Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2708: Celestial Sword

Fatian Great Emperor's confident, joking sneer looked very dazzling.

Yun Yao, Bailong, and the four-headed beasts were all on guard, staring at him quite vigilantly.

Ji Tianxing was indifferent, his eyes were full of confidence, and his tone was even more joking: "Yes! So soon, we met again.

It seems that your injury has healed?

Isn’t this what the saying goes, when the scars are healed, forget to hurt?

Didn’t teach you enough? Now he took the initiative to send it to the door for abuse? "

Hearing this, the three marshals and hundreds of generals all frowned fiercely, showing anger.

The face of the Great Emperor Fatian sank, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Ji Tianxing! You, who are today, are trapped in the great ruining formation arranged by the emperor's heart.

There are eighty-one King Kong Gods of War here, and this emperor has gathered a hundred powerful men, and he will kill you here, and the corpses will be broken into pieces!

Under this situation, the emperor really can't understand, why do you have the qualifications to be arrogant?

Probably you knew that you were going to die, and you had a mouth addiction before you died, right? "

Hundreds of Jinjiao generals suddenly grinned and sneered upon hearing these words.

Ji Tianxing was not angry either, and sneered with a playful expression: "So, this is the gap between the weak and the strong!

You think you have been planning for many years and you have laid a net of heaven and earth, and you have full confidence.

And I broke into the Van Gogh star recklessly and ignorantly, and I fell into your trap, which made you proud and confident.

But you never know, as early as in the Black Dragon Star Territory, I guessed your next plan.

I've seen through your yīn tricks a long time ago, but I didn't bother to expose it, and came to Vatican Star by tricks...

After all, I don't care about your little tricks.

Moreover, I successfully entered your ambush to lead you to appear. "

Ji Tianxing said in a calm tone, explaining the whole thing clearly.

The Great Emperor Fatian's thoughts were thoroughly exposed by him, and his face was as cold as ice, and sharp light burst out of his eyes.

"Fart! You are nonsense, nonsense!"

In annoyance, the great Emperor Fatian, who had always been aloof, unexpectedly burst into foul language.

But he calmed down quickly, and said with a sneer sneer, "Even if you guessed the plan of the emperor? This is not Yinmou, but Yangmou!

In the end, haven't you stepped into this emperor's ruining array and got caught in a siege?

No matter what you said, the ceiling pendant is useless!

The emperor wants to see, how do you escape? "

While talking, the Great Emperor Fatian waved his hand and issued an order.

The three marshals immediately released a dazzling purple light into the ruining array.

Suddenly, the 100,000-mile large array frantically absorbed the power of the silver barrier, accelerated its operation, and burst out even more dazzling brilliance.


Within the big formation, purple light fell from the sky, releasing the divine power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and severely suppressed Ji Tianxing and others.

Under tremendous pressure, the divine powers of the white dragon and the four-headed beasts were not working smoothly, their bodies were slightly dull and stiff, and their actions were quite difficult.

But the eighty-one giants of the Vatican were unaffected, and their breath remained violent.

Ji Tianxing was also calm as usual, and said with a joking sneer: "Ha ha ha... Great Emperor Fatian, you just have to do this.

A frog at the bottom of the well who doesn't even know what the sky is, has actually named his formation the Great Destroying Formation?

You are really arrogant, ignorant and ridiculous!

Don’t you want to see how I escape this big formation?

Then keep your eyes open. I will not only break this crude and unbearable formation, but also destroy the vajra puppet refined by your heart! "

When the voice fell, Ji Tianxing raised his right hand, and a black light flashed in his palm, and the Heaven Burying Sword appeared.

He lost his left hand behind him, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, exploding with endless mighty power, and slashed out with a vicious sword.

"One sword opens the sky!"

In an instant, the dazzling golden light burst from the Heaven Burial Sword, which turned into a hundred-mile-long golden giant sword, and slammed into the golden and purple divine array mask.

With this sword, he tried his best, and the heavenly sword was united, exploding with the most powerful power.

His strength had already reached eighty times the peak true god.

The power of this sword is close to the fourth level of the Heavenly God Realm!

It is a genuine sword of the gods!

However, the great emperor Fatian spent many years of painstaking efforts, and the formation of the ruining sky arranged by his heart was just a formation that had just reached the rank of a god.


In the next instant, Baili's Great Sword slammed into the array mask, bursting with a loud noise.

The deafening sound spread tens of thousands of miles, shaking violently in the void.

The shock wave that ruined the world, carrying endless golden light and purple light fragments, burst out in the void, blowing up a storm of tens of thousands of miles.

The huge and thick formation mask was directly cut by the giant sword into a trench that was thousands of miles long and about ten thousand feet wide.

The divine power of gold and purple in the formation method leaked out like a flood, spilling into the void.

The array mask with a radius of 100,000 miles also shook violently, making a crisp sound of "click."

With the huge gully as the center, thousands of cracks opened around it, spreading in all directions.

Such a shocking scene made the Great Emperor Fatian, the three marshals, and hundreds of generals all show horror and incredible expressions.

Even if they witnessed it with their own eyes, everyone couldn't believe that Ji Tianxing smashed the ruining array!

That is the great formation of the gods who led the three marshals and hundreds of martial gods, spent forty years and consumed countless god-level resources ~www.wuxiaspot.com~!

In the eyes of everyone, looking at the Three Thousand World, no one can be found, who can directly cut through the big formation with such a brutal means.

This is not a miracle, it is a miracle!

For a while, everyone was immersed in horror, their bodies stiff, unable to speak a word.

The same thought flashed through everyone's mind.

"What kind of monster is Ji Tianxing?"

"What is his strength?"

"Is he still a human? How could he be so against the sky?"

"He is a strong man in the mortal world? Isn't he really the **** of the nine worlds?"

Just as everyone was stunned, Ji Tianxing took Yun Yao, Bailong and the four-headed beasts, dignifiedly through the gap in the large array, and flew into the void.


The crowd left the ruining array with ease and returned to the void, standing a hundred miles away from the great Emperor Fatian.

The eighty-one vajra puppets in the great formation had no consciousness and thinking of their own, and were only loyal to the orders of the Great Emperor Fatian.

The Great Emperor Fatian did not give an order, they guarded in the large formation like a stone carving, and did not intercept Ji Tianxing and others.

When the Great Emperor Fatian recovered and wanted to order an attack, it was already too late.


He looked at Ji Tianxing with sullen eyes, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Immediately, he grinned and sneered, his expression rather bitter.

"Ha ha ha ha... so that's it!

No wonder you ignored this emperor's ambush and swaggered to the Van Gang star.

It turns out that you are no longer who you were back then! "

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