Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2674: Imitating the sun and the moon

"Boom bang bang bang!"


Loud loud noises of deafening, explosions of divine light collision, bursting in the valley one after another.

This huge disparity in the number of people in the battle ended after only a hundred breaths of time.

More than 60 alien warlords of the nine teams all sweated for Ji Tianxing and others.

After all, the number of people on both sides differed by more than a hundred times.

Moreover, the divine light covering the sky and the sun shrouded the valley, and Ji Tianxing and others could not be seen at all.

Many foreign war gods and explorers are looking forward to Ji Tianxing and others to win.

Although this idea is not realistic, hope is slim.

Or, Ji Tianxing and others can only win tragically and need to pay a very tragic price.

This is what everyone is eager to see.

Only when Ji Tianxing and others kill the guards of the Heavenly Clan can they enter the cave and explore the fate.

It didn't take long for the dazzling light to dissipate.

The deafening collisions and explosions also gradually stopped.

A chaotic valley gradually became clear.

Many alien warlords and adventurers can see the situation in the valley clearly.

I saw that the ruins around a hundred li completely disappeared.

Only a huge deep pit was left in place, and dozens of huge rubbles.

That was the huge boulder that remained after the temple was destroyed.

In the messy pile of rubble, there is a golden portal that is intact.

There is no doubt that that is the entrance to the cave heaven!

After the ruins were completely destroyed, the entrance of the **** array was revealed.

And those more than a thousand sky-slashing warriors who protected the entrance, and 24 sky-slashing captains wearing golden armor, all disappeared!

In the deep pit, corpses, as well as fragments of weapons and armor were scattered everywhere.

The fate of those warriors and golden armored warriors is obvious.

As for Ji Tianxing and others, they stood above the pit intact.

There are still four people, four beasts.

No shortage of one!

Seeing this scene, dozens of alien warlords and explorers all showed a look of astonishment, and their eyes widened inexplicably shocked.

No one can believe that this is the result of the war!

Four people and four beasts, fighting against more than a thousand sky-cutters, were able to kill all of the opponents, and his side was safe and sound.

The word "tough" is not enough to describe the terrifying combat power of Ji Tianxing and others.




"It's incredible!"

"Where are those strong men? How can they be so strong?"

"I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!"

The Valkyrie and explorers in each team exclaimed and discussed one after another.

At this time, Ji Tianxing and the others landed in the deep pit and stepped into the golden light gate one after another.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Several golden lights flashed, and the figures of the four people and the four-headed beasts disappeared.

Silence was restored in the valley.

Dozens of alien warlords and explorers have come to their senses.

After hesitating for a while, a team took the lead to fly to the deep pit and enter the golden light gate one after another.

Someone took the lead, and someone immediately followed suit.

For fear of lagging behind others, other teams have also entered the light gate one after another, for fear of being taken advantage of by others.


With golden light flickering, Ji Tianxing and others came to an alien space.

The space is vast, at least one hundred thousand miles in radius.

Unlike the dilapidated and decayed scene on Makea, this space is very well preserved.

The endless land is covered with green grassland, flowers and fruits.

In the distance are the vast mountains, showing hazy outlines under the golden light.

The air is full of rich and extremely divine power, and even condenses into a band of gold and silver, suspended in the sky.

Above the sky, there are two huge stars hanging.

One was golden, like a scorching sun.

The other is silver, like a bright moon.

At this time, the light of the bright moon was dim, and the scorching sun was shining with golden light, illuminating the entire space.

There is no doubt that it is daylight in this space.

Ji Tianxing and others could see that the two stars in the high sky were genuine.

The gods with vast supernatural powers brought two stars with their supreme magical powers to imitate the sun and the moon.

"What a plentiful divine power! It really deserves to be a blessed land!"

"The cultivation resources here are extremely rich!

Even a pig who has lived here for thousands of years can become a god, right? "

"Look, the flowers and fruits in the grass and forest are god-level medicinal materials and fruits!"

"It's a pity that the Celestial Clan and those starry pirates have looted this place long ago."

"The flowers and fruits in the grasslands and forests are leftovers collected by them, with low quality and efficacy.

It is estimated that the truly rare medicinal materials and gods have been searched by them. "

The crowd was observing the surrounding situation and talking in indignation.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and comforted everyone: "Don't worry, the gods plundered by Marshal Zhengdong and the starry pirates will soon be spit out!"

After all, he took Bailong, Ji Wuhen, Ji Wushuang and the four-headed beast, and flew towards the distant mountains.

Everyone flew over the grassland, and just after flying hundreds of miles away, a murderous roar came from the side.

"Who Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to break into the forbidden land without permission? Death!"

Ji Tianxing and the others turned their heads and looked at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and saw five warriors wearing golden armor and more than 400 black armored warriors flying over.

Among them, the four Martial Gods of Swordsmanship only have the strength of the fourth or fifth level of the Martial God Realm, and they are obviously captains.

The Golden Armored Martial God at the head, however, reached the Ninth Level of the Martial God Realm, and most of them were the generals of the fleet.


After a few breaths, the five Golden Armored Warriors came to the front.

The headed General Jin Jia waved his hand, and more than 400 black armor soldiers surrounded Ji Tianxing and others.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing and others were not only not angry or worried, but also showed a playful smile.

"It seems that Marshal Zhengdong has already occupied this cave, and decent people are searching everywhere for the gods." Bai Long sneered with a joking expression.

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "Leave the Jinjia general for his life, and everyone else will be killed."

Bai Long nodded immediately and said in obedience.

Immediately, his whole body burst into white light, turning into a phantom of a thousand-foot-long white dragon, rushing arrogantly towards the crowd.

Ji Wuhen, Ji Wushuang, and the four-headed sacred beasts also took action, displaying their supernatural powers and slaying the surrounding soldiers.

The five Heaven-Fighting Martial Gods all stunned for a moment, showing their faces full of surprise.

Originally, they wanted to ask Ji Tianxing and others how they broke into this cave?

But they didn't expect that the number of the other party was so small, and under heavy siege, they dared to attack first.

It's almost reckless!

Under the anger in their hearts, the five Heaven-Fighting Martial Gods all wielded swords and halberds, displayed their unique magic skills and launched a counterattack.

In the next instant, the war broke out.

The magical technique performed by Ji Tianxing and others blasted through the crowd, instantly killing hundreds of black armored soldiers.

The five Heaven-Fighting Martial Gods suddenly changed their expressions and their eyes widened in horror.

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