Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2741: endless good news

Loud noises shook the sky, and red lava splashed.

The earth was full of chaos, and terrible earthquakes provoked on the surface.

Ji Tianxing was shocked again and flew back, and slammed into the magma ocean with a bang.

The internal organs' injuries were suppressed, and they suffered heavy injuries.

He couldn't help spitting out two mouthfuls of golden blood, panting violently.

Seeing that the avatar of the **** king was about to take action again, he had no time to suppress his injuries, and could only absorb the life-saving light of the dzi bead.


The entangled white light penetrated into the internal organs and immediately restored him to his original condition.

When the avatar of the **** king raised his fists and blasted two large mountain fists, he did not hesitate to use the power of the world and left the ground.


With a flash of light and shadow, he flew to the sky ninety thousand miles high.

In the depths of the earth, two fist lights that ruined the sky and the earth violently hit the magma ocean, exploding with a loud and deafening noise.

The magma ocean was blasted out of a huge crater, and the surrounding rock layers collapsed.

The attack of the avatar of the **** king failed, and a playful sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Haha, it's interesting."

In the next instant, he also teleported to the ninety thousand li high sky, and once again waved his palm to Ji Tianxing.

The two huge golden light blades smashed towards Ji Tianxing like opening the world.

The aura of heaven and earth in a radius of one hundred thousand miles has been emptied.

The space in this area is also confined.

Ji Tianxing was locked in by the light blade, unable to evade or teleport away.

Even if the power of the world is used, it is invalid.

The method of the Divine King clone was so powerful, as early as he had expected, it was not surprising.

In a critical moment, he could only grit his teeth and hold on, casting spells to resist.

"A sword is floating!"

He tried his best to swing the Heaven Burying Sword and stab the strongest sword.

Like a sword light flying from the sky, carrying the majestic and mighty power, it instantly hit two light blades.


The golden blade and sword light collapsed at the same time, and scattered debris in the sky.

The violent shock wave shook Ji Tianxing thousands of miles away, his chest rising and falling sharply.

The avatar of the **** king stood still, staring at Ji Tianxing with brilliant eyes, and thought to himself: "This son's swordsmanship is somewhat interesting, and it doesn't seem to be mastered by the true gods.

Could it be said, what adventure has this son gotten, and he has practiced the kendo of ancient gods? "

Thinking like this in his mind, he shook his fists and feet again, punching out the overwhelming fists and leg shadows, and attacked Ji Tianxing like a storm.

The world of 100,000 miles was shrouded in sacred golden light.

This time, the Divine King clone used 60% of his strength and decided to put more pressure on Ji Tianxing and force more hole cards.

He is looking forward to what surprises Ji Tianxing can bring to him.

Ji Tianxing's pressure suddenly increased, and he could only explode with the strongest force and go all out to respond.

He swings a fist with his left hand and splits his palm, and his right hand swings a sword in a row. At the same time, he uses his fist, palm and kendo supernatural powers to entangle and fight with the King of God.

Moreover, his footsteps are constantly changing, and his figure flashes and moves in the sky, constantly avoiding the light and shadow of the sky.

Suddenly, the world became chaotic for 100,000 miles.

As the two supernatural powers collided, the loud noise of "rumbling" was endless, and the shock wave of divine power that ruined the world spread like a ripple.


After all, Ji Tianxing was not the opponent of the Divine King clone, and was completely suppressed.

The two talented people fought dozens of moves, and he was hit in the back by a fist, vomiting blood and flew out.

Before he landed, another leg shadow swept over and knocked him thousands of miles away.

Even if he is in the Heavenly Dragon Domineering state, the difference in strength between the two is too large, and they are not in the same realm at all.

With these two moves alone, he was severely injured by the Divine King clone, and his breath was significantly weakened.

"That's the only thing I can do? It's a bit disappointing!" God King clone frowned, a touch of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

But at this moment, Ji Tianxing, who was seriously injured, absorbed a life-saving light, and his injuries immediately recovered.

He became trembling again, and with the power of the world, he threw a punch at the avatar of the **** king, and slashed out a giant sword that opened the sky.

Seeing this scene, God King Clone's eyes lit up, showing a playful smile.

"Oh? He recovered in the blink of an eye? This kid still has a hole card.

Could it be said that he also mastered the magical powers of the Longevity Dao? "

In the vast expanse of the God Realm, there have been three thousand avenues circulating, and thousands of magical secrets have evolved.

The longevity road is one of the three thousand avenues.

The gods who practice this kind of avenue pay the most attention to prolonging longevity, strengthening the body and soul.

At the same time, the gods who practice this Dao often master many magical secrets, which can quickly heal injuries.

There are several strongest in the Longevity Dao, who have reached the Divine King Realm, and have the effect of bringing back the dead!

Therefore, as soon as the avatar of God King saw the changes of Ji Tianxing, he thought of the Dao of Longevity.

"The ants in the mortal world are actually a dragon race, not to mention the laws of the gods, and they have also cultivated the inscrutable kendo and eternal abilities...

The emperor really wanted to see, did you kid reincarnated from the upper realm? "

The avatar of the **** king had to doubt that a monster like Ji Tianxing could never be born from the mortal world.

Most of it is the reincarnation of the strong upper realm!

That being the case, he must find out more about Ji Tianxing!

As a result, the Divine King clone used seventy percent of its strength, and his body turned dozens of lights and shadows, and culled toward Ji Tianxing.


Suddenly, the sky was his phantom.

Thousands of fists, leg shadows, and swordsmanship ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also burst out of supreme power, pouring down like a rainstorm.

Ji Tianxing squinted his eyes, his spirit was extremely dignified, he could only resist, and retreated far away.


Just as Ji Tianxing and the King of God were fighting together, the Black Dragon battleship also returned to the Sky Star.

Although Yun Shuyan and Tianshu could both guess, there must be a reason for the God King clone entering the Sky Star.

However, their strength is low, unable to detect the breath of the King of God clone, and they don't know where it is.

After discussing for a while, the mother and son decided to return to the Imperial Palace first to stabilize the overall situation.

At this moment, the Tianxing battleship arrived as scheduled and was about to enter the Sky Star.

Inside the battleship.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, and the two children all had their faces solemn, showing worried eyes.

Ji Ke held a sharp gun in his hand and said in a low tone: "Before the execution of the plan, Brother Tianxing, let us stay in the Five Elements World and wait for his news.

But half a month passed, and he neither returned nor sent a subpoena.

Half an hour ago, I sent him a message of Yujian, but he still hasn't responded.

There are indications that he must have encountered thorny troubles and even get into trouble.

We have to help him as soon as possible! "

Everyone nodded together to express their understanding.

Yun Yao nodded slightly and said, "I have a slight connection with Tian Xing, and I can sense his aura. It should be on the Star Defying Heaven.

But the sky star is too big, we don't have so much time to find it.

So, let's go directly to the Emperor Shrine of the Chutian Clan to find Yunshuiyan and Tianshu! "

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