Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2740: Missed

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Ji Tianxing had moved 300 million li under the ground and reached the middle of Vatianxing.

At this moment, he was walking through the gloomy rock layer thousands of miles deep underground.

But it is a pity that the avatar of the **** king has caught up.

It was 30,000 miles away behind him.

Such a distance is very close to the Divine King clone.

"Ant, this emperor has come to the mortal world, and hasn't stopped dying?!"

The King of God Clone stared at Ji Tianxing angrily, and shouted in a majestic tone.

Although, he speaks the common language of the gods.

But Ji Tianxing could understand, he frowned, and thought to himself: "This emperor? Which king of the gods would dare to call himself like this? This person is really arrogant!"

In the God Realm, true gods and heavenly gods often call themselves true gods.

The strong of the **** king state call himself the king or the seat, and the strong man in the **** king state calls himself the king or the seat.

Ji Tianxing has been in the God Realm for hundreds of years, and has never heard of the title of this emperor.

However, he pretended not to hear the anger of the King of God clone, speeding up and fleeing.

The eyes of God King Clone showed a cold and indifferent expression, and the eyes of Ji Tianxing looked like they were looking at a dead person.

"The ants who do not live or die, go and die!"

This time, he spoke the Fatian language, so that Ji Tianxing could understand it.

When the voice fell, he suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed it at the front Ji Tianxing.


Suddenly, the rock layer and soil around Ji Tianxing all condensed into an extremely hard wall, squeezing towards him.

In the depths of the ground beneath his feet, lava burst into the sky, trying to swallow his figure.

The avatar of the **** king has long mastered all kinds of the laws of the gods, and he can control the heaven and the earth by raising his hand, and on this star is the omnipotent god!


A loud noise that shook the sky and the earth erupted from the ground.

Rocks, soil and magma in a radius of 30,000 miles crashed together, submerging Ji Tianxing's figure.

That terrifying force of impact has turned the 30,000 miles of land into dust.

The shock wave that ruined the sky and the earth broke out underground, blasting a radius of 100,000 li into a vacuum zone.

The avatar of the **** king believes that he can kill Ji Tianxing in seconds with this casual move.


His spirit detected that the terrifying magma, mud and rocks did not harm Ji Tianxing at all.

Ji Tianxing was like a transparent phantom, allowing magma and mud to pass through the body without any lag.

Amid the earth-shattering explosion, he also used the power of the world to move six million miles again!

The divine mind of the divine king clone has been shrouded in the surrounding tens of millions of miles.

Of course he could see that Ji Tianxing escaped unharmed and appeared deep underground six million miles away.

This result made him frown fiercely, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Such an ant can escape the blow of the emperor?

He is... mastering the laws of the earth?

It's no wonder that you can travel through the ground at will, ignoring the emperor's attack!

In the realm of true gods, you can also master the laws of the earth, and can control the world power of the sky stars...

This child is somewhat capable, no wonder it can push the Sky Clan to such a point! "

The avatar of the **** king thought for a moment, then he understood the reason, and his heart was quite shocked.

Even the mortal spokesperson he chose, the Great Emperor Fatian, did not have this ability.

The avatar of the **** king teleported again, stepping more than six million miles in one step, blocking the front of Ji Tianxing.

"Look at the palm!"

The avatar of the **** king yelled angrily, suddenly lifted his palms, and took a photo of Chao Ji Tianxing.

Suddenly, a pair of giant golden palms covering the sky overwhelmed Ji Tianxing's figure.

Under the sacred golden light, tens of thousands of miles around the world were sealed off, and the space was frozen like ice.

Even if Ji Tianxing wanted to teleport and escape, he couldn't do it.

In a critical moment, he can only cast spells to resist.

"The law of heaven and earth!"

Ji Tianxing shouted in a low voice and immediately used the laws of the earth, drawing hundreds of thousands of miles of heaven and earth's divine power, and converging into a huge dark yellow shield to protect himself.


In the next instant, those sacred giant palms blasted down and shot him severely.

With a loud and earth-shattering noise, the dark yellow shield was shot to shreds on the spot, splashing out endless debris.

Ji Tianxing was also photographed into the depths of the earth, trapped in a torrent of magma thousands of miles underground.

The violent shock wave blasted the surrounding hundreds of thousands of miles into dust and turned into a huge underground cavity.

The ground also trembled violently, as if a super earthquake had occurred.

Although, Ji Tianxing tried his best to block the bombardment of the King of God clone.

But the power of the Divine King clone is too violent, far more than twenty times more than him!

He was wounded after all, his internal organs were damaged and displaced, and he was divinely distressed.


He coughed violently twice, and the blood of gold overflowed from his mouth and nose.

His face was slightly pale, and he quickly managed to suppress the injury.

Fortunately, he maintains the Tianlong domineering state, and his defense is very strong.

Otherwise, the move just now can severely wound him.

Divine King clone thought that the battle was over.

But when his spiritual thoughts were swept away, he found that Ji Tianxing was only slightly injured.

He frowned suddenly, and the third eyeball flashed red.

"Hehe... This emperor really missed him!

This lowly mixed-blood species, only half a step into the Heavenly God Realm, has the strength comparable to the five-fold Heaven God.

It's simply unprecedented, a rare wizard in the world!

In contrast, Tianshu's boy was so inferior! "

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shenwang clone suddenly had a different mind, and she couldn't bear to kill Ji Tianxing.

He is invincible in the God Realm, and has seen countless amazing talents.

But like Ji Tianxing, in a lowly mortal world, there is no one who survives his two moves with the body of an ant!

The avatar of the **** king dared to conclude that looking at the three thousand worlds, the ‘dragon race’ kid in front of him was definitely the most enchanting genius.

Even in the God Realm where Tianjiao is like a cloud, they are the top geniuses, and their future achievements are limitless.

"If this kid hadn't been against the emperor, Ben DìDū couldn't help but accept him as a disciple."

The avatar of the **** king muttered to himself, once again waved his palm to give out the sacred golden light, killing Xiang Ji Tianxing.

This time, he still had the same reservations as before and did not use his best.

He was not in a hurry to punish Ji Tianxing, but wanted to see what Ji Tianxing had.

The giant golden palms of the two mountains, condensed like golden stones, carry the supreme power of the magma.

Ji Tianxing was in the magma ocean, he had just suppressed his internal organs and was about to teleport away.

Suddenly seeing two giant palms slap the head, he grabbed the Sky Burial Sword without hesitation and stabbed the strongest blow.

"One sword reaches the sky!"

The Sky Burial Sword swelled to a length of a thousand feet in an instant, emitting a dazzling golden light, and slammed into the two giant palms.


In the next instant, the sword light collided fiercely with the giant palm, bursting out a loud noise that spread all over a hundred thousand miles.

The golden palm and the sword light collapsed at the same time, splashing out thousands of golden shards, blasting the magma ocean into a huge crater of 100,000 miles.

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