Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2792: Genius 5

Qi was still stunned.

His eyes widened, he stared at Ji Tianxing in admiration, shaking with excitement.

"Brother, you are awesome!"

He raised his thumb to Ji Tianxing and groaned in his heart.

However, Qi Tianlong stood up with a ‘huh’, his face was blue, and he was very angry.

"Hahahaha... what a arrogant and ignorant kid!

The old man has lived for more than five thousand years, and I have never seen anyone more mad than you! "

At this moment, Qi Tianlong really regretted agreeing to return it.

He even couldn't help but wanted to hang Qi Huanzhi up and beat him up.

Qi was so stupid that he found a madman to worship.

He is the Patriarch of the Qi Family, a dignified and powerful man, and he actually agreed to this crazy request!

Is this world crazy?

The atmosphere in the study is strange.

Qi Tianlong and his son were emotional, one was inexplicably excited, and the other was furious.

Only Ji Tianxing still sat calmly, without any mood swings.

He even picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly.

At this moment, a clear and sweet voice came from outside the study.

"It's invincible under a god!"

As the voice fell, a graceful silver figure appeared at the entrance of the study.

The visitor was Ning Siyuan, wearing silver armor and no helmet as always.

In all fairness, she is indeed a rare beauty.

Even wearing silver armor, he is still hot.

This kind of noble and heroic beauty is admired by many young talents.

Ning Siyuan stepped into the study, bowed his hand to Qi Tianlong, and said, "Uncle, Siyuan just happened to be passing by and didn't mean to eavesdrop. Please forgive me."

Qi Tianlong's anger disappeared, and he quickly said with a cheerful expression: "Miss Siyuan has seen you outside. You are the daughter-in-law of our Qi family. You should be involved in this matter.

Please enshrine this matter is very important, the old man also wants to hear your opinion. "

He was riding a tiger, and since Ning Siyuan wanted to help him solve it, of course he was grateful.

Now, he saw this daughter-in-law more and more pleasing to the eye.

Qi Huanzhi glanced at Ning Siyuan, and asked a little displeased: "Miss Ning, what do you want to do?"

Ning Siyuan said blankly: "Master Qi, you have to ask for worship. This is your family's affair, and I will naturally not interfere.

It's just that this young man of Heaven Xing speaks surprisingly and despises the world's talents.

It just so happens that I am half-step in the Divine Sovereign Realm, so I want to see Young Master Tianxing's strength. "

Qi Huanzhi's expression changed, and a look of worry appeared in his eyes.

Of course he knew that this iceberg beauty Ning Siyuan was terrifyingly strong.

At least, a bit better than Yu Wenjie.

Qi Huanzhi hesitated a bit, but Qi Tianlong was full of joy and quickly agreed: "Yes! Miss Siyuan is the top five genius in Tianxue County.

This Young Master Tianxing, if he can't even beat Miss Siyuan, what right does he have to be arrogant? "

Ning Siyuan nodded slightly, looked directly at Ji Tianxing, and said in a deep voice, "Master Tianxing, please enlighten me!"

Qi Huanzhi quickly got up and was about to stop.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand, indicating that he didn't have to worry.

"Ms. Ning wants to test my strength in school, so I'll accompany myself.

My bold words can only be confirmed by the failure of some geniuses. "

While talking, Ji Tianxing got up and walked outside the study.

"Master Qi, is there a place suitable for competition?

I'm afraid of fighting later and tearing down the entire Qi mansion. "

Qi Tianlong said quickly: "Go to the martial arts field! There is a king-level sacred formation laid down by the old man, so you can rest assured to compete."

So, a group of four rushed to the martial arts field.

Under Qi Tianlong's instruction, the news spread quickly in Qi Mansion.

Hundreds of children from the Qi mansion, as well as Ning Siyuan's guard, all rushed to the martial arts field to watch the battle.

Qi Mansion’s martial arts field covers an area of ​​one thousand meters and can accommodate thousands of people.

There is also an arena, which looks like a light blue ball of light, only one hundred meters in radius.

But in fact, the ring is protected by three king-level gods, and the internal space reaches a radius of thousands of miles.

The gods below the gods realm can fight and fight with confidence, and the aftermath will not overflow.

Half a quarter of an hour later.

More than a hundred people gathered around the ring, all of them masters from the Qi family, as well as Ning Siyuan's guard.

When everyone heard about the cause of the incident, they looked at Ji Tianxing carefully, commenting on him, and gloating.

"This kid looks ordinary and unremarkable. What qualifications does it have to be worshipped by our family?"

"It must be a liar, after all, the eldest master found it!"

"I dare to boast that he is invincible under the gods, he is not afraid that the wind will flash his tongue?"

"Hahaha... He just bragged and was beaten in the face by Miss Siyuan in a blink of an eye, it was ridiculous!"

"Miss Siyuan is the fifth genius of Tianxue County, the true goddess of heaven!"

"I bet that within three moves at most, that kid will lose!"

"Cut! You are too small for Miss Siyuan, two moves at most!"

"One move! Miss Siyuan only needs one move to kill that kid in seconds!"

There was a lot of discussion and excitement.

Moreover, the discussion was very loud, and he did not shy away from the presence of Ji Tianxing, mocking him.

Ji Tianxing turned a deaf ear, his expression was always indifferent.

Qi Huanzhi was so angry that he kept his face black all the way, and secretly wrote down those cynics.


After this incident, the young master will settle accounts with you!

Ning Siyuan glanced at Ji Tianxing, and said in his heart: "This person's disposition is as peaceful as water."

Qi Tianlong was also observing him, and sneered secretly: "Boy, even if you pretend to be calm, it's useless, you will soon be exposed."

At this time, Ji Tianxing stepped onto the ring, turned around and hooked his finger towards Ning Siyuan.

This frivolous action immediately caused Ning Siyuan to frown and his eyes turned cold.

The children of the Qi family and the Ning family guards all changed their faces and cursed Ji Tianxing with passion.

Qi Huanzhi is not only not angry, but is secretly refreshed.

"Ning Siyuan, Ning Siyuan, you always look high and dismissive of me.

Later, Brother Tianxing will teach you severely and beg you for mercy. It will be wonderful, right? "

Thinking of this, Qi Huanzhi's complexion changed and he muttered to himself: "Huh? Others are going to insult my fiancee~www.wuxiaspot.com~Why am I not angry, but happy?

Is this wrong?

Forget it, whether he is right or not, I feel comfortable. "

At the same time, Ning Siyuan also stepped onto the ring.

The two of them were in a fighting space with a radius of thousands of miles, standing still hundreds of miles apart.

After bowing their hands to each other, the battle began instantly.

Ning Siyuan was the first to attack, turning into a silver streamer, punching dozens of punches, and blasting towards Ji Tianxing.

The huge silver fist light, like a falling meteor, is extremely powerful.

Ji Tianxing stood still and didn't avoid it, until the Mantian'Meteor' fell in front of him, and then slowly raised his fists.

He urged the power of the fourteen laws to compress the divine power to the extreme, blasting out two dragon-like phantoms with all his strength, and shook Ning Siyuan forcibly.

Dragon Elephant Fist!

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