Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2775: Tenjin 9 layers

Ji Tianxing has been running away to the west.

Two days later, he flew out tens of millions of miles.

He has left the range of Blue Mountain City, far away from the thunder pond.

All the Lei Chi guards were thrown away by him, without a trace.

In the process, he passed several towns and tribes, all bypassing in advance.

No one found him, and there was no danger on the way.

That evening, when the sun was setting.

Ji Tianxing entered a vast mountain range and stopped to rest on a certain thousand-zhang mountain peak.

He sat on the millpan boulder on the top of a thousand-zhang mountain and adjusted his breath for a while before returning to the original state.

If it were an ordinary god, it would consume at least half of his divine power if he teleported continuously and flew tens of millions of miles like him.

But he is different.

His divine power is majestic and majestic, like the sea.

There is also the world of five elements, which also continuously provides him with divine power.

Therefore, he is just a little tired, just rest for a while.

The setting sun went down and the surroundings became dim.

The world was quiet, and the roar of beasts could be heard occasionally in the distant mountains.

When Ji Tianxing finished his meditation practice, he took out a few pieces of Godhead.

This is the godhead of Captain Lei Chi Guard.

Even if it is broken into eight diamond-shaped crystals, it still exudes majestic power.

Ji Tianxing held the godhead fragment in his left hand and silently released the devouring power.

Suddenly, a black light vortex the size of an egg appeared in his palm.

The fragments of the godhead were swallowed by the vortex, and melted at an extremely fast speed.

Not long after, eight fragments of the godhead were swallowed, turned into turbulent and violent divine power, and entered the dzi patch.

The divine power was purified by the Budzi Bead, and all impurities were removed, leaving only 80% divine power.

Then, the Filling Dzi Bead swallowed 40% of the power.

The remaining 40% of the supernatural power was sent to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing's divine power was strengthened, and he quickly grew a bit.

Moreover, he worked for a week and discovered the newly merged supernatural power, without any lag or rejection.

Perfectly integrated with his divine power, there is no waste.

It's like the divine power he has cultivated himself!

This result made Ji Tianxing happy.


For the first time, I used Devouring Divine Power, and after the purification of Dzi Filling Pearl, it was able to blend perfectly.

In this way, not only can I quickly improve my strength, but also there will be no risk! "

He quickly took out the other four fragments of the godhead and swallowed them in the black light vortex in turn.

Two quarters later, all four fragments of the godhead were swallowed by him.

Half of the divine power purified by Dzi Bead was refined by him, and the other half was swallowed by Dzi Bead.

He clearly felt that his strength had increased by two points.

The power to fill the dzi beads has also grown a little bit.

Although he is still far from the Seventh Layer of the Heavenly God Realm, this is a perfect start!

He believes that it won't take long before he can rise to the seventh level of the Heavenly God Realm!

When Ji Tianxing finished his practice, night had fallen.

He sat on the millpan boulder, looking up at the stars in the sky, and muttered silently: "Next, I have to find a way to enter the city, and can't stay in the wild forever.

I have to get acquainted with this unfamiliar God Realm as soon as possible to find more clues..."

As soon as his words fell, there was a murderous sneer in the night sky hundreds of miles away behind him.

"An ant who is bound to die, still thinking so much?"

This is the voice of a middle-aged man.

Cold and sharp, like ice ball, it makes people feel chilling.

Ji Tianxing stood up suddenly, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, looking at the night sky with cold eyes.

I saw a red flame suddenly appeared in the gloomy sky.


Three divine swords, which are more than ten feet long and dark red all over, stabbed from the sky and pointed directly at the key to Ji Tianxing.

The three divine swords were surrounded by scarlet flames, illuminating the night sky with a radius of hundreds of miles.

Before the divine sword arrived, a violent sword intent struck, locking Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing stepped on Tiangang steps, his figure flickered three times in a row, and escaped the attack of three divine swords.

Of course, those three divine swords all passed him.

The fierce and violent **** flame almost ignited his white robe and long hair.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

With three muffled sounds burst out.

Three magic swords slammed into the grass on the top of the mountain, arranged in a fringe shape.

And Ji Tianxing was in the middle of the three divine swords.


White light flashed.

A middle-aged man with a height of more than ten feet descended from the night sky and landed a hundred meters away in front of Ji Tianxing.

This person is dark red, with sunken facial features and cloudy eyes.

He was wearing black armor, a large dark red cloak on his shoulders, and a pair of dark, hideous boots.

As soon as he landed, he burst out with invisible power, covering a hundred li.

Suddenly, this area was blocked by him.

There is no wind and grass, even the air freezes.

Ji Tianxing looked coldly, glanced at the badge on his chest, and recognized the person's identity.

The leader of Lei Chiwei, the nine layers of the gods!

"Your Excellency is not easy, you can track thousands of miles." Ji Tianxing said blankly.

The middle-aged man stared at him with electric gazes, and said solemnly: "This seat is Lin Wuji, the Blue Mountain City Guard Thousand Households, in charge of the Lei Chi Guard.

Over the past 100 years, this seat has seen more than 400 ascenders.

Only three dared to resist and escape after killing Lei Chiwei.

You can escape the range of Blue Mountain City, it is worth pursuing by yourself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only you! "

Lin Wuji's voice was like a Hong Zhong, and said majesticly.

"You have killed five Lei Chi guards, and you will definitely die!

Before killing you, I have a question. "

Ji Tianxing sneered: "You are about to die, why bother to ask?"

Lin Wuji frowned fiercely, her golden eyes flashed with cold light, and sneered: "Ha ha ha... you are very confident!

This seat understands that the ascended person who can successfully enter the realm of the gods, which one is not a hero and overlord?

It's a pity that you met this seat, no matter how confident you are, you can't escape death. "

After all, Lin Wuji stopped talking nonsense and asked straightforwardly: "You can kill five Lei Chi guards and escape here in two days.

This shows that you have at least the strength of the Seventh Layer of the Heavenly God Realm.

But you are the ascendant who has just stepped out of the thunder pond, and it is absolutely impossible to reach the seventh level of the heavenly gods.

There is only one explanation... You are lucky to have a chance of heaven in Lei Chi!

Hand it over!

I spare you not to die! "

Lin Wuji's tone was very determined, and full of domineering aspirations.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows with a joke, "You are very good, you can infer this reason.

But unfortunately, I am not as lucky as you think.

I have never heard of a chance for heaven. "

Ji Tianxing denied it.

Because, with the help of the laws of the earth, he sensed another obscure breath of the strong.

It's in the deep stream two hundred miles away, and it's very hidden.

He must be vigilant in a dangerous place.

Of course Lin Wuji didn't believe it, and laughed contemptuously: "Hahaha...boy, since you don't admit it, then this seat will kill you and look for it himself!

But I still advise you that a radius of 500 million li is my territory of the Kingdom of Blood Flame.

All sides are surrounded, you can hardly fly, and there is no hope of escape! "

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