Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2774: escape

Following the words of Lei Chi Guard Captain fell.

The other four Lei Chi guards drew out magic knives and swords one after another, ready to go.

The atmosphere in the field immediately became tense.

The five Lei Chi guards were murderous and released strong pressure, covering Ji Tianxing.

To change to other ascending ones, only the strength of the true **** realm, you have to admit counsel immediately.

Honestly disarmed, handed over all the artifacts and resources, and obediently went to the Blue Mountain Mine for 500 years of hard labor.

But Ji Tianxing remained motionless, without fear.

He stared at the Lei Chi Guard Captain, and asked in a cold tone: "Are you sure you want to do it, there is no room for turning?"

Captain Lei Chi guard sneered disdainfully: "Ha ha ha... now want to beg for mercy? It's too late!

Kneel down to this seat and catch it! "

While talking, he stepped across the sky and approached Ji Tianxing with a knife.

The coercion of the strong **** of the gods is coming.

Ji Tianxing stopped speaking, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in his right hand, and handing it to Captain Lei Chi Guard.

Seeing this, Captain Lei Chi Guard became more and more contemptuous, and sneered with contempt: "Ha ha ha...a pretentious dog thing, I will take your skin off and send you to hard labor!"

After that, he would reach out and take the Heaven Burying Sword.

The other four Lei Chiwei also showed a playful sneer.

But at this moment, Ji Tianxing held the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, and suddenly pierced the Lei Chi Guard Captain with a sword.


The dazzling golden sword light blooms, like thunder breaking through the sky.

Cong Ji Tianxing held the sword and stabbed the Lei Chi Guard captain two feet away with a sword, which took only a quarter of an instant.

That sword was extremely cruel and decisive, and the speed was incredible.

Sometimes, the truly powerful swordsmanship does not lie in gorgeous moves.


Only a muffled sound was heard.

The Sky Burial Sword instantly pierced the scarlet helmet and pierced into the head from the forehead of Lei Chi Guard.

The dark red diamond godhead in his mind collapsed and burst after being stabbed on the spot.

Kill with one sword!

The Lei Chi Guard didn't react at all, and there was no time to escape.

He didn't even expect that Ji Tianxing dared to assassinate him.

So that, at the moment of death, the sneer still freezes on his face.

The other four Lei Chi guards were all shocked by Ji Tianxing's fierce determination, and their eyes widened in horror.

In the next instant, the four of them recovered and immediately brandished their swords to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

"Asshole! You killed the captain!"

"Damn reptile! You are dead! There is no place to die!"

"Be careful, everyone, he is not a true god!"

The four of them roared while using their unique supernatural powers to besiege Ji Tianxing.

In an instant, the overwhelming flames and colorful lights overwhelmed Ji Tianxing's figure.

Ji Tianxing did not evade, and once again used his masterful swordsmanship, stabbing thirty-six swords in an instant.


He turned into a phantom, flashing in the crowd.

The bright golden sword light lit up, erratic and strange.

"Boom bang bang!"

Only a muffled sound was heard, and the four Lei Chiwei were killed in seconds on the spot.

One was the sword in the forehead, and the godhead was defeated by the Heaven Burying Sword.

The other is the sword in the back of the head, half of the head is cut off, and the godhead is broken.

The two surviving Lei Chi guards were all knocked out by sword light.

The scarlet armor was broken, and there were a few more wounds on the god's body, and blood flowed long.

The two of them fell more than a dozen miles away and were shocked. They quickly turned and fled to the distant mountain.

On that mountain, there are dozens of palaces and houses, and a large number of Lei Chi guards are stationed.


"Some Ascendants resisted and killed Captain Lin!"

As the two flee desperately, they did not forget to shout for help.

Time is running out, and they have no time to send a message to the jade slip.

What's more, Lei Chiwei's camp was five hundred miles away, and it was coming in an instant.


In the next instant, Ji Tianxing teleported for dozens of miles, catching up with Lei Chiwei.

"call out!"

The Sky Burial Sword pierced fiercely, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and instantly pierced the back of the Lei Chiwei's head.


The violent power exploded, blasting this person's head to pieces.

A dark red diamond-shaped godhead splashed out with blood and brains, and fell on the grass.

Ji Tianxing did not stop, and teleported hundreds of miles away to catch up with the last Lei Chi guard.


With the sword in his hand, a blood hole appeared in the back of the person's head, and the godhead shattered on the spot.

The burly corpse fell from the sky and hit the grass with a ‘puff’.

Ji Tianxing glanced at the corpse, and took away the space ring and the broken godhead.

Then, he turned and flew to the other four corpses, seizing the space ring and the fragments of the godhead.

He knows very well that the situation in the God Realm has changed now, and it is necessary to have a household registration to facilitate movement.

Moreover, when he first arrived, he must accumulate wealth and resources as soon as possible, and seize a large number of **** crystals.

Shenjing can be used for cultivation, and it is also the universal currency of the God Realm.

Without God Crystal, it's hard to move.


Ji Tianxing had just put away five space rings, before he had time to swallow the fragments of the godhead.

On the mountain peak five hundred miles away, dozens of divine lights have been lit up, and they are coming as fast as lightning.

Obviously, Lei Chiwei in the camp was alarmed and was rushing to support.

Ji Tianxing turned around without hesitation and fled in the opposite direction.


Using the laws of the earth, he flees into the ground as soon as he flashes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and flees like a flash of lightning.

After just ten breaths, he escaped more than five thousand miles and passed through a dozen mountains.

But the group of Lei Chi guards wearing scarlet armor locked his breath and pursued them reluctantly.

The distance between the two sides is constantly getting closer, only three hundred miles apart.

After a hundred breaths at the latest, dozens of Lei Chiwei will catch up with Ji Tianxing.

At that time, he will be under siege and be in danger.

Although, he has all kinds of trump cards, and his combat effectiveness is strong.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others can also help at any time.

But here is the territory of the Kingdom of Blood Flame, and the Great Flame God Race can be seen everywhere.

Once Ji Tianxing is surrounded, he will face an endless stream of enemies.

Even if he had great magical powers, he would definitely die.

The situation is getting more and more critical.

Ji Tianxing can only explode with all his strength, with the help of the law of space, instantly move thousands of miles away.


White light flashed.

He crossed several mountains and appeared in the jungle thousands of miles away.

The thirty-odd Lei Chi guards were temporarily dumped.

But they persevered and pursued them more desperately.

In addition, they sent an emergency call to notify nearby towns and mobilized a large number of masters to chase and intercept them.

Ji Tianxing guessed the result.

In desperation, he could only expend divine power regardless of the cost, teleporting continuously in the sky.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Every time a white light flashes, he can teleport five hundred miles away.

In the mortal world, he teleported a thousand miles away every time.

Moreover, he can teleport a hundred times in a row.

But this is the God Realm, completely different from the mortal world.

Ordinary six-level gods can only teleport two hundred miles at a time.

Teleporting five hundred miles like him is already an extremely rare genius.

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