Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2782: Eternal book

Qi Huanzhi had a few glasses of wine and was in a good mood.

Explaining the origin of the **** emperor's name to Ji Tianxing was endless and detailed.

Of course, he hadn't lost his reason yet, and he didn't dare to openly discuss the past of the God Emperor Shura.

In order to prevent the wall from having ears, these words he said to Ji Tianxing were all sounded through divine consciousness.

"The **** kings and hegemons of all regions of the mainland have all surrendered to the **** emperor Shura.

The hundreds of decrees of the God Emperor Shura were also implemented by the overlords of various domains, and they were truly forbidden.

Because of this, the whole continent has become peaceful and peaceful, and there has been no war in the past 900 years.

In addition, the Emperor Shura also issued an decree to erect his idols in all countries and cities.

On a certain day of every month, all towns and cities must hold worship ceremonies, and all people must worship him devoutly.

Not only his idols, but also the idols of various empire emperors and kings of the kingdom of God, they must also accept worship..."

Qi Huanzhi probably explained what he knew.

Ji Tianxing listened silently, with a calm surface, but a storm was set off in his heart.

"Sura God King actually broke through the Divine King Realm, understood the secret of heaven, and reached a higher realm?

He unexpectedly... actually took the last step, able to disrupt the secrets of heaven and interfere with the will of heaven?

It must be the eternal book!

I got the Zhutian Array, and those five **** won the Eternal Book of Heaven.

Only when God King Shura comprehended a higher law from the Eternal Book of Heaven can he take the final step! "

Ji Tianxing believes that only the Eternal Book of Heaven and the Zhutian Array can help the **** king break through the limit and reach a higher realm.

Because both the Eternal Book of Heaven and the Zhutian Array are the treasures flowing out of the Supreme Ruins.

Moreover, the two supreme treasures are one.

The Eternal Book is the upper half, and the Zhutian Array is the lower half.

Back then, the Sword God obtained the Zhutian Array, before he had time to comprehend the profound meaning in it, he was besieged by the five great gods and countless gods and fell with hatred.

Ji Tianxing didn't know what happened afterwards and what changes happened in the God Realm.

However, after listening to Qi Huanzhi's story, Ji Tianxing can probably guess something.

"Sura God King, Asura God Emperor!"

In this way, the patron behind the Fatian tribe, the **** king who claims to be the emperor, is probably the **** emperor Shura?

He unified the Haotian continent and became the overlord of the continent.

But his own strength is not strong enough to fully comprehend the Eternal Book of Heaven.

Therefore, he issued an order to build his statues in cities and towns on the mainland, and worship them every month.

In this way, he will be able to reap the power of faith in the entire Haotian Continent and continue to strengthen his own strength..."

Ji Tianxing thought silently, vaguely guessing the truth.

Murderous intent was surging in his heart, and a cold chill lurked in his eyes.

However, he hid it so deeply that Qi Huanzhi next to him didn't notice it.

After Qi Huanzhi finished speaking, he tentatively asked: "Master Qi, I heard that the God Realm has not only the Vast Sky Continent, but also three other continents.

I don't know whether the situation of the three continents is the same as that of the Haotian continent, and they have also been unified?

If this is the case, who are the overlords of the other three continents? "

Ji Tianxing guessed that the **** king of Shura had broken through the realm of **** emperor.

The other four **** kings who besieged him are likely to take the last step and proclaim themselves **** emperor.

Unexpectedly, Qi still looked at him blankly, and asked in doubt: "There are actually four continents in the God Realm? Who did you hear? Isn't this nonsense?

Are the storytellers making up stories to lie to you?

I only know the Vast Sky Continent, which is already vast and vast to unimaginable.

There are nearly a hundred domains on the mainland, and our Jinshan domain is just one of them.

There are eight empires in the Jinshan Region, and each empire has more than a dozen kingdoms.

Our Blood Flame God Kingdom is one of the subjects of the Great Flame Empire.

My son has lived to this day, he doesn't even know how big the territory of the Blood Flame God Kingdom is, let alone the entire Great Flame Empire. "

When talking about this, Qi Huanzhi raised his head and drank the wine in one cup, and said proudly: "Brother Tianxing, I have a very lofty ideal. Do you want to know?"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Qi Huanzhi was a little bit drunk, and said with his head up tall: "The greatest ideal of my life is to be able to travel across the Golden Mountain Region, travel through the eight empires, and meet heroes in the world!

Brother Tianxing, are you envious? Feeling shocked?

Hahaha...The territory of the Golden Mountain Region is so vast that it is endless.

Without the strength of the Divine Sovereign Realm, without sufficient financial resources, it is impossible to travel everywhere.

Only with the status and status of my son can I have the opportunity to realize this dream! "

"..." Ji Tianxing was silent.

He wanted to inquire about news from other continents, but he didn't expect Qi Huanzhi to live in a corner with such a primitive knowledge.

Traveling throughout the Jinshan domain can be regarded as his lifelong wish and ideal.

This is simply... funny.

Of course, Ji Tianxing was the pinnacle **** king in his previous life. He traveled all over the four continents and his footprints were full of the gods.

His experience and knowledge can only be compared with the peak **** king.

People like Qi Huanzhi are just young masters in remote areas, and they are not the same.

Ji Tianxing knew what he knew, so he didn't say much.

Next, Qi Huanzhi told him the story of the Great Flame Empire and the Kingdom of Blood Flame.

In the past few hundred years, the deeds and major events of those powerful people circulating among the people have been touted by Qi Huanzhi.

Ji Tianxing just listened silently and did not comment.

After an hour, Qi Huan became more drunk, and stopped talking about it.

He patted Ji Tianxing on the shoulder and said proudly: "Brother Tianxing, my son is in a bad mood today, but he met such an interesting person like you.

Thank you for drinking with me, my son is much more comfortable now.

When you first arrived, you have lost your memory.

If you are unaccompanied and have nowhere to go, then come back to Qi Mansion with me to stay temporarily. How about?

Anyway, the son of the son is optimistic, and he likes to meet strange people from all over the world.

By the way, what is your strength?

If you reach the sixth level of the gods, my son will arrange an errand for you to ensure you have a good face in Qingshan City! "

Ji Tianxing bowed his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and declined his invitation.

"Thank you Young Master Qi for his kindness, but I am inconvenienced."

Qi also thought for a while, took out a bag of sacred stones and put it on the table, saying: "You don't even have a place to stay in Qingshan City. You can accept these sacred stones, and it is convenient to eat and live in the city.

If you encounter any difficulties, go to Qi Mansion to find this son! "

Ji Tianxing smiled and shook his head, and said, "Thank you Master Qi, but you won't be rewarded for nothing, please take it back.

I plan to stay in Xingyue Tower temporarily for a few days, and deal with some things first. "

Qi Huanzhi took a deep look at him, then took back the sacred stone bag, nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, you are interesting!

Then you can live here first, and no one dares to make things difficult for you.

My son said goodbye first, and he had to wait on that lady Bingshan...

Oh, fate! "

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