Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2806: Big event

The fight between Ji Tianxing and Mu Ye is over.

Although, Mu Ye has not yet conceded.

But everyone knows that the outcome is divided.

The Qi family won the final victory.

This is the end of this competition!

People from several big families in the sky all watched this scene in astonishment, with extremely complex expressions.

However, no one spoke, and there was no exclamation or discussion.

Everyone stared at Ji Tianxing, as if to see through him.

After a brief silence and silence, hundreds of thousands of people in the square burst into earth-shaking cheers and shouts.

Everyone was very excited and had to shout and roar loudly to vent the shock in their hearts.

After all, this competition is really exciting!

The process was twists and turns, and the final result was beyond everyone's expectations.

Before the tournament started, everyone thought that the result would be the same as before, and Yu Wenjie won.

But everyone did not expect that the Qi family invited an enshrinement and killed the Feng brothers in one move.

The Qi family worship is mysterious and strong enough to threaten Yu Wenjie.

However, another disciple of the Blood Sword Sect appeared in the Lu family, who was even more enchanting and stronger.

Subsequently, the Qi family worship defeated Yu Wenjie.

Mu Ye, who was favored by everyone, was also defeated by the sword enshrined by the Qi family.

This is what no one expected.

It is precisely because of the appearance of Ji Tianxing and Mu Ye that this competition is so exciting.

Hundreds of thousands of people watching the battle have witnessed the matchup between the strongest geniuses, how can they not be excited?

After a long time.

Mu Ye, with a miserable injury, stood up forcibly.

He stared at Ji Tianxing with bitter eyes, and said, "Boy, no matter who you are, if you dare to ruin the good things of Lao Tzu, you are dead!

You have a big event, waiting for Blood Sword Sect's revenge! "

After speaking, Mu Ye staggered and turned away, flying out of the ring.

He did not return to the Lu family's team, and left the city square directly, heading towards the Lu family mansion.

Today he made a big somersault in public, really ashamed and indignant.

He didn't want to stay in Qingshan City for a moment, he just wanted to return to the Blood Sword Sect as soon as possible.

After Mu Ye left, the deputy city lord announced the result like Hong Zhong: "This seat announces that the final battle, the Qi family will win!"

Loud waves spread throughout the square, echoing between the sky and the earth.

Few people are still talking about it, and they are still reluctant to leave the square.

People from the Feng Family, Chi Family, Yuchi Family, and City Lord's Mansion were very complicated, and their eyes were a little gloomy.

However, the principals of each family still have to maintain their demeanor.

They barely squeezed out a smile, and said congratulations to Qi Tianlong from the air.

Yu Wenjie didn't even want to say anything in the scene, turned and left with a black face.

The people of the Lu family were the most angry and their faces were the most ugly.

They left the square in a hurry without saying congratulations to the Qi family.

After all, they came with hope today, thinking that Xuanguang Cave was in the Lu family's pocket.

But the final result was unexpected by the Lu family.

In such a bad mood, they did not clashed with the Qi family, and they had been very restrained.


Standing in the sky, Qi Tianlong looked at the principals of the major families with a smile.

Seeing everyone bowed and saluted, he also smiled and bowed his hands in return.

He has a smile on his face, and on the surface he seems to be insulted, with a high-level bearing.

But in fact, he was so happy in his heart that he wanted to laugh wildly.

"The Xuanguang Cave that I discovered in the Qi family has been cheaper than the City Lord's Mansion, allowing them to occupy it for seventy years!

Due to the rules agreed by several major families, we can only suffer from dumb losses, for so many years.

Now, we have finally regained Xuanguang Cave!

The **** of the other families, lied to me in a false way, have already been jealous and crazy?

This Young Master Tianxing is really amazing, really eye-opening!

And the **** of the Blood Sword Sect, who bullied our Qi family like that before, now I am afraid that he is vomiting blood?


A series of thoughts flashed through Qi Tianlong's mind, which was extremely refreshing.

He just felt refreshed, and his body and mind were transparent.

The accumulated depression of Chen Ke in the past was also wiped out.

In the past, he always tuned in and did not pleasing to the eye. He hated iron for not making steel, and often punished him.

Now the eyes he looked at Qi Huanzhi were full of love and appreciation.

"Young Master Tianxing is really an evildoer, it's eye-opening!

But the most discerning person is still my son! "

Qi Tianlong has decided that he will reward Qi Huanzhi and Ji Tianxing after returning.

at this time.

The deputy city lord looked at him and said in secret, "Patriarch Qi, the tournament is over. You are ready to go home. Come to the city lord mansion.

Regarding the handover of Xuanguangdong, you need to personally preside over. "

That's right, for the previous seventy years, the City Lord's Mansion had always occupied Xuanguang Cave.

Now that the City Lord's Mansion has lost, due to Gongxin, he can only let go of Xuanguangdong.

The handover process is a bit complicated and takes a certain amount of time.

Qi Tianlong nodded hurriedly, and the sound transmission replied: "Thank you, the deputy city lord for the reminder, the old man will prepare now."

The deputy city lord no longer said anything, and led the people from the city lord mansion to leave.

Qi Tianlong was thinking about Xuanguangdong's affairs, and without delay, he quickly took the Qi family back home.

Before long, the Feng Family, Chi Family, and Yuchi Family also left.

The hundreds of thousands of people in the square, without any good show to watch, gradually dispersed.


On the way back to Qi Mansion, Qi Huanzhi danced with excitement.

His face flushed with excitement, clutching Ji Tianxing's arm with both hands, he talked about the shock in his heart endlessly.

"Gosh! Our Qi family won!

This is incredible! I never dared to think about it before!

Brother Tianxing, pinch me to see if I am dreaming?

Mu Ye's bastard, so powerful, he still lost to you!

He was in our Qi family hall before, humiliating me in public, what an arrogant posture!

As a result, he was beaten so terribly by you, covered in blood, lying on the ring like a dead dog.

Hahahaha...It's so cool, so cool!

By the way, brother Tianxing, what is your background?

Are you a genius disciple of the top sect?

Or ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you from a certain force in the Great Yan Empire? "

Qi Huanzhi kept chatting, just want to vent his excitement.

Ji Tianxing just listened silently, smiling occasionally, and did not answer.

A quarter of an hour later, the Qi family's motorcade drove into the Qifu compound.

The Qi mansion had already received the news. At this moment, thousands of people were caught in a carnival, and the voices were full.

Under the arrangement of the steward of the Qi House, hundreds of guards and retainers waited in line in the square.

When the Qijia team returned, everyone cheered loudly to welcome the winner.

Qi Tianlong finally didn't need to hide it, and laughed to the sky to his heart's content.

Excited, he gave an order with a wave of his big sleeve to double the salary of all his servants and retainers!

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