Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2781: Vast Sky Lord

After a long time, Ji Tianxing's hatred and murderous intentions gradually subsided.

He stared at the statue of King Shura with cold eyes, and thought to himself.

"The God King Shura came from the Heavenly Continent, and his power foundation and lair are there.

This is the Vast Sky Continent, in a small town with no name, how could his idol appear? "

With doubts in his mind, Ji Tianxing looked at the other two statues.

On the left side of the statue of Shura, there is a statue of six hundred feet tall.

It was a tall, dark-red middle-aged man, wearing a luxurious golden robe and an emperor's crown on his head.

At a glance, Ji Tianxing knew that it was a statue of the Great Yan Protoss, most likely the Lord of the Great Yan Empire.

He looked at the right side of the statue of Shura, and there was a statue of three hundred meters high.

He was also a middle-aged man of the Great Flame Protoss, wearing a luxurious golden robe, a crown on his head, and a dark golden sword in his hands.

The heights of the three statues are different, and the positions are also different.

The statue of Shura is the tallest, and is located in the middle, slightly forward.

The height of the statue on the left is second, one position behind the statue of Shura.

The statue on the right is the shortest, and it is also the rearmost.

From these details, we can see that the dignity of the three statues is also different.

At this moment, a young man from the Great Flame Protoss, dressed in brocade clothes, walked over with a jade fan.

He had already noticed Ji Tianxing.

Seeing Ji Tianxing staring at the three statues, his look and expression were a little strange, he observed it for a moment in secret.

At this moment, he came to stand beside Ji Tianxing, looked at Ji Tianxing suspiciously, and asked: "Brother, what are you in a daze here?

Before the day of worship, will you come to pay tribute to the mighty power of the Emperor Shura and our emperor? "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, and squashed in his heart.

But he remained calm, turned to look at the young man in Huafu, and took a look.

This Chinese-clothed young man was handsome, suave, and his words and deeds contained noble aura. He was obviously the noble son of the Great Flame Protoss.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, greeted him, and asked, "Xiongtai just said that Emperor Shura? Excuse me, what's the matter?"

The young man in Chinese clothes was startled for a moment, frowned suspiciously, and looked at him again before smiling and asking: "Brother, are you pretending to be stupid on purpose, or are you teasing this son?"

The idol on the left is the emperor of our Great Yan Empire.

If you are from another empire, it’s fine if you don’t know it, it’s not rude to you.

But the deity in the middle was the unparalleled master of the continent, the **** emperor Shura who looked down upon nine days.

Even hard laborers and veterans who were born in the countryside must know the **** Emperor Shura.

How could you not know each other? "

"Lord of the Continent? God Emperor Shura?" Ji Tianxing shook his heart and muttered to himself.

"Thousands of years have passed, the God King Shura actually controlled the Vast Sky Continent and became the Lord of Vast Sky?

how can that be? It's ridiculous!

Thousands of years ago, there were countless **** kings, countless empires and superpowers on the four continents.

There has never been a **** king or force that can unify the entire continent.

God King Shura... how could it be possible? "

Ji Tianxing was unbelievable.

He calmed down, and the young man in Chaohua clothing asked: "Xiongtai, I only heard that the strongest on the mainland is called the king of gods. When is there such a saying as a **** emperor?

Could it be that the God King Shura unified the Haotian Continent and proclaimed himself the God Emperor? "

As soon as this remark came out, the expression on the young man in Huafu became even stranger.

He looked at Ji Tianxing up and down several times before lowering his voice and asking: "Brother, tell me the truth, have you lost your memory?

Or is it that you have practiced in retreat for more than 900 years and have no knowledge of changes on the mainland?

Fortunately, you met this son today. If you said this to others, you would have been arrested long ago!

Dare to blaspheme the power of God Emperor Shura in this way, this is a capital crime to beheaded! "

Ji Tianxing nodded hurriedly, and the sound transmission said: "Xiongtai really has a torch in his eyes and his enthusiasm. I am very grateful.

To be honest, I stumbled into the secret realm many years ago and was hit hard and almost lost my life.

A few days ago, I was lucky enough to get out, but I lost my memories.

Now I am confused and unfamiliar with everything around me.

Please tell me from Xiongtai, so as not to inadvertently offend the gods and cause murder. "

It was then that the young man in Chinese clothing suddenly realized that he nodded and said, "That's it! No wonder I see you look strange and bewildered.

By the way, do you have a household registration in your home country? "

When Ji Tianxing was about to nod his head in agreement, the young man in Huafu waved his hand and said: "Don't care, this son just asked casually.

Even if you don't have a household registration and you have a son here, no one will dare to check you. "

Ji Tianxing raised his brows and asked, "Dare to ask Xiongtai..."

The young man in Huafu shook his jade fan, raised his chest and raised his head, with an expression of pride: "My son's surname is the same, and he is called the Jade-faced Flying Dragon!

In addition, the first rich young man in Qingshan City, the second genius in Qingshan City, the Lord of the Great Sun Chiyan Sword, and the good people who dedicate money and help with justice are also this son! "

"Uh... your name is long enough." Ji Tianxing muttered in his heart, appearing to look up for a long time, and said: "It turns out to be Master Qi, and he is indeed a dragon and phoenix among the people, a young talent!"

Qi Huanzhi was flattered and praised, and he was quite helpful to Ji Tianxing's words, and the smile on his face became more cordial.

However, Ji Tianxing could clearly see that although this person had the strength of the Nine Heavens Gods, he was a dull and rich young man, and he might not have much ability.

The two exchanged a few words and exchanged their identities, which was regarded as getting acquainted.

Qi Huanzhi usually wanders around and spends his time.

In recent days, for some reason, he could no longer sway and stay in the mansion, so he came out for a stroll.

Coincidentally, he met such an interesting person as Ji Tianxing, so he kindly invited him and took Ji Tianxing to Xingyue Tower.

Xingyue Tower is one of the top restaurants in the city, and only the powerful and rich can enter and exit.

Qi Huanzhi took Ji Tianxing into the Xingyue Tower. Not only did the waiter respectfully greet him, but even the shopkeeper greeted him with smiles and flattered him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It didn’t take long for Qi Huanzhi to lead Ji Tianxing to the third stage. Lou, enter his exclusive VIP room.

After the wine and delicacies were on the table, Qi Huanzhi opened his mouth to explain about the Emperor Shura.

"Brother Tianxing, you have to listen carefully to what this son will say to you next.

Don't spread it out after listening, otherwise it will cause disaster.

Thousands of years ago, in our Great Yan Empire, even the entire Golden Mountain Region, and even the entire Vast Sky Continent, the strongest was the Peak God King.

But thousands of years ago, the **** emperor Shura had insight into the secret of heaven, broke through the realm of the **** king, and reached a more profound realm.

Therefore, under the crown of God Emperor Shura, he was called God Emperor.

He easily swept all **** kings, and in only a hundred years, he unified the entire Haotian Continent.

Since then, the Emperor Shura has taken charge of the Haotian Continent, issued many oracles, and formulated a series of laws..."

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