Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2793: 1 trick to kill


In the deafening muffled sound.

The dragon elephant phantom with the big mountain, carrying the power of the fourteen laws, hit a dozen star fists head-on.

The phantom of the dragon elephant is condensed into substance, like a real ancient idol and nine-day real dragon, with a violent and domineering aura.

More than a dozen different colors of divine light represent different laws and powers.

Space, earth, blood, five elements and stars, etc.

The power of this punch reached the limit of the Heavenly God Realm, beyond everyone's imagination.

Ning Siyuan was not the only one who was under unparalleled pressure, showing a look of horror.

Even outside the ring, more than a hundred spectators were stunned, and they all showed incredible eyes.


In the next instant, the shadow of the dragon elephant swept across the audience, bursting out with power to destroy the world.

Ning Siyuan's dozens of star fists were instantly shattered.

The power of Longxiang Shenquan didn't weaken much, and it hit her again.


In the muffled sound, Ning Siyuan's body shook, and he couldn't help flying backwards.

She was still in the air, her face turned pale, and blood was spraying from her mouth and nose.

Although, she is wearing a king-level divine armor, and her defense is unparalleled.

However, the power of the Dragon Elephant God Fist actually knocked out a hole in the God Armor.

The terrifying power penetrated the barrier of the **** armor and shocked Ning Siyuan from internal injuries!

Originally, Ning Siyuan wore a king-level **** armor to compete with Ji Tianxing.

She was cheating and took a big advantage.

But no one expected it.

With only one move, Ji Tianxing vomited blood and flew backwards in embarrassment!

This is incredible!


Ning Siyuan flew backwards a hundred miles away, barely relieved the impact, and stopped in mid-air.

She was stunned and didn't fight back.

Of course, Ji Tianxing also withdrew his fists, standing still indifferently.

He looked at Ning Siyuan calmly, and asked, "Miss Ning, do you want to continue the fight?"

Ning Siyuan stared at him complicatedly, all three eyes were full of shock.

"how did you do it?"

She couldn't believe that Ji Tianxing had condensed fourteen laws of power!

And she only condensed ten rules, and she was hailed as the top five genius in Tianxue County!

In her impression, only the strong in the realm of the gods could condense so many laws.

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "Those who are difficult will not, those who meet are not difficult."

This is a nonsense, saying it means not saying it.

But this sentence hit Ning Siyuan very seriously.

Ning Siyuan's expression became more complicated, he gritted his teeth secretly, nodded and said, "You are fine! I lost!"

After that, she turned and flew out of the ring, and left the martial arts arena without looking back.

This is just a discussion, not a duel of life and death, just click and stop.

Besides, Ning Siyuan already had the answer in his mind.

She is not Ji Tianxing's opponent at all!

Even if you hold on to the fight, you will be humiliated!

The spectators outside the ring came to their senses at this time.

Everyone didn't hear the conversation between Ji Tianxing and Ning Siyuan, and they didn't know what was going on.

But Ning Siyuan was injured and left, which proved that she had lost!

In an instant, the entire martial arts field was boiling.

More than a hundred spectators, all of them were in shock, frightened and discussed.

"Gosh! What happened just now?"

"They only fight one move, even if it's over?"

"Who won? Miss Siyuan won't lose, right?"

"Although this result is very horrible, Miss Ke Siyuan was injured, she indeed lost!"

"Impossible! The one who was killed by a second move should be that kid!"

"Why is this result? Are we all dazzled?"

"Miss Siyuan is the top five genius in Tianxue County, how could she be defeated by one move?"

"That kid wouldn't be a god? Otherwise, how could he defeat Miss Siyuan?"

"Yes! That kid must have concealed his true strength, he must be a god!"

Many children of the Qi family and Ning family guards were unable to accept this result.

Everyone exclaimed and discussed.

Qi Tianlong's face was very complicated, shocked and delighted.

He didn't expect the result to be so incredible.

That arrogant guy actually defeated Ning Siyuan!

And only one trick!

After all, he is a god-sovereign powerhouse, who can see it more clearly than others.

He had to admit that the power of Ji Tianxing's punch really crushed Ning Siyuan several times!

Even he may not be able to make such a powerful punch!

After calming down, only surprises remained in his heart.

"This person is so powerful that he defeated Miss Siyuan with one move.

Even if he is against Mu Ye and Yu Wenjie, he has an absolute chance of winning!

Although he was arrogant, he did not deceive the old man, he is truly invincible under the gods!

We have found a treasure in our family! "

Thinking of this, Qi Tianlong couldn't help turning his head, looking at Qi Huanzhi beside him.

At this time, Qi returned it, finally waking up from the shock, his face flushed with excitement, and he repeatedly threw his fists in applause.

Meeting Qi Tianlong's gaze, he raised his head proudly and provocatively said: "Father, how is it? Now you are convinced?"

"..." Qi Tianlong's face turned dark, and he gave him an angry look.

"The one who defeated Miss Ning was Young Master Tianxing, but not your boy. What is your stance?

As long as you make progress a little bit, our family will not fall to this point! "

"Yes, yes... what you said is right!" Qi Huanzhi was in a good mood, not caring about his father's reprimand, and quickly asked: "Father, are you okay now?"

"Yeah." Qi Tianlong nodded and said with satisfaction: "Your kid has done so many ridiculous things, and finally he was smart.

For the father, I promise you that Lord Tianxing will be the worship of our family! "

Qi Huanzhi smiled triumphantly.

At this time, Ji Tianxing left the ring and came to him.

So he said to Qi Tianlong: "Father, let's go to the study now and settle this matter.

Tomorrow is the martial arts competition, we have to prepare. "

Qi Tianlong waved his hand: "You kid, why are you so heartless?

Miss Ning is injured~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As his fiance, you should visit now.

Just talk about the offerings for the Father and Son of Heaven. "

After all, Qi Tianlong will send him away.

How can Qi Huanzhi agree?

"Father! Miss Ning is proud and arrogant. Now she is injured and defeated, she must be in a bad mood.

I went to visit this time, she must have misunderstood that I was to laugh at her!

Leave her alone, let's talk about business first. "

Qi Tianlong was very helpless, so he could only take him and Ji Tianxing to the study to discuss matters.

After the three left, more than one hundred spectators also gradually left the martial arts field.

However, everyone gathered in small groups, still discussing the battle just now.

The name of "Tian Xing Son" was also firmly remembered by everyone.

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