Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2742: 2 goddess of war


Under the white dragon's cāo, the Tianxing battleship entered the Sky Star at a very fast speed.

Not long after, the Tianxing battleship stopped thousands of miles above the ground.

As soon as Ji Ke's figure flashed, he flew out of the battleship and landed on the ground below.

On the fragmented ground, there was a city that collapsed into ruins.

Outside the city, there are many slashers who are fleeing, and there are countless wounds in the city wailing.

Not far away, two sky-cutting warships galloped in.

It was a soldier of the Fatian tribe who was ordered to come to rescue the wounded and comfort the people.


As soon as the two battleships flew over the ruins, they were stabbed by two gun shadows falling from the sky.

"Boom! Boom!"

The scarlet gun shadow destroyed the two battleships on the spot and exploded into sky fragments.

The black armored soldiers in the battleship were all wiped out by the explosion.

There were only two Valiant Warriors wearing golden armors, and they were also seriously injured, bleeding from their bodies.

The two were angry and frightened, and quickly drew their swords, searching for the enemy vigilantly.

But neither of them found anything.

Ji Ke descended from the sky, teleported behind a war god, and knocked him out with a single shot.

The other Valkyrie reacted and turned and ran away without hesitation.

Ji Ke chased after him, and swept through with another shot, knocking out the Valkyrie too.

Then, she carried the two unconscious Valiant Warriors and returned to the battleship in the sky.


Ji Ke entered the battleship and threw the two Heavenly Swordsmen to the ground.

Bai Long couldn't wait for a long time, and immediately used the secret soul search method to grab the memories of the two Heavenly Swordsmen.

Everyone kept quiet, looking at him expectantly.

After a hundred breaths of time, Bai Long finished casting his spell, opened his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He casually shot two groups of divine flames, and burned the two martial gods to ashes.

"Bailong, have you found the result?"

"Where is the emperor palace of the Fatian clan hidden?"

Yun Yao and Ji Ke both asked.

Bai Long pointed to the west and smiled and said: "The Emperor's Palace is in the endless sea, above the firmament of white clouds.

Of the two unfortunates, one didn't know anything, the other knew the approximate location of the Emperor's Palace. "

Ji Ke nodded and urged: "What are you waiting for, let's go."

No longer wasting time, the white dragon hurriedly drove the battleship to the endless sea at the fastest speed.

Fortunately, they were lucky enough to land not far from the sea.

After just two hours, the Tianxing battleship arrived over the sea, searching in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

The people not only searched with their eyes, but also released their divine consciousness, covering a radius of 90,000 li, looking for the whereabouts of the Emperor's Palace.

It didn't take long before Yun Yao found out the results.

Ninety thousand miles away on the left, a magnificent palace stands in the sea of ​​clouds.

She pointed out the direction, and Bai Long quickly steered the warship to fly away.

When the battleship approached the Imperial Palace, the white dragon activated the formation and made the battleship invisible.

The battleship flew to the imperial palace quietly, and everyone secretly probed the situation in the palace.

Although Fa Tianxing suffered a disaster, half of the star was reduced to ruins.

However, the emperor palace above the sea of ​​clouds, protected by a heavenly god-level formation, was actually very intact.

It's just that the inside and outside of the Emperor's Palace are mixed.

Thousands of battleships flew in and out of the sky.

Of course, most of them departed from the Emperor's Palace and went to various continents.

In the Emperor God's Palace, there were also batch after batch of Heavenly Swordsmen, who quickly assembled, boarded the battleship and left.

Even the guards guarding the shrine are extremely busy, cruising back and forth, performing tasks.

Upon seeing this picture, Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others guessed the reason.

"It must be that the Heavenly Sky Star has been utterly destroyed, and the continents have been mixed up, and their lives have been devastated.

Countless warriors gathered in the Emperor God's Palace, and now they are all rushing to various continents for disaster relief. "

"Although the warriors are very busy, all of them are rushing to reincarnate, but they are not mixed.

This shows that there is a strong man sitting in the Imperial Palace and giving orders in an orderly manner. "

Bai Long nodded in agreement, and said with a sneer: "Today's Clan of Heaven is at the end of the war, and is on the verge of extinction.

Only Yun Shuyan and Tianshu are the only ones who can get on the table.

In my opinion, the mother and son should be in the Imperial Palace.

Let's go directly in, destroy the Emperor's Palace, capture Yunshuiyan mother and child, and then we can know the whereabouts of Master. "

Without Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao is the backbone of everyone.

She nodded slightly to agree, and solemnly warned: "Although, only Yun Shuyan and Tianshu can pose a threat to us.

However, there are at least hundreds of thousands of warriors in the Imperial Palace. We must proceed with caution and have clear plans and goals to succeed.

I’m going to assign the task now, everyone should try their best to complete...

Later, Yunyao assigned tasks to everyone.

She and Ji Ke rushed into the Emperor's Palace head-on, and joined forces to break through the defensive formation. The main goal was to deal with Tianshu and Yun Shuiyan.

Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang followed Bailong and flanked into the Emperor's Palace. Their mission was to destroy those warships as soon as possible.

The four-headed beast enters from the side and rear, and is responsible for clearing the guards and soldiers of the Imperial Palace.

After the miscellaneous fishes were cleaned up, everyone converged in the center of the Imperial Palace.

Everyone had no objections to this, and set off immediately.


Light and shadow flashed, Yun Yao and Ji Ke flew out of the battleship.

Both of them were wearing the dark source stone armor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ holding the source stone double swords and sharp spear, and flew straight to the main gate of the Emperor Shrine.

Although hundreds of warships gathered outside the gate, there were thousands of soldiers.

But they remained invisible, used secret methods to observe the defense formation, and then began to crack.

Many years ago, Ji Tianxing taught them how to crack the mighty sacred formation of the Fatian clan.

Now, both of them are half-step gods, and they hold god-level source stone artifacts.

Cracking the defensive array of the Emperor's Palace is simply a piece of cake.

After a hundred interest time.

With a loud bang, Yun Yao and Ji Ke opened a gap in the great formation of the gods protecting the emperor's palace.

On the purple mask several hundred miles in radius, there appeared a gully that was ten miles long and about a thousand meters wide.

The violent purple divine power spilled out from the gap and fell into the sea of ​​clouds.

The soldiers inside and outside the gate were all stunned.

Immediately, the crowd burst out with roars and exclamations, as if they were approaching an enemy.

Yun Yao and Ji Ke acted decisively, swaying the sword light and gun shadow overwhelming thousands of soldiers.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The loud and deafening noise immediately burst out in the sea of ​​clouds, shaking the Emperor's Palace endlessly.

With one move, more than 3,000 soldiers died tragically on the spot.

There were loud roars and roars in the Imperial Palace, as well as piercing noises.

Taking this opportunity, the four sacred beasts passed through the gap, got into the large formation, and quickly rushed to the flanks and the rear of the Emperor God Palace.

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