Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2710: Avatar

The King Kong puppet is not afraid, but obeys orders.

Hearing the order of the Great Emperor Fatian to attack, they all rushed to Ji Tianxing and the others.


Eighty-one King Kong puppets scattered, forming a huge encirclement, surrounding Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others.

While they released the invisible soul blade, they waved their fists to kill everyone.

These Vaticans who practiced the Brahma Divine Way are not only powerful in spirit and soul, but also in physical strength and defense.

Ji Tianxing knew the doorway and its power well, and did not hesitate to release the power of the soul, forming an invisible shield with a radius of hundreds of miles.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

Thousands of Divine Soul Blades slammed the Divine Soul mask severely, bursting out a series of loud noises.

Everyone was safe and unharmed.

However, many King Kong puppets rushed over and their huge fists were magnified in everyone's eyes.

Ji Tianxing waved the Sky Burial Sword expressionlessly, and instantly cut out eighty-one golden light giant swords, and slashed at the diamond puppets.

Yunyao, Bailong, and the four-headed beasts also used magical techniques to counterattack.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The divine light blade that covered the sky violently collided with the vajra puppet, making a loud noise.

Countless light blades were blasted to pieces, and hundreds of millions of pieces were splashed out and scattered in the void.

Eighty-one King Kong puppets, without exception, were all shocked and flew back.

However, most of the King Kong puppets were intact, resisting the attacks of the white dragon and the four-headed beasts.

Only eighteen King Kong puppets were hit by Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, and they all suffered severe injuries. The huge bodies were full of gaps and potholes.

Among them, the five King Kong puppets were the most miserable. They were dismantled by the sword light and turned into a pile of stone-like fragments, falling into the void.

For that matter, this result also made Emperor Fatian extremely distressed, his angry face turned black.

"Damn it! Those King Kong puppets were collected from the entire Sanskrit Star Territory after the emperor spent a lot of time.

In order to refine them into puppets, the emperor spent countless efforts and resources!

The **** Ji Tianxing, he killed five in one shot? "

For Emperor Fatian, those eighty-one King Kong puppets were his most satisfying masterpiece, a powerful and terrifying killing machine.

Not only would he use these diamond puppets to kill Ji Tianxing, he would also use them to conquer the starry sky and crush the major star regions.

And now... his plan seems to be shattered!

"Kill! Kill him!"

The Great Emperor Fatian roared anxiously and furiously, commanding the three marshals and dozens of generals, frantically besieging Ji Tianxing.

At the same time, he also grabbed a three-foot-long pitch-black sword, threw himself into the battlefield, and slew towards the sky.

Even the battleship under his feet fired on three hundred divine artillery, blasting a dazzling purple beam of light, targeting Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Three hundred purple beams of light poured down, drowning Ji Tianxing and the others.

The Great Emperor Fatian, the three marshals and many generals all launched their attacks desperately.

The more than seventy-headed King Kong puppets also attacked without fear of death.

Suddenly, the figures of Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others were drowned by the divine light that covered the sky.

Everyone is like a flat boat in the sea, immediately sinking under the huge waves.

At the critical juncture, Ji Tianxing stepped forward, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands and stabbed it out fiercely.

One sword to the sky!

An endless divine light burst out from the Sky Burial Sword, condensing into a hundred-mile-long dazzling gold giant sword, instantly smashing the sky with purple light.

A few King Kong puppets and four golden armored generals were also unlucky enough to be stabbed by a giant sword, and their bodies burst into dregs on the spot, killing them directly.

A huge gap was pierced by the overwhelming magical attack.

The encirclement formed by the Heaven-cutting powerhouses was also torn open a huge crack.

"Quickly go!" Ji Tianxing yelled, and rushed out through the gap with Yun Yao, Bailong and the four-headed beast.

Although his strength is very strong, enough to ignore the attacks of the sky-cutting powerhouse and the King Kong puppet.

But the white dragon and the four-headed sacred beast were not as powerful as his.

If you are stuck in a heavy siege and cannot break through, you will definitely be severely injured or even killed on the spot.

Therefore, he must lead the crowd to rush out of the encirclement, and then fight with the Heavenly Slayers.


In the blink of an eye, Ji Tianxing and others rushed out of the encirclement and teleported into the vast void.

Many sky-splitters and King Kong puppets chased them murderously.

These people are in a group, with no formation at all.

Taking this opportunity, Ji Tianxing held the Heaven Burying Sword and committed suicide to the Great Emperor Fatian and the three marshals alone.

At the same time, he still did not forget to tell Yunyao, Bailong and the four-headed beasts through voice transmission.

"Try to deal with them, don't shake it head-on, so as not to be surrounded and unable to escape."

Everyone understood what he meant, and immediately scattered, scattered in the void of thousands of miles.

Those sky-slashing powerhouses and King Kong puppets were also divided into seven groups and killed Xiang Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, Bailong and the four-headed beasts respectively.

As a result, everyone really reduced the pressure.

Everyone and every divine beast only needs to deal with twenty enemies.

Most of the pressure was borne by Ji Tianxing.

Even the warship of the Great Emperor Fatian firmly locked the figure of Ji Tianxing, and continuously released divine artillery bombardment.

"Boom boom boom!"

Another three hundred purple beams of light, carrying the power of destroying the sky and the earth, blasted towards Ji Tianxing fiercely.

Not far in front of him, the Great Emperor Fatian and the third marshal swung their swords ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and jumped over with murderousness.

On the left and right sides of the void, more than a dozen generals and nine vajra puppets also attacked without fear of death.

Facing the siege of everyone, Ji Tianxing was calm and calm.

With his left hand, he used a fist of the dragon elephant god, hitting the phantom of the dragon elephant as large as a mountain, smashing three hundred purple beams of light.

Holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, he swung it in the void, splattering hundreds of dazzling golden sword lights, killing the generals and King Kong puppets on the left and right.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Crack! Click!"

Only heard loud noises and broken sounds burst out one after another, and the more than 20 generals and King Kong puppets were cut in half on the spot.

The other half of the people were also severely wounded by Jianguang, and flew back all over with blood.

at the same time.

The Great Emperor Fatian held the divine sword in both hands, cut out a huge purple light blade that was ten thousand feet long, and slashed it to the top of Ji Tianxing's head.

Ji Tianxing roared, his body burst into golden light, using the stunts of the Tianlong overlord body, instantly turning into a thousand-foot-tall golden giant.

He held the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, and hung it above his head, just blocking the killing of Emperor Fatian.


A loud noise that shook the sky and the earth exploded, shaking tens of thousands of miles in the void.

The violent and unparalleled impact made Ji Tianxingzhen's body tremble, and he retreated more than a dozen steps before standing still.

But he was unscathed.

The light blades released by the three marshals also hit him one after another, but they failed to cause any damage.

At this time, Ji Tianxing is like a **** descending to the earth, and the **** of war is coming to the world, so powerful!

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