Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2807: Ning Family Invitation

After half an hour.

The people in the Qi mansion are still caring, and the whole house is full of joy and bustle.

Everyone gathered together in groups, discussing today's contest happily.

Several deacons and young disciples who came to watch the battle in person, portrayed the martial arts process vividly.

Even, in order to show the majesty of the Qi family, the heroic worship of Tianxing, they added a bit of exaggeration.

But no one broke it down, everyone was immersed in excitement and pride.

After all, everyone’s salary has doubled, which is a real benefit.


The craftsmen invited by the Qi family are very efficient.

In just two days, the Qishi Academy was rebuilt.

The newly built house is more resplendent and luxurious.

Of course, the name was also changed to Enshrine.

Qi Huanzhi followed Ji Tianxing back to the worship courtyard, walked around the courtyard, and then went to the living room to drink tea and rest.

Ji Tianxing didn't go around with him, stretched out his hand and asked: "The matter has been done, where is the household registration card I want?"

"Oh... I'm so happy that I forgot about it." Qi Huanzhi patted his forehead and quickly rummaged in the space ring.

In a short while, he found more than fifty household registration cards and threw them all on the table.

"I only have so many here, you can pick whatever you want!"

Ji Tianxing glanced at the table full of household registration cards, and said in a playful tone: "Those ordinary people, if they don't have a household registration card, they have to go to the mine to do five hundred years of hard labor to get it.

It's good for you, take dozens of dollars with you... What do you want to do? "

"Ahem..." Qi Huanzhi coughed awkwardly and explained: "The rules of the Great Yan Empire can only restrict ordinary people and ascendants.

Aristocratic families like our Qi family are not restricted at all.

After all, our family has a big business, and it is possible to recruit some masters and servants at any time.

Therefore, these household registration cards must be prepared in advance and can be used at any time.

Brother Tianxing, choose whatever you want. "

Naturally, Ji Tianxing would not be polite, and soon picked out a dozen household registration cards and put them in the space ring.

The identities of these household registration cards include men and women, and old and young.

Not only Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others can use it, but also ten more tokens, which Ji Tianxing keeps as a spare.

When he accepted the residence registration card, Qi Huizhi asked curiously: "Brother Tianxing, I remember you said before that you want these residence registration cards to settle your family?

By the way, where are your family members?

Now that you have settled down in Qi's house, this enshrinement is your residence, why not take your family members over? "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I will pick them up when it's suitable."

Qi Huanzhi nodded and expressed his understanding, "That's right, don't worry about this in advance, when you really settle down, you can pick up your family to settle down.

My father went to the City Lord's Mansion to discuss the handover of Xuanguangdong.

Before long, our family will be stationed in Xuanguang Cave.

At that time, I have to rely on you to worry more and help me more. "

Ji Tianxing frowned and looked at him, and asked, "With so many people in the Qi family, they still can't control Xuanguang Cave? Why am I going to join in the fun?"

Qi Huanzhi explained: "Of course, our Qi family will send a large number of people to Xuanguang Cave to conduct mining and smelting matters.

However, there is a shortage of manpower in the short term.

We can't give up the business and industry of the Qi family just because of Xuan Guangdong. This is our foundation after all.

Therefore, my father probably sent me to guard Xuanguang Cave.

But I have no confidence in my abilities.

I trust you more than myself!

As the saying goes, those able to work harder..."

Ji Tianxing nodded to express his understanding, and said with a chuckle: "Then my worship is really hard work.

The salary is not high, but he does a lot of work.

Not only to help you win Xuanguang Cave, but also to guard Xuanguang Cave.

The most important thing is that I have offended the Blood Sword Sect, and I have to guard against the Blood Sword Sect's revenge in the future! "

"Uh..." Qi Huanzhi smiled awkwardly and said, "This is indeed a bit unreasonable, very unreasonable!

However, the Qi family still can't provoke the Blood Sword Sect, and there is nothing I can do.

At that time, we can hide as much as possible. "

Ji Tianxing raised his brows and asked, "Is this over?"

"Ah? What do you mean?" Qi Huanzhi looked at him suspiciously.

Ji Tianxing took a sip of tea and said slowly: "You have to add money!"

Qi Huanzhi's eyes lit up and he patted the table and said, "Is it that simple? That's easy!

Our family has nothing else, it is rich! "

While talking, he was about to get up and leave, "Brother, wait, I will get you 50 million sacred stones now.

Today, when my father is happy, he doubled his salary for everyone. Of course you can't be less.

Together with the 25 million that I didn't give you before, the total is 75 million..."

Ji Tianxing hurriedly exhorted: "You don't have to have a **** stone, you can also use equivalent **** pills and artifacts."

As soon as Qi Huanzhi walked to the door, he stopped and asked, "Does the sacred beasts work? There are many types of sacred beasts in my house."

"Don't..." Ji Tianxing waved his hand to stop it, "I don't want the beast, there are too many to support."

"Understand!" Qi Huanzhi nodded and ran away in a hurry.

Looking at his leaving back, Ji Tianxing chuckled and shook his head, and sighed: "Oh, fortunately, this kid was born in a wealthy family, otherwise, who can stand him such a prodigal?"

As soon as his voice fell, a shadow appeared at the door.

The visitor was Ning Siyuan in golden armor.

She entered the living room bravely, carrying a faint fragrance with her.

"I have seen Young Master Tianxing."

When she came to the hall and stood still, she bowed her hand to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing looked up at her, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Miss Ning, what can I do?"

"Don't dare to be it!" Ning Siyuan said with a humble attitude and gentle tone: "Siyuan came here to say goodbye to Young Master Tianxing."

"Oh?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked: "Leaving in such a hurry?"

Ning Siyuan nodded and said, "Well, I came to Qingshan City this time to **** a group of pet beasts. I should return to Tianxue County City the day before yesterday.

It was only because of the contest ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that I stayed for two more days.

If Mr. Xing wins a complete victory today, the overall situation is set, and I should go. "

"Well, then you go, all the way to the wind." Ji Tianxing nodded, and waved his hand indifferently.

Ning Siyuan was taken aback, feeling a little embarrassed.

I have never seen such a puzzling, unmannered guy!

But she pursed her lips, suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart, and said through the voice: "Sir Tianxing, I have something to tell you before I leave.

Although, I failed to answer your question.

But I sent home last night and consulted my father.

My father asked me to tell you that the realm of God is not only a Haotian continent, but also a broader world.

If you are interested in this question, you may wish to take time to visit Tianxue County Town, and the Ningjia will try to help you answer it. "

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