed into a huge pothole.

Countless purple light fragments flew away, causing a hurricane over the valley.

The nine teams around the valley, more than sixty alien warlords, all showed shock, surprise and expectation.

The appearance of the purple barrier confirmed their conjecture.

The valley in front of you is the entrance to the cave world!

The greedy and shameless Marshal Zhengdong arranged a divine formation to block the valley, and wanted to take the heaven and blessed land as his own!

Had it not been for Ji Tianxing's powerful strength, dozens of alien warlords would have long been ready to move.


Ji Tianxing and others passed through the gap in the purple barrier and landed in the valley.

When everyone passed through the clouds and mist and entered the maze, they could see the real situation in the valley.

I saw that there was a huge palace ruin in the middle of the valley.

In the ruins there is a huge dilapidated temple, revealing countless broken walls and cracked stone pillars.

The temple was surrounded by ancient boulders, guarded by more than three hundred black armored warriors.

In addition, around the ruins of the palace, there are thousands of sky-slashers, armed with swords and blades, and are on guard.

Above the ruins of the temple, there are twenty-four martial gods wearing golden armor, arranged in special positions, forming a battle formation.

A total of more than 1,300 slashers formed a three-layer defensive circle, surrounding the broken temple and protecting it from the wind!

Such obvious battles made Ji Tianxing and others understand instantly.

The entrance to Dongtianfudi is the ancient and broken temple!

At this moment, the twenty-four Golden Armored Warriors roared in anger, raised their arms and gave orders.

In the outermost defensive circle, more than two hundred black armored fighters flew out immediately, rushing to Ji Tianxing and others recklessly, and launched a murderous siege.

Suddenly, red light flew over the sky, covering the valley above the valley.

Thousands of swords and shadows, giant axe and long knives, as well as terrifying ghosts and ghosts, flooded Ji Tianxing and others~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, Ji Tianxing stood with his hands behind his hands and looked indifferent, and had no intention of doing anything.

Bailong, Ji Wuhen, Ji Wushuang, and the four-headed beasts all waved their divine swords and sharp blades, unleashing supernatural skills that destroy the world.

All kinds of blazing white, golden, icy blue, black, and crimson lights fell like a flood.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A series of loud noises burst out in the valley, resounding throughout the world.

The valley of five hundred miles was shaken by the earthquake, and dozens of mountains around it also trembled, rolling down countless rubble and dust.

With such a terrifying explosion, the expedition teams that had just stepped into the valley stopped flying in shock, full of shock.

When the sky is gone, everyone can see the scene in the valley.

Ji Tianxing and others were unscathed, their figures standing in mid-air like a mountain.

The more than two hundred murderous sky-cutting soldiers collapsed and disintegrated, turning into flesh and blood and falling into the ruins.

Suddenly, dozens of alien warlords and explorers couldn't help but breathe in cold air.

The warriors guarding the ruins and the temple, and the twenty-four golden armored warriors, their complexions changed drastically, showing a deep look of fear.

In the next moment, those golden armored warriors recovered and hurriedly shouted and roared.

"A powerful enemy invades, stop them!"

"At all costs, immediately punish them!"

"What are you guys doing in a daze?"

As a result, more than a thousand black-armored fighters shot one after another, desperately besieging Ji Tianxing and others.

Twenty-four Golden Armored Martial Gods also formed a battle formation and jointly performed magical secret techniques, releasing a soaring purple light.

Such an astonishing and terrifying attack was enough to razor thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to the ground.

Nine expedition teams hurriedly withdrew from the valley for fear of being affected.

However, Ji Tianxing, Bai Long and others were prepared to fight back in an orderly manner.

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