Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2711: So angry

Ji Tianxing had no reservations, and burst out all his power, comparable to the four-tiered powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm.

After using the stunt of the Tianlong Overlord Body, his strength and defense have soared to the point of incomparably terrifying.

He is already invincible!

What's more, his integration with the world of the five elements is equal to immortality.

No matter how the Great Emperor Fatian, the three marshals, the General Fatian and the King Kong puppets attacked, it was difficult to hurt him.

"Boom bang bang!"

The overwhelming purple phantoms and sharp blades, carrying the power to destroy everything, fell on him one after another.

But he was not afraid, his whole body flickered with golden light, and his body trembled a few times, and then the attack of the crowd was shattered.

Except that the Great Emperor Fatian could pose a slight threat to him, he directly ignored other people's magical attacks.

But between his gestures, the shadows and swords of his fists, feet, and swords, they have lethal power.


Dozens of dazzling golden sword lights mixed with thunder and scattered among the crowd.

Suddenly, several more generals and King Kong puppets were strangled to pieces and vanished in smoke.

Ji Tianxing again used the supernatural powers of ten shadows, his body turned into ten phantoms, and rushed into the crowd to kill.

"Boom bang bang!"

The sky was full of fist lights, leg shadows and sword lights, exploding in the crowd, and there was a loud and deafening noise.

A dozen more generals and King Kong puppets were bombarded and killed on the spot.

Even the three marshals couldn't hold his frontal charge, and he was bombarded again and flew back.

After the two sides fought for ten breaths, the void that was originally shadowy became empty.

Twenty generals and 18 King Kong puppets were all killed by Ji Tianxing.

Only the Great Emperor Fatian and the three marshals remained, still struggling to rush and fight fiercely with Ji Tianxing.

However, the three marshals were also bruised and bloodstained, and their strength was greatly weakened.

Even the Great Emperor Fatian was injured and looked extremely embarrassed.

The Nine Heavens Promise Scarlet Gold Crown he was wearing had long been shattered by Ji Tianxing and fell into the void.

The purple hair was scattered all over, scattered on the shoulders, covering half of his face.

The cloak and armor he was wearing was also cut into many cracks by the sword light, and it became tattered.

However, Ji Tianxing became more fierce as he fought, and his charge became more violent.

He is like a group of fierce golden sèlie rì, running rampant in the void, no one can stop it!

As soon as the three marshals rushed up, he was shot head-on.

The Great Emperor Fatian used his supernatural powers, but was also smashed to pieces by his fists and kicked off.

"Crazy man! This **** beast, he is crazy!"

The Great Emperor Fatian was ashamed and angry, cursing hoarsely.

He turned his head and looked at the void behind him, and roared at the warship soldiers in the battleship: "A bunch of useless trash! Didn't this emperor let you lock on Ji Tianxing and kill him at any cost?"

The dozens of golden-clad captains in the battleship suddenly showed suffocated expressions, and they couldn't tell.

Everyone was helpless, and murmurs appeared in their hearts.

"Emperor! Haven't you seen our constant bombardment?"

"But Ji Tianxing's speed is too fast! He dodges most of the magic artillery we released!"

"Even if a part of the gods bombarded him, it would be like tickling him, and it would not be lethal at all!"

"It's not that we don't work hard, but the enemy is too strong!"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, that Ji Tianxing is obviously a mortal god, why bother with him?"

Of course, everyone can only think in their hearts, but dare not speak out.

Everyone knows that the Great Emperor Fatian is in a state of anger, full of anger and humiliation, and there is no place to vent.

If anyone clings together stupidly, it's going to die.

Soon, many captains converged their thoughts and concentrated on controlling the battleship, continuously bombarding the journey.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The purple beam of light that covered the sky fell into the void like a pouring rain, drowning Ji Tianxing's figure.

In just half a quarter of an hour, the battleship's continuous bombardment of Ji Tianxing consumes more resources than capturing a star!

Ji Tianxing has been attacking fiercely, wanting to quickly kill the three marshals and capture the Great Emperor.

However, Emperor Fatian's ship has been locked on him, shelling him at all costs.

This caused him to be restrained when attacking, and his actions were also restricted.

Finally, Ji Tianxing was offended!

He even gave up the Great Emperor Fatian and the three marshals, turned and rushed towards the Fatian seat ship.

"call out!"

With a flash of golden light, Operation Jitian used the law of space to move thousands of miles directly, and appeared on the head of the Celestial Warship.

The many captains in the battleship were suddenly shocked and hurriedly controlled the battleship to escape.

The Great Emperor Fatian, who was thousands of miles away, also changed his face on the spot and let out an angry exclamation.

"No! Ji Tianxing, this beast, he wants to destroy the emperor's ship!"

When the Great Emperor Fatian invaded the Five Elements World, he was seriously injured by Ji Tianxing, and the Tianshen-class ship was also destroyed.

After escaping to Fatianxing, he ordered the craftsmen of the Fatian clan to build a True God class ship as quickly as possible.

It is impossible to build another Celestial battleship.

Without the gift of the gods of the upper realm, the craftsmen of the Fatian clan could not do it.

Therefore, this Supreme True God class ship is one of the most important artifacts of the Great Emperor Fatian.

However, this ship will be destroyed soon!

Ji Tianxing, who is as high as a thousand feet~www.wuxiaspot.com~, stepped on the ship like a mountain, holding the eight-hundred-meter-long Heaven Burying Sword in both hands, and smashed it with all his strength.


With a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth exploded, the Heaven Burying Sword slammed into the Celestial Constellation ship, splashing out purple light and metal **** that covered the sky.

Under the grief and indignant gaze of the Great Emperor Fatian and the desperate expressions of dozens of captains, the Fatianzuo ship was cut off!

The impact of destroying the sky and destroying the earth broke the ship into two, tearing open countless cracks and gaps, bursting out hundreds of millions of pieces, forming a terrifying hurricane in the void.

Hundreds of guards from the Great Emperor of the Martial God Realm were bombarded and killed on the spot into meat sauce or scraps.

Dozens of captains of the Cāo-controlled seat ship were also killed nearly half in seconds, all dead.

The more than twenty captains who survived, seeing the wreckage of the battleship plunge into the void and ignited a raging fire, they abandoned the ship and fled.

However, as soon as they fled into the void, they ushered in a catastrophe.

Ji Tianxing, who was like a **** of war, swung his sword to cut dozens of sword lights and slashed down from the sky.

The captains of the Martial God Realm were unable to avoid and resist, and they were immediately beheaded by Jianguang.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Tianxing made a few "swishes" swords, and cut the two pieces of warship wreckage into pieces.

The warship of Emperor Fatian was completely destroyed, turned into billions of scrap iron and metal pieces, scattered in the void.

The slashing guards hiding in the wreckage of the battleship all ended up in a dead end.

The Great Emperor Fatian witnessed this scene with his own eyes, almost exploding in anger.

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