Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2709: Doomed to tragedy

Great Emperor Fatian's heart was full of shock, as well as deep bitterness.

He finally understood why Ji Tianxing knew he had an ambush, yet dared to break into the Van Gogh star.

It turned out that Ji Tianxing's strength had already increased dozens of times, reaching the point where he could ignore ambushes and plots!

In the face of absolutely powerful strength, all yīn tricks are useless and ridiculous!

This truth, the Great Emperor Fatian understood better than anyone.

Because, before encountering Ji Tianxing, he relied on absolutely formidable power to sweep the major star regions and was invincible!

And now, retribution is coming.

The person who was swept and crushed became him!

Ji Tianxing looked at him with a smile on his face, and said in a playful tone: "Great Emperor Fatian, now you can see clearly, and you should understand, this is the gap between you and me!

Stop making unnecessary struggles and surrender.

In the name of God of War, I will give you a decent way to die.

Even, if you sincerely submit, I can forgive you not to die, and gift you to be my guard! "

Ji Tianxing didn't want to kill the Great Emperor Fatian for the time being, so he wanted to keep him one to trace the clues of the gods of the upper realm.

Of course it would be better if he could conquer the Emperor Fatian.

Ji Tianxing was once the pinnacle **** king who ruled all the gods, and he was willing to accept a half-step from the Heavenly God Realm. When he was his entourage, he was indeed a gift from heaven.

It should be noted that in the God Realm back then, I don't know how many gods and powerhouses and peerless Tianjiao wanted to follow him.

He was ruthlessly rejected.

However, when the Great Emperor Fatian heard these words, he was extremely embarrassed and almost vomited blood.

"Hahahaha... that's ridiculous!"

The Great Emperor Fatian smiled with anger, and roared grimly: "Ji Tianxing! This is what this emperor said to you back then, but now you have returned the words to this emperor.

But just broke the emperor's ruining array, just want the emperor to surrender?

You are too naive!

This emperor is the lord of the heavens, and even the peerless overlord who unifies the three thousand worlds!

Moreover, this emperor was selected by the God King of the Upper Realm, the spokesperson of the mortal world!

You, how can you?

What qualifications does this emperor have to surrender?

Are you worthy? ! "

Ji Tianxing's words were too stimulating to the Great Emperor Fatian, and it was a great humiliation.

Even if he died here, he would never surrender to Ji Tianxing!

Ji Tianxing still smiles, his spirit is indifferent, and his eyes are full of confidence.

"I am not qualified, you will know the answer immediately!

But you, missing such a huge opportunity, are destined to become a tragedy! "

"Hahaha..." The Great Emperor Fatian became more and more angry, and shouted in a low voice: "Ji Tianxing, you are so arrogant to the extreme, you are completely shameless!"

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows disapprovingly, and said: "If this is the case, then there is nothing to say, see the real chapter under his hand!"

While talking, he was about to swing the Heaven Burial Sword, use his unique tricks, and attack.


The Great Emperor Fatian waved his hand to stop him, and asked in a low tone: "Ji Tianxing~www.wuxiaspot.com~Before the war, this emperor has a question for you!

Decades ago, when the emperor came to Zixiao Star, he slapped you and fled.

At that time, you only had the strength of the True God Realm threefold, and you were captured by this emperor and almost died.

Now, just a few decades have passed.

How did you reach the half-step Heavenly God Realm, and your strength soared by a hundredfold?

Looking at the past and present tens of thousands of years, such things have never happened in the three thousand worlds.

A strong person in the realm of true gods is already a rare genius who can raise a realm within a few decades! "

This problem bothered the Great Emperor Fatian, making him unbelievable and even more incomprehensible.

If he can't get an answer, a thorn will be buried in his heart forever.

Ji Tianxing showed a playful sneer, and said in a playful tone: "You really want to know the answer?

simple! Surrender to me, be my guard, and I will tell you the truth! "

"Bastard! You're looking for death!" The Great Emperor Fatian was furious, waved his giant palm, and gave the order to attack.

"Everyone listens to the order and takes Ji Tianxing for this emperor!"

He decided not to talk nonsense with Ji Tianxing, as long as he was captured, he could be tortured.

"Obviously!" The three marshals bowed their hands together and said obediently.

"Kill!" Hundreds of golden armored generals, all armed with swords and weapons, roared murderously.

In the next moment, the three marshals led the golden armor generals, flying out of the battleship like a tiger, and pounced on Ji Tianxing.


The crowd dispersed, surrounded Ji Tianxing and others, and swiped out the overwhelming light blade, drowning the crowd.

In the face of the attacks of the powerful sky-cutters, the three of Ji Tianxing and the four beasts were also unambiguous.

Everyone also wielded swords and weapons, unleashing the supernatural powers that destroy the world.

"Shi Fang Juying!"

Ji Tianxing's body burst into golden light and instantly turned into ten phantoms, appearing in the void in all directions.

Each phantom waved the divine sword, spilling the sword light that covered the sky, and killed the three marshals and many generals.

"Galactic Training!"

Yun Yao waved the Origin Stone Divine Sword, cut out a hundred-mile-long starlight, and slew the attacking sky-cutters.

"Crazy Dragon Roars!"

Bailong swung a bench-wide epee from the source stone, cut out two white dragon phantoms that were long as long as ten thousand feet, and blasted them towards a dozen generals.

Qianyue, Heilong, Liuli, and Lan Kun also released the ice light, divine fire and light blade that covered the sky, covering a radius of three thousand miles.

Both of them are strong in the realm of true gods, and the magical skills they release have the power to destroy the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~The sky divine light and the light blade collide fiercely in the void, bursting ears and deafness Loud noise.

The violent shock wave, carrying the colorful fragments of divine light, produced ripples in the void and blew up a shocking storm.

Soon, the first match between the two sides ended.

As a result, many sky-cutters were deeply surprised and unbelievable!

Their magical attacks were all blocked by Ji Tianxing and others.

The three of Ji Tianxing and the four-headed sacred beast were only slightly injured and harmless.

But the three marshals and a hundred generals in Jinjia paid a heavy price.

More than 20 generals suffered serious injuries, and a dozen others were killed on the spot and left to pieces.

Even the three marshals were blown away by Ji Tianxing's sword light, the armor broke through the cracks, and the helmet fell into the void, looking quite embarrassed.

This scene shocked the Great Emperor Fatian, and he couldn't stabilize it.

If only Ji Tianxing is strong, that's all.

But Yun Yao and Bai Long beside Ji Tianxing also possess very powerful strength.

One true **** realm ninefold, one true **** realm eightfold.

Even the four huge mountain beasts have reached the Seventh Level of the True God Realm!

What is this?

Such a terrifying lineup of strong men is already on par with the Sky Clan!

What's more, Ji Tianxing is still a terrifying existence comparable to the gods!

The Great Emperor Fatian finally panicked, and hurriedly issued an order to the eighty-one King Kong puppets, and roared: "What are you still doing in a daze? Kill this emperor!

Kill Ji Tianxing at all costs! "

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